require 'json' require 'date' require 'countries' module MetalArchives module Parsers ## # Band parser # class Band # :nodoc: class << self ## # Map attributes to MA attributes # # Returns +Hash+ # # [+params+] # +Hash+ # def map_params(query) params = { :bandName => query[:name] || '', :exactBandMatch => (!!query[:exact] ? 1 : 0), :genre => query[:genre] || '', :yearCreationFrom => (query[:year] and query[:year].begin ? query[:year].begin.year : '') || '', :yearCreationTo => (query[:year] and query[:year].end ? query[:year].end.year : '') || '', :bandNotes => query[:comment] || '', :status => map_status(query[:status]), :themes => query[:lyrical_themes] || '', :location => query[:location] || '', :bandLabelName => query[:label] || '', :indieLabelBand => (!!query[:independent] ? 1 : 0), :iDisplayStart => query[:iDisplayStart] || 0 } params[:country] = [] Array(query[:country]).each do |country| params[:country] << (country.is_a?(ISO3166::Country) ? country.alpha2 : (country || '')) end params[:country] = params[:country].first if (params[:country].size == 1) params end def parse_html(response) props = {} doc = Nokogiri::HTML response props[:name] = doc.css('#band_info .band_name a').first.content props[:aliases] = [] props[:logo] = doc.css('.band_name_img img').first.attr('src') unless doc.css('.band_name_img').empty? props[:photo] = doc.css('.band_img img').first.attr('src') unless doc.css('.band_img').empty? doc.css('#band_stats dl').each do |dl|'dt').each do |dt| case dt.content when 'Country of origin:' props[:country] = ISO3166::Country.find_country_by_name dt.next_element.css('a').first.content when 'Location:' break if dt.next_element.content == 'N/A' props[:location] = dt.next_element.content when 'Status:' props[:status] = dt.next_element.content.downcase.gsub(/ /, '_').to_sym when 'Formed in:' break if dt.next_element.content == 'N/A' props[:date_formed] = dt.next_element.content.to_i when 'Genre:' break if dt.next_element.content == 'N/A' props[:genres] = ParserHelper.parse_genre dt.next_element.content when 'Lyrical themes:' props[:lyrical_themes] = [] break if dt.next_element.content == 'N/A' dt.next_element.content.split(',').each do |theme| t = t.delete '(early)' t.delete '(later)' props[:lyrical_themes] << t.join(' ') end when /(Current|Last) label:/ props[:independent] = (dt.next_element.content == 'Unsigned/independent') # TODO when 'Years active:' break if dt.next_element.content == 'N/A' props[:date_active] = [] dt.next_element.content.split(',').each do |range| # Aliases range.scan(/\(as ([^)]*)\)/).each { |name| props[:aliases] << name.first } # Ranges r = range.gsub(/ *\(as ([^)]*)\) */, '').strip.split('-') date_start = (r.first == '?' ? nil : date_end = (r.last == '?' or r.last == 'present' ? nil : props[:date_active] <<, date_end) end else raise MetalArchives::Errors::ParserError, "Unknown token: #{dt.content}" end end end props rescue => e raise ParserError, e end def parse_similar_bands_html(response) similar = [] doc = Nokogiri::HTML response doc.css('#artist_list tbody tr').each do |row| similar << { :band => => row.css('td a').first['href'].split('/').last.to_i), :score => row.css('td').last.content.strip } end similar end def parse_related_links_html(response) links = [] doc = Nokogiri::HTML response doc.css('#linksTableOfficial td a').each do |a| links << { :url => a['href'], :type => :official, :title => a.content } end doc.css('#linksTableOfficial_merchandise td a').each do |a| links << { :url => a['href'], :type => :merchandise, :title => a.content } end links end private def map_status(status) s = { nil => '', :active => 'Active', :split_up => 'Split-up', :on_hold => 'On hold', :unknown => 'Unknown', :changed_name => 'Changed name', :disputed => 'Disputed' } raise MetalArchives::Errors::ParserError, "Unknown status: #{status}" unless s[status] s[status] end end end end end