(@Ultimate ||= {}).Backbone ||= {} class Ultimate.Backbone.View extends Backbone.View viewOptions: [] loadingState: null loadingWidthMethodName: "innerWidth" loadingHeightMethodName: "innerHeight" loadingStateClass: "loading" loadingOverlayClass: "loading-overlay" constructor: -> super # Overload parent method Backbone.View.setElement() as hook for findNodes(). setElement: (element, delegate) -> super @findNodes() @ findNodes: (jRoot = @$el, nodes = @nodes) -> jNodes = {} nodes = nodes() if _.isFunction(nodes) if _.isObject(nodes) for nodeName, selector of nodes _isObject = _.isObject(selector) if _isObject nestedNodes = selector selector = _delete(nestedNodes, "selector") jNodes[nodeName] = @[nodeName] = jRoot.find(selector) if _isObject _.extend jNodes, @findNodes(jNodes[nodeName], nestedNodes) jNodes # Overload and proxy parent method Backbone.View.delegateEvents() as hook for normalizeEvents(). delegateEvents: (events) -> args = [] Array::push.apply args, arguments if arguments.length > 0 args[0] = @normalizeEvents(events) super args... # Cached regex to split keys for `delegate`, from backbone.js. delegateEventSplitter = /^(\S+)\s*(.*)$/ normalizeEvents: (events) -> events = getValue(@, "events") unless events if events normalizedEvents = {} for key, method of events [[], eventName, selector] = key.match(delegateEventSplitter) jObj = @[selector] if jObj instanceof jQuery and _.isString(jObj.selector) key = "#{eventName} #{jObj.selector}" normalizedEvents[key] = method events = normalizedEvents events # Overload parent method Backbone.View._configure() as hook for reflectOptions(). _configure: (options) -> super @reflectOptions() reflectOptions: (viewOptions = @viewOptions, options = @options) -> @[attr] = options[attr] for attr in viewOptions when options[attr] # Overloadable getter for jQuery-container that will be blocked. getJLoadingContainer: -> @$el loading: (state, text = "", circle = true) -> jLoadingContainer = @getJLoadingContainer() if jLoadingContainer and jLoadingContainer.length jLoadingContainer.removeClass @loadingStateClass jLoadingContainer.children(".#{@loadingOverlayClass}").remove() if @loadingState = state jLoadingContainer.addClass @loadingStateClass width = jLoadingContainer[@loadingWidthMethodName]() height = jLoadingContainer[@loadingHeightMethodName]() text = "#{text}" if text circle = "" if circle style = "width: #{width}px; height: #{height}px; line-height: #{height}px;" jLoadingContainer.append "