require "uuidtools" require "plurimath" require "htmlentities" require "nokogiri" require "plane1converter" require "metanorma-utils" module Nokogiri module XML class Node OOXML_NS = "".freeze def ooxml_xpath(path) p = Metanorma::Utils::ns(path).gsub("xmlns:", "m:") xpath(p, "m" => OOXML_NS) end end end end class Html2Doc def progress_conv(idx, step, total, threshold, msg) return unless (idx % step).zero? && total > threshold && idx.positive? warn "#{msg} #{idx} of #{total}" end def unwrap_accents(doc) doc.xpath("//*[@accent = 'true']").each do |x| x.elements.length > 1 or next x.elements[1].name == "mrow" and x.elements[1].replace(x.elements[1].children) end doc end MATHML_NS = "".freeze # random fixes to MathML input that OOXML needs to render properly def ooxml_cleanup(math, docnamespaces) # encode_math( unwrap_accents( mathml_preserve_space( mathml_insert_rows(math, docnamespaces), docnamespaces ), ) # ) math.add_namespace(nil, MATHML_NS) math end def encode_math(elem) elem.traverse do |e| e.text? or next e.text.strip.empty? and next e.replace(@c.encode(e.text, :hexadecimal)) end elem end def mathml_insert_rows(math, docnamespaces) math.xpath(%w(msup msub msubsup munder mover munderover) .map { |m| ".//xmlns:#{m}" }.join(" | "), docnamespaces).each do |x| next unless x.next_element && x.next_element != "mrow" x.next_element.wrap("") end math end def mathml_preserve_space(math, docnamespaces) math.xpath(".//xmlns:mtext", docnamespaces).each do |x| x.children = x.children.to_xml.gsub(/^\s/, " ").gsub(/\s$/, " ") end math end HTML_NS = 'xmlns=""'.freeze def wrap_text(elem, wrapper) elem.traverse do |e| e.text? or next e.text.strip.empty? and next e.wrap(wrapper) end end def unitalic(math) math.ooxml_xpath(".//r[rPr[not(m:scr)]/sty[@m:val = 'p']]").each do |x| wrap_text(x, "") end math.ooxml_xpath(".//r[rPr[not(m:scr)]/sty[@m:val = 'bi']]").each do |x| wrap_text(x, "") end math.ooxml_xpath(".//r[rPr[not(m:scr)]/sty[@m:val = 'i']]").each do |x| wrap_text(x, "") end math.ooxml_xpath(".//r[rPr[not(m:scr)]/sty[@m:val = 'b']]").each do |x| wrap_text(x, "") end math.ooxml_xpath(".//r[rPr/scr[@m:val = 'monospace']]").each do |x| to_plane1(x, :monospace) end math.ooxml_xpath(".//r[rPr/scr[@m:val = 'double-struck']]").each do |x| to_plane1(x, :doublestruck) end math.ooxml_xpath(".//r[rPr[not(m:sty) or m:sty/@m:val = 'p']/scr[@m:val = 'script']]").each do |x| to_plane1(x, :script) end math.ooxml_xpath(".//r[rPr[m:sty/@m:val = 'b']/scr[@m:val = 'script']]").each do |x| to_plane1(x, :scriptbold) end math.ooxml_xpath(".//r[rPr[not(m:sty) or m:sty/@m:val = 'p']/scr[@m:val = 'fraktur']]").each do |x| to_plane1(x, :fraktur) end math.ooxml_xpath(".//r[rPr[m:sty/@m:val = 'b']/scr[@m:val = 'fraktur']]").each do |x| to_plane1(x, :frakturbold) end math.ooxml_xpath(".//r[rPr[not(m:sty) or m:sty/@m:val = 'p']/scr[@m:val = 'sans-serif']]").each do |x| to_plane1(x, :sans) end math.ooxml_xpath(".//r[rPr[m:sty/@m:val = 'b']/scr[@m:val = 'sans-serif']]").each do |x| to_plane1(x, :sansbold) end math.ooxml_xpath(".