module Fox
# Line segment
class FXSegment
# x-coordinate of the starting point [Integer]
attr_accessor :x1
# y-coordinate of the starting point [Integer]
attr_accessor :y1
# x-coordinate of the endpoint [Integer]
attr_accessor :x2
# y-coordinate of the endpoint [Integer]
attr_accessor :y2
# Arc
class FXArc
# x-coordinate of center point [Integer]
attr_accessor :x
# y-coordinate of center point [Integer]
attr_accessor :y
# Width [Integer]
attr_accessor :w
# Height [Integer]
attr_accessor :h
# Start of the arc, relative to the three-o'clock position from the center, in units of degrees * 64 [Integer]
attr_accessor :a
# Path and extent of the arc, relative to the three-o'clock position from the center, in units of degrees * 64 [Integer]
attr_accessor :b
# A device context is used to maintain the state of the graphics drawing system.
# Defining your drawing code in terms of the Abstract Device Context allows the
# drawing commands to be rendered on different types of surfaces, such as windows
# and images (FXDCWindow), or on paper (FXDCPrint).
# WYSYWYG may be obtained by using the same identical drawing code in your
# application regardless of the actual device surface being utilized.
# === Drawing (BITBLT) functions
# +BLT_CLR+:: D := 0
# +BLT_SRC_AND_DST+:: D := S & D
# +BLT_SRC_AND_NOT_DST+:: D := S & ~D
# +BLT_SRC+:: D := S
# +BLT_NOT_SRC_AND_DST+:: D := ~S & D
# +BLT_DST+:: D := D
# +BLT_SRC_XOR_DST+:: D := S ^ D
# +BLT_SRC_OR_DST+:: D := S | D
# +BLT_NOT_SRC_AND_NOT_DST+:: D := ~S & ~D == D := ~(S | D)
# +BLT_NOT_SRC_XOR_DST+:: D := ~S ^ D
# +BLT_NOT_DST+:: D := ~D
# +BLT_SRC_OR_NOT_DST+:: D := S | ~D
# +BLT_NOT_SRC+:: D := ~S
# +BLT_NOT_SRC_OR_DST+:: D := ~S | D
# +BLT_NOT_SRC_OR_NOT_DST+:: D := ~S | ~D == ~(S & D)
# +BLT_SET+:: D := 1
# === Line Styles
# +LINE_SOLID+:: Solid lines
# +LINE_ONOFF_DASH+:: On-off dashed lines
# +LINE_DOUBLE_DASH+:: Double dashed lines
# === Line Cap Styles
# +CAP_NOT_LAST+:: Don't include last end cap
# +CAP_BUTT+:: Butting line end caps
# +CAP_ROUND+:: Round line end caps
# +CAP_PROJECTING+:: Projecting line end caps
# === Line Join Styles
# +JOIN_MITER+:: Mitered or pointy joints
# +JOIN_ROUND+:: Round line joints
# +JOIN_BEVEL+:: Beveled or flat joints
# === Fill Styles
# +FILL_SOLID+:: Fill with solid color
# +FILL_TILED+:: Fill with tiled bitmap
# +FILL_STIPPLED+:: Fill where stipple mask is 1
# +FILL_OPAQUESTIPPLED+:: Fill with foreground where mask is 1, background otherwise
# === Fill Rules
# +RULE_EVEN_ODD+:: Even odd polygon filling
# +RULE_WINDING+:: Winding rule polygon filling
# === Stipple/dither patterns
# STIPPLE_0:: Stipple pattern 0
# STIPPLE_NONE:: Stipple pattern 0
# STIPPLE_BLACK:: All ones
# STIPPLE_1:: Stipple pattern 1
# STIPPLE_2:: Stipple pattern 2
# STIPPLE_3:: Stipple pattern 3
# STIPPLE_4:: Stipple pattern 4
# STIPPLE_5:: Stipple pattern 5
# STIPPLE_6:: Stipple pattern 6
# STIPPLE_7:: Stipple pattern 7
# STIPPLE_8:: Stipple pattern 8
# STIPPLE_GRAY:: 50% gray
# STIPPLE_9:: Stipple pattern 9
# STIPPLE_10:: Stipple pattern 10
# STIPPLE_11:: Stipple pattern 11
# STIPPLE_12:: Stipple pattern 12
# STIPPLE_13:: Stipple pattern 13
# STIPPLE_14:: Stipple pattern 14
# STIPPLE_15:: Stipple pattern 15
# STIPPLE_16:: Stipple pattern 16
# STIPPLE_WHITE:: All zeroes
# STIPPLE_HORZ:: Horizontal hatch pattern
# STIPPLE_VERT:: Vertical hatch pattern
# STIPPLE_CROSS:: Cross-hatch pattern
# STIPPLE_DIAG:: Diagonal // hatch pattern
# STIPPLE_REVDIAG:: Reverse diagonal \\ hatch pattern
# STIPPLE_CROSSDIAG:: Cross-diagonal hatch pattern
class FXDC
