Usage: calabash-ios <command-name> [parameters] <command-name> can be one of help gen setup (EXPERIMENTAL) [opt path]? download [opt path]? check (EXPERIMENTAL) [opt path to .ipa/.app]? sim locale [lang] [regional]? sim reset sim acc sim device [iPad_Retina, iPhone, iPhone_Retina, iPhone_Retina_4inch] Commands: gen creates a skeleton features dir. This is usually used once when setting up calabash to ensure that the features folder contains the right step definitions and environment to run with cucumber. console starts an interactive console to interact with your app via Calabash. Copies the and scripts and the .irbrc file then launches setup [path]? (EXPERIMENTAL) Automates setting up your iOS Xcode project with calabash-ios-server. It is your responsibility to ensure that your production build does not link with calabash.framework. setup will try to ensure this, but you should check manually. setup will download calabash.framework and modify you Xcode project file. The parameter [path] is optional (default is the current dir). If specified [path] should be the path to your iOS Xcode project (i.e., the folder which contains projectname.xcodeproj). The following modifications are made - duplicate an existing target of your choice - add the calabash.framework to your Frameworks folder - add $(SRCROOT) to framework search path - link with calabash.framework in duped target - link with Apple's CFNetwork.framework in duped target - setup special linker options to ensure calabash is loaded Your Xcode project file will be backed up as project.pbxproj.bak. The backup is placed in the .xcodeproj folder for your project. If something goes wrong. Close Xcode and copy project.pbxproj.bak to project.pbxproj inside your .xcodeproj folder. download [opt_path]? downloads latest compatible version of calabash.framework. It should be run from a directory containing an Xcode project, or optionally opt_path should be supplied and pointing to a directory containing an Xcode project. Download will download the latest version that matches the currently installed calabash-cucumber gem. To update Calabash for your project run gem update calabash-cucumber calabash-ios download check (EXPERIMENTAL) [.app or .ipa]? check whether an app or ipa is linked with calabash.framework if called without parameter [.app or .ipa] then pwd should be a directory containing an xcodeproj. In this case we'll check the default Xcode simulator build path for a Debug and Calabash build configurations. We check that Debug doesn't link with calabash.framework but Calabash does. sim locale [lang] [regional]? Changes the regional settings for the iOS Simulators. You must ensure the correct format for the optional regional parameter, for example, da_DK, en_US. sim reset (EXPERIMENTAL) Will select "Reset Content and Settings" in the iOS Simulators using AppleScript. sim device [device] Will set the default iOS Simulator device. [device] can be one of iPad, iPhone, iPhone_Retina.