window.CMS ||= {} window.CMS.code_mirror_instances = [ ] unless Turbolinks?.controller? # Turbolinks 5 verification $ -> window.CMS.init() $(document).on 'page:load turbolinks:load', -> window.CMS.init() window.CMS.init = -> window.CMS.current_path = window.location.pathname CMS.set_iframe_layout() CMS.slugify() CMS.wysiwyg() CMS.codemirror() CMS.sortable_list() CMS.timepicker() CMS.page_fragments() CMS.page_file_popovers() CMS.page_update_preview() CMS.categories() CMS.files() CMS.diff() window.CMS.slugify = -> slugify = (str) -> # Trim string and lower case. str = str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '').toLowerCase() # Replace special chars. replacements = [ ['à', 'a'], ['á', 'a'], ['ä', 'ae'], ['â', 'a'], ['ã', 'a'], ['è', 'e'], ['é', 'e'], ['ë', 'e'], ['ê', 'e'], ['ì', 'i'], ['í', 'i'], ['ï', 'i'], ['î', 'i'], ['ò', 'o'], ['ó', 'o'], ['ö', 'oe'], ['ô', 'o'], ['õ', 'o'], ['ù', 'u'], ['ú', 'u'], ['ü', 'ue'], ['û', 'u'], ['ñ', 'n'], ['ç', 'c'], ['ß', 'ss'], ['·', '-'], ['/', '-'], [',', '-'], [':', '-'], [';', '-'], ['_', '-'], [' ', '-'], ] for replacement in replacements str = str.replace(new RegExp(replacement[0], 'g'), replacement[1]) # Remove any other URL incompatible characters and replace multiple dashes with just a single one. str = str.replace(/[^a-z0-9-]/g, '').replace(/-+/g, '-') $('input[data-slugify=true]').bind 'keyup.cms', -> $('input[data-slug=true]').val(slugify($(this).val())) window.CMS.wysiwyg = -> csrf_token = $('meta[name=csrf-token]').attr('content') csrf_param = $('meta[name=csrf-param]').attr('content') if (csrf_param != undefined && csrf_token != undefined) params = csrf_param + "=" + encodeURIComponent(csrf_token) $(', textarea[data-cms-rich-text]').redactor minHeight: 160 autoresize: true imageUpload: "#{CMS.file_upload_path}?source=redactor&type=image&#{params}" imageManagerJson: "#{CMS.file_upload_path}?source=redactor&type=image" fileUpload: "#{CMS.file_upload_path}?source=redactor&type=file&#{params}" fileManagerJson: "#{CMS.file_upload_path}?source=redactor&type=file" definedLinks: "#{CMS.pages_path}?source=redactor" buttonSource: true formatting: ['p', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6'] plugins: ['imagemanager', 'filemanager', 'table', 'video', 'definedlinks'] lang: CMS.locale convertDivs: false window.CMS.codemirror = -> $('textarea[data-cms-cm-mode]').each (i, element) -> cm = CodeMirror.fromTextArea element, mode: $(element).data('cms-cm-mode') tabSize: 2 lineWrapping: true autoCloseTags: true lineNumbers: true CMS.code_mirror_instances.push(cm) $(cm.display.wrapper).resizable resize: -> cm.setSize($(@).width(), $(@).height()) cm.refresh() $('a[data-toggle="tab"]').on '', -> for cm in CMS.code_mirror_instances cm.refresh() window.CMS.sortable_list = -> $('.sortable').sortable handle: '.dragger' axis: 'y' update: -> $.post("#{CMS.current_path}/reorder", "_method=put&#{$(this).sortable('serialize')}") window.CMS.timepicker = -> $('input[type=text][data-cms-datetime]').flatpickr format: 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii' enableTime: true locale: CMS.locale $('input[type=text][data-cms-date]').flatpickr format: 'yyyy-mm-dd', locale: CMS.locale window.CMS.page_fragments = -> $('select#fragments-toggle').bind 'change.cms', -> $.ajax url: $(this).data('url'), data: layout_id: $(this).val() complete: -> CMS.wysiwyg() CMS.timepicker() CMS.codemirror() CMS.page_file_popovers() window.CMS.page_file_popovers = -> $('[data-toggle="page-file-popover"]').popover trigger: 'hover' placement: 'top' html: true window.CMS.page_update_preview = -> $('input[name=commit]').click -> $(this).parents('form').attr('target', '') $('input[name=preview]').click -> $(this).parents('form').attr('target', 'comfy-cms-preview') window.CMS.categories = -> $('button.toggle-cat-edit', '.categories-widget').click (event) -> event.preventDefault() $('.read', '.categories-widget').toggle() $('.editable', '.categories-widget').toggle() $('.edit', '.categories-widget').toggle() $('.done', '.categories-widget').toggle() window.CMS.diff = -> $(".revision").prettyTextDiff cleanup: true originalContainer: '.original' changedContainer: '.current' diffContainer: '.diff .content' # If we are inside an iframe remove the columns and just keep the center column content. # This is used for the files widget that opens in a modal window. window.CMS.set_iframe_layout = -> in_iframe = -> try return window.self != catch e return true $('body').ready -> if in_iframe() $('body').addClass('in-iframe')