# Application [FXApp]
attr_reader :app
# Foreground drawing color [FXColor]
attr_accessor :foreground
# Background drawing color [FXColor]
attr_accessor :background
# Dash pattern [String]
attr_reader :dashPattern
# Dash offset [Integer]
attr_reader :dashOffset
# Dash length [Integer]
attr_reader :dashLength
# Line width; a line width of zero means thinnest and fastest possible [Integer]
attr_accessor :lineWidth
# Line cap style, one of +CAP_NOT_LAST+, +CAP_BUTT+, +CAP_ROUND+ or +CAP_PROJECTING+ [Integer]
attr_accessor :lineCap
# Line join style, one of +JOIN_MITER+, +JOIN_ROUND+ or +JOIN_BEVEL+ [Integer]
attr_accessor :lineJoin
# Line style, one of +LINE_SOLID+, +LINE_ONOFF_DASH+ or +LINE_DOUBLE_DASH+ [Integer]
attr_accessor :lineStyle
attr_accessor :fillStyle
# Fill rule, one of +RULE_EVEN_ODD+ or +RULE_WINDING+ [Integer]
attr_accessor :fillRule
# Raster op function, one of +BLT_CLR+, +BLT_SRC+, +BLT_DST+, etc. (see list above) [Integer]
attr_accessor :function
# Tile image [FXImage]
attr_accessor :tile
# Stipple pattern [FXBitmap or Integer]
attr_accessor :stipple
# Clip region [FXRegion]
attr_writer :clipRegion
# Clip rectangle [FXRectangle]
attr_reader :clipRectangle
# X-coordinate of clip rectangle [Integer]
attr_reader :clipX
# Y-coordinate of clip rectangle [Integer]
attr_reader :clipY
# Width of clip rectangle, in pixels [Integer]
attr_reader :clipWidth
# Height of clip rectangle, in pixels [Integer]
attr_reader :clipHeight
# Font to draw text with [FXFont]
attr_accessor :font
# Construct dummy DC
def initialize(app) ; end
# Returns a color value (i.e. an FXColor) for the pixel at (_x_, _y_).
# ==== Parameters:
# +x+:: x-coordinate of the pixel of interest [Integer]
# +y+:: y-coordinate of the pixel of interest [Integer]
def readPixel(x, y) ; end
# Draw a point at (_x_, _y_) in the current foreground drawing color.
# ==== Parameters:
# +x+:: x-coordinate of the point [Integer]
# +y+:: y-coordinate of the point [Integer]
# See also #drawPoints and #drawPointsRel.
def drawPoint(x, y) ; end
# Draw multiple points, where _points_ is an array of FXPoint instances.
# ==== Parameters:
# +points+:: array of FXPoint instances [Array]
# See also #drawPoint and #drawPointsRel.
def drawPoints(points) ; end
# Draw multiple points, where _points_ is an array of FXPoint instances.
# Unlike #drawPoints, where each of the points is drawn relative to the
# origin, #drawPointsRel treats all coordinates after the first as relative
# to the previous point.
# ==== Parameters:
# +points+:: array of FXPoint instances [Array]
# See also #drawPoint and #drawPoints.
def drawPointsRel(points) ; end
# Draw the line from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2).
# ==== Parameters:
# x1:: x-coordinate of the starting point [Integer]
# y1:: y-coordinate of the starting point [Integer]
# x2:: x-coordinate of the ending point [Integer]
# y2:: y-coordinate of the ending point [Integer]
# See also #drawLines and #drawLinesRel.
def drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2) ; end
# Draw connected lines, where _points_ is an array of FXPoint instances.
# The number of lines drawn is equal to the size of the _points_
# array minus one.
# Treats all points' coordinates as relative to the origin.
# ==== Parameters:
# +points+:: array of FXPoint instances that defines all points on the line [Array]
# See also #drawLine and #drawLinesRel.
def drawLines(points) ; end
