es: activemodel: attributes: config: allow_images_in_full_editor: Permitir imágenes en el editor HTML completo allow_images_in_markdown_editor: Permitir imágenes en el editor Markdown allow_images_in_proposals: Permitir imágenes en el editor de propuestas allow_images_in_small_editor: Permitir imágenes en el editor HTML reducido auto_save_forms: Guardar automáticamente los formularios en el almacenamiento local use_markdown_editor: Utilizar el editor Markdown en lugar del editor HTML constraint: component_id: o específicamente en component_manifest: Solo en componentes de tipo participatory_space_manifest: Aplicar en los espacios participativos de tipo participatory_space_slug: Solo en decidim: admin: menu: decidim_awesome: Decidim Awesome components: awesome_iframe: name: Fullscreen Iframe settings: global: iframe: Iframe code iframe_help: 'Put your code as html: . Content will be sanitized from other HTML tags. Ensure to use 100% as width to fill the screen.' no_margins: No margins between the iframe and the rest of the page viewport_width: Limit maximum width to the application viewport step: iframe: Iframe code awesome_map: name: Mapa Global settings: global: announcement: Anuncio collapse: Iniciar con el menú contraído map_height: Altura del mapa (px) step: announcement: Anuncio decidim_awesome: admin: checks: index: decidim-admin: Del módulo Admin decidim-core: Del módulo Core decidim-proposals: Del módulo Propuestas decidim_version: Versión de Decidim %{version} title: Análisis de compatibilidad del sistema config: constraints: add_condition: Añadir restricción always: Siempre delete: Eliminar edit: Editar title: 'Se aplica solo en estos casos:' experimental: Opciones experimentales form: help: allow_images_in_full_editor: Esto añadirá un botón para subir imágenes en el editor HTML completo. allow_images_in_markdown_editor: This will allow markdown editor to upload images by copy & paste or drag & drop. allow_images_in_proposals: This will allow to upload images in the proposals editor, available to any user allow_images_in_small_editor: This will add an image uploader icon in all the editors WYSIWYG with minimal options in the toolbar enabled. auto_save_forms: This will use LocalStorage to automatically save data introduced by users in surveys and other forms while they are filling it. Data will be restored in a future visit with the same browser in case the form is not submitted. If the form is submitted, data will be removed. If users remove their LocalStorage data, data won't be restored either. drag_and_drop_supported: When uploading images, Drag & Drop is supported. Images will be uploaded to the server and inserted as external resources (it doesn't use base64 inline encoding). use_markdown_editor: This will substitute the Quill WYSIWYG editor, use a Markdown editor in the admin side and a frontend processor to render the text (text in database will be saved as markdown text) rich_text_editor_in_public_views: 'NOTE: "Rich text editor for participants" is enabled, this option won''t apply. Use the editors hacks instead to enable images in proposals.' show: title: Tweaks for %{setting} update: Update configuration system: Everywhere except participatory spaces update: error: Error updating configuration! %{error} success: Configuration updated successfully! constraints: create: error: Error creating condition case success: Condition case created successfully destroy: error: Error removing condition case success: Condition case removed successfully errors: not_unique: Same condition already exists new: cancel: Cancel constraint: New condition case save: Save show: cancel: Cancel constraint: Edit condition case save: Save update: error: Error updating condition case success: Condition case updated successfully menu: checks: System compatibility editors: Editor hacks proposals: Proposals hacks surveys: Surveys & forms credits: Decidim Awesome %{version} · Made with ♥ by Platoniq editor_images: create: error: Error uploading image! success: Image uploaded successfully! map_component: map: error: unavailable: El mapa no está disponible. Por favor, configure la geocodificación para habilitar este componente. show: view_meeting: Ver encuentro view_proposal: Ver propuesta layouts: decidim: admin: decidim_awesome: title: Decidim Tweaks decidim_awesome: awesome_config: amendments: Enmiendas autosaved_error: El almacenamiento local no es compatible con tu navegador, el formulario no se podrá guardar automáticamente. autosaved_retrieved: Los datos de este formulario se han recuperado de una sesión anterior autosaved_success: Datos guardados en el almacenamiento local categories: Categorías drag_and_drop_image: Puedes añadir imágenes arrastrando y soltándolas o también pegándolas. meetings: Encuentros proposals: Propuestas