--- en: activemodel: attributes: budget: decidim_scope_id: Scope description: Description title: Title total_budget: Total budget weight: Order position project: budget_amount: Budget amount decidim_category_id: Category decidim_scope_id: Scope description: Description proposal_ids: Related proposals proposals: Proposals selected: Selected for implementation title: Title proposals_import: scope_id: Scope activerecord: models: decidim/budgets/project: one: Project other: Projects decidim: admin: filters: projects: category_id_eq: label: Category scope_id_eq: label: Scope selected_at_null: label: Selected values: 'false': Selected for implementation 'true': Not selected for implementation budgets: actions: attachment_collections: Folders attachments: Attachments confirm_destroy: Are you sure you want to delete this project? destroy: Delete edit: Edit edit_projects: Manage projects import: Import proposals to projects new: New %{name} preview: Preview send_voting_reminders: Send voting reminders title: Actions admin: budgets: create: invalid: There was a problem creating this budget success: Budget successfully created destroy: invalid: There was a problem deleting this budget success: Budget successfully deleted edit: title: Edit budget update: Update budget index: finished_orders: Finished votes pending_orders: Pending votes title: Budgets users_with_finished_orders: Users with finished votes users_with_pending_orders: Users with pending votes new: create: Create budget title: New budget update: invalid: There was a problem updating this budget success: Budget successfully updated exports: projects: Projects models: budget: name: Budget project: name: Project projects: create: invalid: There was a problem creating this project success: Project successfully created destroy: success: Project successfully deleted edit: title: Edit project update: Update index: actions: Actions cancel: Cancel change_category: Change category change_scope: Change scope change_selected: Change selected state deselect_implementation: Unselect from implementation finished_orders: Finished votes pending_orders: Pending votes select_for_implementation: Select for implementation selected: Selected title: Projects update: Update update_scope_button: Update scope new: create: Create title: New project update: invalid: There was a problem updating this project success: Project successfully updated update_category: invalid: 'These projects already had the %{subject_name} category: %{projects}.' select_a_category: Please select a category select_a_project: Please select a project success: 'Projects successfully updated to the %{subject_name} category: %{projects}.' update_scope: invalid: 'These projects already had the %{subject_name} scope: %{projects}.' select_a_project: Please select a project select_a_scope: Please select a scope success: 'Projects successfully updated to the %{subject_name} scope: %{projects}.' update_selected: invalid: selected: 'These projects were already selected for implementation: %{projects}.' unselected: 'These projects were already unselected from implementation: %{projects}.' select_a_project: Please select a project select_a_selection: Please select an implementation state success: selected: 'These projects were successfully selected for implementation: %{projects}.' unselected: 'These projects were successfully unselected from implementation: %{projects}.' proposals_imports: create: invalid: There was a problem importing the proposals into projects success: "%{number} proposals successfully imported into projects" new: create: Import proposals to projects default_budget: Default budget import_all_accepted_proposals: Import all accepted proposals no_components: There are no other proposal components in this participatory space to import the proposals into projects. origin_component_id: Origin component select_component: Please select a component title: Import proposals reminders: orders: description: Users will receive an email with links to the budgets where they have pending order. title: one: You are about to send an email reminder to %{count} user other: You are about to send an email reminder to %{count} users admin_log: budget: create: "%{user_name} created the %{resource_name} budget in the %{space_name} space" delete: "%{user_name} deleted the %{resource_name} budget in the %{space_name} space" update: "%{user_name} updated the %{resource_name} budget in the %{space_name} space" project: create: "%{user_name} created the %{resource_name} project in the %{space_name} space" delete: "%{user_name} deleted the %{resource_name} project in the %{space_name} space" update: "%{user_name} updated the %{resource_name} project in the %{space_name} space" budget: view: View all budget projects budget_information_modal: back_to: Back to %{component_name} close_modal: Close modal continue: Continue more_information: More information budget_list_item: voting_finished: You have voted in this budget voting_started: You have started to vote in this budget budgets_list: cancel_order: more_than_one: delete your vote on %{name} and start over only_one: delete your vote and start over. finished_message: You've finished the voting process. Thanks for participating! highlighted_cta: Vote on %{name} if_change_opinion: If you've changed your mind, you can my_budgets: My budgets progress: Finish voting show: See projects vote: Vote voted_on: You've voted on %{links} last_activity: new_vote_at_html: "New budgeting vote at %{link}" limit_announcement: cant_vote: You can't vote on this budget. Try on another budget. limit_reached: You have active votes in %{links}. To vote on this budget you must delete your vote and start over. models: budget: fields: name: Name projects_count: Projects count total_budget: Total budget project: fields: category: Category id: ID scope: Scope title: Title order_summary_mailer: order_summary: selected_projects: 'The projects that you have selected are:' subject: You have voted on the %{space_name} participatory space voted_on_space: You have voted on the %{budget_name} budget for the %{space_name} participatory space. voted_on_space_with_scope: You have voted on the %{budget_name} budget for the %{space_name} participatory space on %{scope_name} (%{scope_type}). projects: budget_confirm: are_you_sure: If you change your mind, you can change your vote later. cancel: Cancel confirm: Confirm description: These are the projects you have chosen to be part of the budget. title: Confirm vote budget_excess: budget_excess: description: This project exceeds the maximum budget and can not be added. If you want, you can delete a project you have already selected, in order to be able to vote again according to your preferences. title: Maximum budget exceeded close: Close description: This project exceeds the maximum budget and can not be added. If you want, you can delete a project you have already selected, in order to be able to vote again according to your preferences. ok: OK projects_excess: description: This project exceeds the maximum number of projects and cannot be added. If you want, you can delete a project you have already selected, in order to be able to vote again according to your preferences. title: Maximum projects exceeded budget_summary: are_you_sure: Are you sure you want to cancel your vote? assigned: 'Assigned:' cancel_order: delete your vote and start over checked_out: description: You've already voted for the budget. If you've changed your mind, you can %{cancel_link}. title: Budget vote completed minimum_projects_rule: description: What projects do you think we should allocate budget for? Select at least %{minimum_number} projects you want and vote according to your preferences to define the budget. instruction: "