# Draw connected lines, where _points_ is an array of FXPoint instances.
# The number of lines drawn is equal to the size of the _points_
# array minus one.
# Treats each point's coordinates (after the first) as relative to
# the previous point.
# ==== Parameters:
# +points+:: array of FXPoint instances that defines all points on the line [Array]
# See also #drawLine and #drawLines.
def drawLinesRel(points) ; end
# Draw mutiple, unconnected lines (i.e. line segments), where _segments_ is
# an array of FXSegment instances.
# === Parameters:
# +segments+:: an array of FXSegment instances [Array]
def drawLineSegments(segments) ; end
# Draw rectangle with upper-left corner at (_x_, _y_) and with width and height (_w_, _h_).
# === Parameters:
# +x+:: x-coordinate of upper-left corner of the rectangle [Integer]
# +y+:: y-coordinate of upper-left corner of the rectangle [Integer]
# +w+:: width of the rectangle, in pixels [Integer]
# +h+:: height of the rectangle, in pixels [Integer]
# See also #drawRectangles, #fillRectangle and #fillRectangles.
def drawRectangle(x, y, w, h) ; end
# Draw multiple rectangles, where _rectangles_ is an array of FXRectangle instances.
# === Parameters:
# +rectangles+:: an array of FXRectangle instances [Array]
# See also #drawRectangle, #fillRectangle and #fillRectangles.
def drawRectangles(rectangles) ; end
# Draw a rounded rectangle with ellipse width _ew_ and ellipse height _eh_.
# === Parameters:
# x:: x-coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding rectangle [Integer]
# y:: y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding rectangle [Integer]
# w:: width of the bounding rectangle, in pixels [Integer]
# h:: height of the bounding rectangle, in pixels [Integer]
def drawRoundRectangle(x, y, w, h, ew, eh); end
# Draw an arc.
# The argument start specifies the start of the arc relative to
# the three-o'clock position from the center, in units of degrees*64.
# The argument extent specifies the path and extent of the arc,
# relative to the start of the arc (also in units of degrees*64).
# The arguments _x_, _y_, _w_, and _h_ specify the bounding rectangle
# of the arc.
# === Parameters:
# x:: x-coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding rectangle [Integer]
# y:: y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding rectangle [Integer]
# w:: width of the bounding rectangle, in pixels [Integer]
# h:: height of the bounding rectangle, in pixels [Integer]
# start:: starting angle of the arc, in 64ths of a degree [Integer]
# extent:: the path and extent of the arc, relative to the start of the arc (in 64ths of a degree) [Integer]
# See also #drawArcs, #fillArc and #fillArcs.
def drawArc(x, y, w, h, start, extent) ; end
# Draw arcs, where _arcs_ is an array of FXArc instances.
# === Parameters:
# +arcs+:: an array of FXArc instances [Array]
# See also #drawArc, #fillArc and #fillArcs.
def drawArcs(arcs) ; end
# Draw an ellipse.
def drawEllipse(x, y, w, h); end
# Draw filled rectangle with upper-left corner at (_x_, _y_) and with width and height (_w_, _h_).
# === Parameters:
# +x+:: x-coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle [Integer]
# +y+:: y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle [Integer]
# +w+:: width of the rectangle, in pixels [Integer]
# +h+:: height of the rectangle, in pixels [Integer]
# See also #drawRectangle, #drawRectangles and #fillRectangles.
def fillRectangle(x, y, w, h) ; end
