# Contributing guide ## Installing statsample development dependencies If you want to run the full test suite, you will need the latest unreleased nmatrix and gsl-nmatrix ruby gems. They will be released upstream soon but please follow this procdure for now. Keep in mind that either nmatrix OR gsl-nmatrix are NOT NECESSARY for using statsample. They are just required for an optional speed up. Statsample also works with [rb-gsl](https://github.com/blackwinter/rb-gsl), though installing that will cause a problem if you have any nmatrix dependent code because narray and nmatrix have a namespace problem. To install dependencies, execute the following commands: `export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/atlas` `export C_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/atlas` `sudo apt-get update -qq` `sudo apt-get install -qq libatlas-base-dev` `sudo apt-get --purge remove liblapack-dev liblapack3 liblapack3gf` `sudo apt-get install -y libgsl0-dev r-base r-base-dev` `sudo Rscript -e "install.packages(c('Rserve','irr'),,'http://cran.us.r-project.org')"` Then execute the .build.sh script to clone and install the latest nmatrix and gsl-nmatrix on your system: `./.build.sh` Then finally install remaining dependencies: `bundle install` And run the test suite (should be all green): `bundle exec rake test` If you have problems installing nmatrix, please consult the [nmatrix installation wiki](https://github.com/SciRuby/nmatrix/wiki/Installation) or the [mailing list](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/sciruby-dev).