= RSence 2.0.pre 2010-??-?? http://rsence.org/ === Introduction RSence is primarily a flexible and high-performance RIA framework aimed on building responsive, scalable and over-all as high-performance GUI Applications as possible with the chosen technologies. RSence uses the server for backend tasks and the client to provide responsive user interfaces. The server is a highly optimized Ruby framework for writing applications as plugin bundles containing all resources needed per plugin. The client is a highly optimized Javascript framework with an API similar to many object-oriented desktop frameworks. RSence is not primarily targeted for creating html web sites, there are plenty of other tools for that purpose. === Installation (pre-release): gem install rsence --pre For more detailed installation and usage instructions, read the INSTALL.rdoc document. === Licensing: * Free: *GPL* * Alternative licensing queries available via http://riassence.com/ and sales@riassence.com === Community support: * Web: http://rsence.org/ * IRC: #rsence on the IRCNet and FreeNode networks