require "asciidoctor/extensions" require "htmlentities" require "unicode2latex" require "mime/types" require "base64" require "English" require "latexmath" module Asciidoctor module Standoc module Inline def refid?(x) @refids.include? x end def inline_anchor(node) case node.type when :ref inline_anchor_ref node when :xref inline_anchor_xref node when :link inline_anchor_link node when :bibref inline_anchor_bibref node end end def inline_anchor_ref(node) noko do |xml| xml.bookmark nil, **attr_code(id: end.join end def inline_anchor_xref(node) noko do |xml| attrs = inline_anchor_xref_attrs(node) c = attrs[:text] attrs.delete(:text) unless c.nil? xml.xref **attr_code(attrs) do |x| x << c end end.join end def inline_anchor_xref_attrs(node) m = /^(?droploc%)?(?capital%|lowercase%)?(?droploc%)? (?fn(:\s*(?.*))?)?$/x.match node.text casing = m.nil? ? nil : m[:case]&.sub(/%$/, "") droploc = m.nil? ? nil : ((m[:drop].nil? && m[:drop2].nil?) ? nil: true) f = (m.nil? || m[:fn].nil?) ? "inline" : "footnote" c = (!m.nil? && (%i[case fn drop drop2].any? { |x| !m[x].nil? })) ? m[:text] : node.text t =^#/, "").gsub(%r{(\.xml|\.adoc)(#.*$)}, "\\2") { target: t, type: f, case: casing, droploc: droploc, text: c } end def inline_anchor_link(node) contents = node.text contents = "" if{^mailto:}, "") == node.text attributes = { "target":, "alt": node.attr("title") } noko do |xml| **attr_code(attributes) do |l| l << contents end end.join end def inline_anchor_bibref(node) eref_contents = (node.text || || sub(/^\[?([^\[\]]+?)\]?$/, "[\\1]") eref_attributes = { id: || } @refids << ( || noko do |xml| xml.ref **attr_code(eref_attributes) do |r| r << eref_contents end end.join end def inline_callout(node) noko do |xml| xml.callout node.text end.join end def inline_footnote(node) @fn_number ||= 0 noko do |xml| @fn_number += 1 xml.fn **{ reference: @fn_number } do |fn| fn.p { |p| p << node.text } end end.join end def inline_break(node) noko do |xml| xml << node.text end.join end def page_break(node) attrs = {} node.option?("landscape") and attrs[:orientation] = "landscape" node.option?("portrait") and attrs[:orientation] = "portrait" noko { |xml| xml.pagebreak **attr_code(attrs)}.join end def thematic_break(_node) noko { |xml| }.join end def xml_encode(text), :basic, :hexadecimal). gsub(/&gt;/, ">").gsub(/\&lt;/, "<").gsub(/&amp;/, "&"). gsub(/>/, ">").gsub(/</, "<").gsub(/&/, "&"). gsub(/"/, '"').gsub(/ /, "\n").gsub(/&#/, "&#") end def latex_parse(text) lxm_input = Unicode2LaTeX.unicode2latex( results = Latexmath.parse(lxm_input).to_mathml results.nil? and @log.add('Math', nil, "latexmlmath failed to process equation:\n#{lxm_input}") results&.sub(%r{]+ )?display="block"}, "&]+:)?math(\s+[^>&]+)?> | <([^:>&]+:)?math(\s+[^>&]+)?>/x.match text math = xml_encode(text) xml.stem math, **{ type: "MathML" } elsif style == :latexmath latex = latex_parse(text) or return xml.stem **{ type: "MathML" } xml.stem **{ type: "MathML" } do |s| math = Nokogiri::XML.fragment(latex.sub(/<\?[^>]+>/, "")).elements[0] math.delete("alttext") s.parent.children = math end else xml.stem text&.gsub(/\&#/, "&#"), **{ type: "AsciiMath" } end end def inline_quoted(node) noko do |xml| case node.type when :emphasis then xml.em { |s| s << node.text } when :strong then xml.strong { |s| s << node.text } when :monospaced then { |s| s << node.text } when :double then xml << "\"#{node.text}\"" when :single then xml << "'#{node.text}'" when :superscript then xml.sup { |s| s << node.text } when :subscript then xml.sub { |s| s << node.text } when :asciimath then stem_parse(node.text, xml, :asciimath) when :latexmath then stem_parse(node.text, xml, :latexmath) else case node.role # the following three are legacy, they are now handled by macros when "alt" then xml.admitted { |a| a << node.text } when "deprecated" then xml.deprecates { |a| a << node.text } when "domain" then xml.domain { |a| a << node.text } when "strike" then xml.strike { |s| s << node.text } when "smallcap" then xml.smallcap { |s| s << node.text } when "keyword" then xml.keyword { |s| s << node.text } else xml << node.text end end end.join end def datauri(uri) return uri if /^data:/.match(uri) types = MIME::Types.type_for(@localdir + uri) type = types ? types.first.to_s : 'text/plain; charset="utf-8"' # FIXME: nested uri path error( # sources/plantuml/plantuml20200524-90467-1iqek5i.png -> # sources/sources/plantuml/plantuml20200524-90467-1iqek5i.png) path = File.file?(uri) ? uri : @localdir + uri bin =, 'rb', &:read) data = Base64.strict_encode64(bin) "data:#{type};base64,#{data}" end def image_attributes(node) uri = node.image_uri (node.attr("target") || types = /^data:/.match(uri) ? datauri2mime(uri) : MIME::Types.type_for(uri) type = types.first.to_s uri = uri.sub(%r{^data:image/\*;}, "data:#{type};") attr_code(src: uri, #@datauriimage ? datauri(uri) : uri, id: Utils::anchor_or_uuid, mimetype: type, height: node.attr("height") || "auto", width: node.attr("width") || "auto" , filename: node.attr("filename"), title: node.attr("titleattr"), alt: node.alt == node.attr("default-alt") ? nil : node.alt) end def inline_image(node) noko do |xml| xml.image **(image_attributes(node)) end.join("") end def inline_indexterm(node) noko do |xml| node.type == :visible and xml << node.text terms = node.attr("terms") || [Nokogiri::XML("#{node.text}").xpath("//text()").text] xml.index nil, **attr_code(primary: terms[0], secondary: terms.dig(1), tertiary: terms.dig(2)) end.join end end end end