module ActionDispatch::Routing class Mapper def mount_devise_token_auth_for(resource, opts) # ensure objects exist to simplify attr checks opts[:controllers] ||= {} opts[:skip] ||= [] # check for ctrl overrides, fall back to defaults sessions_ctrl = opts[:controllers][:sessions] || "devise_token_auth/sessions" registrations_ctrl = opts[:controllers][:registrations] || "devise_token_auth/registrations" passwords_ctrl = opts[:controllers][:passwords] || "devise_token_auth/passwords" confirmations_ctrl = opts[:controllers][:confirmations] || "devise_token_auth/confirmations" token_validations_ctrl = opts[:controllers][:token_validations] || "devise_token_auth/token_validations" omniauth_ctrl = opts[:controllers][:omniauth_callbacks] || "devise_token_auth/omniauth_callbacks" # define devise controller mappings controllers = {:sessions => sessions_ctrl, :registrations => registrations_ctrl, :passwords => passwords_ctrl, :confirmations => confirmations_ctrl, :omniauth_callbacks => omniauth_ctrl} # remove any unwanted devise modules opts[:skip].each{|item| controllers.delete(item)} devise_for resource.pluralize.underscore.to_sym, :class_name => resource, :module => :devise, :path => "#{opts[:at]}", :controllers => controllers devise_scope resource.underscore.to_sym do # path to verify token validity get "#{opts[:at]}/validate_token", to: "#{token_validations_ctrl}#validate_token" # omniauth routes. only define if omniauth is installed and not skipped. if defined?(::OmniAuth) and not opts[:skip].include?(:omniauth_callbacks) get "#{opts[:at]}/failure", to: "#{omniauth_ctrl}#omniauth_failure" get "#{opts[:at]}/:provider/callback", to: "#{omniauth_ctrl}#omniauth_success" # preserve the resource class thru oauth authentication by setting name of # resource as "resource_class" param match "#{opts[:at]}/:provider", to: redirect{|params, request| # get the current querystring qs = CGI::parse(request.env["QUERY_STRING"]) # append name of current resource qs["resource_class"] = [resource] # re-construct the path for omniauth "#{::OmniAuth::config.path_prefix}/#{params[:provider]}?#{{}.tap {|hash| qs.each{|k, v| hash[k] = v.first}}.to_param}" }, via: [:get] end end end # ignore error about omniauth/multiple model support def set_omniauth_path_prefix!(path_prefix) ::OmniAuth.config.path_prefix = path_prefix end end end