//r[rPr[m:sty/@m:val = 'i']/scr[@m:val = 'sans-serif']]").each do |x| to_plane1(x, :sansitalic) end math.ooxml_xpath(".//r[rPr[m:sty/@m:val = 'bi']/scr[@m:val = 'sans-serif']]").each do |x| to_plane1(x, :sansbolditalic) end math end def to_plane1(xml, font) xml.traverse do |n| next unless n.text? n.replace(Plane1Converter.conv(@c.decode(n.text), font)) end xml end def mathml_to_ooml(docxml) docnamespaces = docxml.collect_namespaces m = docxml.xpath("//*[local-name() = 'math']") m.each_with_index do |x, i| progress_conv(i, 100, m.size, 500, "Math OOXML") mathml_to_ooml1(x, docnamespaces) end end # We need span and em not to be namespaced. Word can't deal with explicit # namespaces. # We will end up stripping them out again under Nokogiri 1.11, which correctly # insists on inheriting namespace from parent. def ooml_clean(xml) xml.to_xml(indent: 0) .gsub(/<\?[^>]+>\s*/, "") .gsub(/ xmlns(:[^=]+)?="[^"]+"/, "") # .gsub(%r{<(/)?(?!span)(?!em)([a-z])}, "<\\1m:\\2") end def mathml_to_ooml1(xml, docnamespaces) doc = Nokogiri::XML::Document::new doc.root = ooxml_cleanup(xml, docnamespaces) # d = xml.parent["block"] != "false" # display_style ooxml = Nokogiri::XML(Plurimath::Math .parse(doc.root.to_xml(indent: 0), :mathml).to_omml(split_on_linebreak: true)) ooxml = unitalic(accent_tr(ooxml)) ooxml = ooml_clean(uncenter(xml, ooxml)) xml.swap(ooxml) end def accent_tr(xml) xml.ooxml_xpath(".//accPr/chr").each do |x| x["m:val"] &&= accent_tr1(x["m:val"]) x["val"] &&= accent_tr1(x["val"]) end xml end def accent_tr1(accent) case accent when "\u2192" then "\u20D7" when "^" then "\u0302" when "~" then "\u0303" else accent end end OOXML_NS = "".freeze def math_only_para?(node) x = node.dup x.xpath(".//m:math", "m" => MATHML_NS).each(&:remove) x.xpath(".//m:oMathPara | .//m:oMath", "m" => OOXML_NS).each(&:remove) x.xpath(".//m:oMathPara | .//m:oMath").each(&:remove) # namespace can go missing during processing x.text.strip.empty? end def math_block?(ooxml, mathml) # == "oMathPara" || mathml["displaystyle"] == "true" mathml["displaystyle"] == "true" && ooxml.xpath("./m:oMath", "m" => OOXML_NS).size <= 1 end STYLE_BEARING_NODE = %w(p div td th li).map { |x| ".//ancestor::#{x}" }.join(" | ").freeze # if oomml has no siblings, by default it is centered; override this with # left/right if parent is so tagged # also if ooml has mathPara already, or is in para with only oMath content def uncenter(math, ooxml) alignnode = math.xpath(STYLE_BEARING_NODE).last ooxml.document? and ooxml = ooxml.root ret = uncenter_unneeded(math, ooxml, alignnode) and return ret dir = "left" alignnode["style"]&.include?("text-align:right") and dir = "right" == "oMathPara" or ooxml.wrap("") ooxml.elements.first.previous = "" ooxml end def uncenter_unneeded(math, ooxml, alignnode) (math_block?(ooxml, math) || !alignnode) and return ooxml math_only_para?(alignnode) and return nil == "oMathPara" and ooxml = { |x| %w(oMath r).include?( } ooxml.size > 1 ? nil :, ooxml) end end