/** * Disconnects observer and invokes WebDriver's callback function * to show that DOM has started modifying. */ var exitOnStartedModifying = function() { clearTimeout(exitOnNotStartedModifying); observer.disconnect(); callback(false); } /** * Disconnects observer and invokes WebDriver's callback function * to show that DOM has not started modifying. */ var exitOnNotStartedModifying = function() { return setTimeout(function() { observer.disconnect(); callback(true); }, 1000); } // arguments from WebDriver var element = arguments[0]; var delay = arguments[1] * 1000; var callback = arguments[2]; // start observer var observer = new MutationObserver(exitOnStartedModifying); var config = { attributes: true, childList: true, characterData: true, subtree: true }; observer.observe(element, config); // make sure we exit if DOM has not started modifying var exitOnNotStartedModifying = exitOnNotStartedModifying();