def stdout @stdout ||= # STDOUT is an instance of IO. The StringIO object is very much like an IO object. end def stdin(input=nil) @stdin ||= # STDIN is an instance of IO. The StringIO object is very much like an IO object. @stdin.reopen input if input @stdin end def solver @solver ||=, stdout) # Elus::Solver expects STDOUT, but we're giving it our StringIO @stdout instead end def solver_restart_and_input(input_codes) @stdin = @stdout = stdin input_codes.join("\n")+"\n\n" @solver =, stdout) solver.start generator solver.input_state end def generator @generator ||= stub('generator', :generate_rules => []) end def fixnum_from(string) string.scan(/\d/).join.to_i end def messages_should_include(message) @stdout.string.split("\n" ).should include(message) end def messages_include?(message) @stdout.string.split("\n").include?(message) end def outputs_count(string, options={}) pattern =[:regex]? string : Regexp.escape(string)) @stdout.string.scan(pattern).size end def outputs_count_should_be_correct_for input_codes # For each unique name corresponding to one of the input_codes {|code| @code_names[code]}.uniq.each do |name| repeats = input_codes.count {|code| @code_names[code]==name} name_feedback = Regexp.escape('You entered ') + '.*' + Regexp.escape(": #{name}") outputs_count(name_feedback, :regex => true).should == repeats end end Given /^I have not started yet$/ do end When /^I start Solver$/ do solver.start generator end Then /^I should see "([^\"]*)"$/ do |message| messages_should_include(message) end Given /^new Game just started$/ do solver.start generator end When /^I input code (.*)$/ do |code| stdin "#{code}\n"+"BYR\n"*6+"\n" solver.input_state end When /^I run solver (.*) times and use (.*) correct codes to input state/ do |times, num_codes| @times = fixnum_from(times) @num_codes = fixnum_from(num_codes) @code_names = ElusTest::CODES end Then /^I should see all the correct feedback, piece names and game states$/ do @times.times do #@code_names.keys.combination(@num_codes) do |input_codes| # Takes too long to complete! input_codes = {|i| @code_names.keys[rand(@code_names.size)]} solver_restart_and_input input_codes outputs_count_should_be_correct_for input_codes # outputs_count('Free:').should == 1 # outputs_count('Board:').should == 1 end end Given /^Elus Game state is (.*)$/ do |state| stdin state.split(' ').join("\n")+"\n\n" end Given /^Game started with (.*)$/ do |gen_type| Generator = Elus.const_get gen_type solver.start end When /^I input Game state and prepare to move$/ do solver.input_state @stdin.reopen "\n\n" # Inputing zero code for first move solver.make_move end Given /^Game state inputed$/ do solver.input_state end When /^I move (.*)$/ do |piece| @stdin.reopen(piece+"\nY\nSYC\nSYD\nBYC\n") solver.make_move end