#! /usr/bin/env ruby require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/node/facts' require 'puppet/indirector/facts/couch' describe "Puppet::Node::Facts::Couch" do describe "when couchdb is not available", :unless => Puppet.features.couchdb? do it "should fail to initialize" do lambda { Puppet::Node::Facts::Couch.new }.should raise_error end end describe "when couchdb is available", :if => Puppet.features.couchdb? do before do @mock_db = mock('couch db') mock_document = CouchRest::Document.new(:_id => fake_request.key, :facts => fake_request.values) mock_document.stubs(:database).returns(@mock_db) @mock_db.stubs(:get).with(fake_request.key).returns(mock_document) Puppet::Node::Facts::Couch.stubs(:db).returns(@mock_db) end subject { Puppet::Node::Facts::Couch } describe "#find" do describe "when the node document exists" do it "should find the request by key" do @mock_db.expects(:get).with(fake_request.key).returns({'_id' => fake_request.key, 'facts' => fake_request.instance.values}) subject.new.find(fake_request).should == fake_request.instance end end describe "when the node document does not exist" do before do @mock_db.expects(:get). with(fake_request.key). raises(RestClient::ResourceNotFound) end it "should return nil" do subject.new.find(fake_request).should be_nil end it "should send Puppet a debug message" do Puppet.expects(:debug).with("No couchdb document with id: test.local") subject.new.find(fake_request).should be_nil end end end describe "#save" do describe "with options" do subject do lambda { Puppet::Node::Facts::Couch.new.save(fake_request([1])) } end it { should raise_error(ArgumentError, "PUT does not accept options") } end it "should save the json to the CouchDB database" do @mock_db.expects(:save_doc).at_least_once.returns({'ok' => true }) subject.new.save(fake_request) end describe "when the document exists" do before do @doc = CouchRest::Document.new(:_id => fake_request.key, :facts => fake_request.instance.values) @mock_db.expects(:get).with(fake_request.key).returns(@doc) end it "saves the document" do @doc.expects(:save) subject.new.save(fake_request) end end describe "when the document does not exist" do before do @mock_db.expects(:get). with(fake_request.key). raises(RestClient::ResourceNotFound) end it "saves the document" do @mock_db.expects(:save_doc) subject.new.save(fake_request) end end end def fake_request(options={}) facts = YAML.load_file(File.join(PuppetSpec::FIXTURE_DIR, 'yaml', 'test.local.yaml')) Struct.new(:instance, :key, :options).new(facts, facts.name, options) end private :fake_request end end