# Draw filled rectangles, where _rectangles_ is an array of FXRectangle instances.
# === Parameters:
# +rectangles+:: an array of FXRectangle instances [Array]
# See also #drawRectangle, #drawRectangles and #fillRectangle.
def fillRectangles(rectangles) ; end
# Draw a filled rounded rectangle with ellipse width _ew_ and ellipse height _eh_.
# === Parameters:
# x:: x-coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding rectangle [Integer]
# y:: y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding rectangle [Integer]
# w:: width of the bounding rectangle, in pixels [Integer]
# h:: height of the bounding rectangle, in pixels [Integer]
def fillRoundRectangle(x, y, w, h, ew, eh); end
def fillChord(x, y, w, h, ang1, ang2) ; end
def fillChords(chords, nchords) ; end
# Draw filled arc (see documentation for #drawArc).
# === Parameters:
# x:: x-coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding rectangle [Integer]
# y:: y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding rectangle [Integer]
# w:: width of the bounding rectangle, in pixels [Integer]
# h:: height of the bounding rectangle, in pixels [Integer]
# start:: starting angle of the arc, in 64ths of a degree [Integer]
# extent:: the path and extent of the arc, relative to the start of the arc (in 64ths of a degree) [Integer]
# See also #drawArc, #drawArcs and #fillArcs.
def fillArc(x, y, w, h, start, extent) ; end
# Draw filled arcs, where _arcs_ is an array of FXArc instances.
# === Parameters:
# +arcs+:: an array of FXArc instances [Array]
# See also #drawArc, #drawArcs and #fillArc.
def fillArcs(arcs) ; end
# Draw a filled ellipse.
def fillEllipse(x, y, w, h); end
# Draw filled polygon, where _points_ is an array of FXPoint instances.
# === Parameters:
# +points+:: an array of FXPoint instances [Array]
def fillPolygon(points) ; end
# Draw filled polygon, where _points_ is an array of FXPoint instances.
# === Parameters:
# +points+:: an array of FXPoint instances [Array]
def fillConcavePolygon(points) ; end
# Draw filled polygon, where _points_ is an array of FXPoint instances.
# === Parameters:
# +points+:: an array of FXPoint instances [Array]
def fillComplexPolygon(points) ; end
# Draw filled polygon with relative points, where _points_ is an array of FXPoint instances.
# === Parameters:
# +points+:: an array of FXPoint instances [Array]
def fillPolygonRel(points) ; end
# Draw filled polygon with relative points, where _points_ is an array of FXPoint instances.
# === Parameters:
# +points+:: an array of FXPoint instances [Array]
def fillConcavePolygonRel(points) ; end
# Draw filled polygon with relative points, where _points_ is an array of FXPoint instances.
# === Parameters:
# +points+:: an array of FXPoint instances [Array]
def fillComplexPolygonRel(points) ; end
# Draw hashed box with upper-left corner at (_x_, _y_) and with width and height (_w_, _h_).
# === Parameters:
# +x+:: x-coordinate of the upper left corner [Integer]
# +y+:: y-coordinate of the upper left corner [Integer]
# +w+:: width of the box, in pixels [Integer]
# +h+:: height of the box, in pixels [Integer]
# +b+:: border width, in pixels [Integer]
def drawHashBox(x, y, w, h, b=1) ; end
# Draw focus rectangle with upper-left corner at (_x_, _y_) and with width and height (_w_, _h_).
# === Parameters:
# +x+:: x-coordinate of the upper left corner [Integer]
# +y+:: y-coordinate of the upper left corner [Integer]
# +w+:: width of the rectangle, in pixels [Integer]
# +h+:: height of the rectangle, in pixels [Integer]
def drawFocusRectangle(x, y, w, h) ; end
# