AllCops: TargetRubyVersion: 2.3.0 Exclude: - "tmp/**/*" - "bin/*" - "spec/dummy/**/*" Bundler/OrderedGems: Enabled: false Gemspec/OrderedDependencies: Enabled: false Layout/AlignParameters: Enabled: true EnforcedStyle: with_fixed_indentation Layout/ConditionPosition: Enabled: false Layout/DotPosition: EnforcedStyle: leading Layout/ExtraSpacing: Enabled: true Layout/IndentAssignment: Enabled: False Layout/MultilineOperationIndentation: Enabled: true EnforcedStyle: indented Layout/MultilineMethodCallIndentation: Enabled: true EnforcedStyle: indented Lint/AmbiguousOperator: Enabled: true Lint/AmbiguousRegexpLiteral: Enabled: true Lint/DuplicatedKey: Enabled: true Metrics/ClassLength: Enabled: false Metrics/ModuleLength: Enabled: false Metrics/AbcSize: Enabled: false Metrics/BlockLength: CountComments: true # count full line comments? Max: 25 ExcludedMethods: [] Exclude: - "spec/**/*" - "*.gemspec" Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity: Enabled: false Metrics/LineLength: Max: 80 Metrics/MethodLength: Enabled: false Security/Eval: Enabled: true Exclude: - "spec/scenic/schema_dumper_spec.rb" Style/BlockDelimiters: Enabled: false Style/CollectionMethods: Enabled: true PreferredMethods: find: find inject: reduce collect: map find_all: select Style/ConditionalAssignment: Enabled: false Style/ClassAndModuleChildren: Enabled: true Exclude: - "spec/**/*" Style/Documentation: Enabled: false Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment: Description: >- Add the frozen_string_literal comment to the top of files to help transition from Ruby 2.3.0 to Ruby 3.0. Enabled: false Style/GuardClause: Enabled: false Style/IfUnlessModifier: Enabled: false Style/Lambda: Enabled: false Style/NumericLiterals: Enabled: false Style/OneLineConditional: Enabled: false Style/PercentLiteralDelimiters: Enabled: false Style/StringLiterals: EnforcedStyle: double_quotes Enabled: true Style/TrailingCommaInArguments: Description: 'Checks for trailing comma in argument lists.' StyleGuide: '' EnforcedStyleForMultiline: comma SupportedStylesForMultiline: - comma - consistent_comma - no_comma Enabled: true Style/TrailingCommaInArrayLiteral: Description: 'Checks for trailing comma in array literals.' StyleGuide: '' EnforcedStyleForMultiline: comma SupportedStylesForMultiline: - comma - consistent_comma - no_comma Enabled: true Style/TrailingCommaInHashLiteral: Description: 'Checks for trailing comma in hash literals.' StyleGuide: '' EnforcedStyleForMultiline: comma SupportedStylesForMultiline: - comma - consistent_comma - no_comma Enabled: true Style/WordArray: Enabled: false