require 'spec_helper' describe JSON::JWT do let(:jwt) { claims } let(:jws) do jwt.alg = :HS256 jws = jwt jws.signature = 'signature' jws end let(:claims) do { iss: 'joe', exp: 1300819380, '' => true }.with_indifferent_access end let(:no_signed) do 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJub25lIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJqb2UiLCJleHAiOjEzMDA4MTkzODAsImh0dHA6Ly9leGFtcGxlLmNvbS9pc19yb290Ijp0cnVlfQ.' end context 'when not signed nor encrypted' do it do jwt.to_s.should == no_signed end end describe '#sign' do [:HS256, :HS384, :HS512].each do |algorithm| context algorithm do it do jwt.sign(shared_secret, algorithm).should be_a JSON::JWS end end end [:RS256, :RS384, :RS512].each do |algorithm| context algorithm do it do jwt.sign(private_key, algorithm).should be_a JSON::JWS end end end end describe '#verify' do context 'when not signed nor encrypted' do let(:jwt) do header_base64, claims_base64, signature = no_signed.split('.', 3).collect do |segment| UrlSafeBase64.decode64 segment.to_s end header, claims = [header_base64, claims_base64].collect do |json| MultiJson.load(json).with_indifferent_access end jwt = claims jwt.header = header jwt.signature = signature jwt end let(:signature_base_string) { no_signed.split('.', 3)[0,2].join('.') } context 'when no signature nor public_key_or_secret given' do it do jwt.verify(signature_base_string).should be_true end end context 'when public_key_or_secret given' do it do expect do jwt.verify signature_base_string, 'secret' raise_error JSON::JWT::UnexpectedAlgorithm end end context 'when signature given' do before { jwt.signature = 'signature' } it do expect do jwt.verify signature_base_string raise_error JSON::JWT::VerificationFailed end end end context 'when signed' do it 'should delegate verification to JWS' do jws.should_receive(:verify) JSON::JWS.should_receive(:new).and_return(jws) jwt.verify 'shared_secret' end end end describe '#encrypt' do let(:shared_key) { SecureRandom.hex 16 } # default shared key is too short it 'should encryptable without signing' do jwt.encrypt(public_key).should be_a JSON::JWE end it 'should encryptable after signed' do jwt.sign(shared_key).encrypt(public_key).should be_a JSON::JWE end it 'should accept optional algorithm' do jwt.encrypt(shared_key, :dir).should be_a JSON::JWE end it 'should accept optional algorithm and encryption method' do jwt.encrypt(shared_key, :dir, :'A256CBC+HS512').should be_a JSON::JWE end end describe '.decode' do context 'when not signed nor encrypted' do context 'no signature given' do it do JSON::JWT.decode(no_signed).should == jwt end end end context 'when signed' do context 'when no secret/key given' do it 'should do verification' do expect do JSON::JWT.decode jws.to_s raise_error JSON::JWT::VerificationFailed end end context 'when secret/key given' do it 'should do verification' do expect do JSON::JWT.decode jws.to_s, 'secret' raise_error JSON::JWT::VerificationFailed end end context 'when :skip_verification given as secret/key' do it 'should skip verification' do expect do jwt = JSON::JWT.decode jws.to_s, :skip_verification end.not_to raise_error end end end context 'when encrypted' do let(:input) { jwt.encrypt(public_key).to_s } let(:shared_key) { SecureRandom.hex 16 } # default shared key is too short it 'should decryptable' do JSON::JWT.decode(input, private_key).should be_a JSON::JWE end end context 'when JSON parse failed' do it do expect do JSON::JWT.decode('header.payload.signature') raise_error JSON::JWT::InvalidFormat end end context 'when unexpected format' do context 'when too few dots' do it do expect do JSON::JWT.decode 'header' raise_error JSON::JWT::InvalidFormat end end context 'when too many dots' do it do expect do JSON::JWT.decode 'header.payload.signature.something.wrong' raise_error JSON::JWT::InvalidFormat end end end end end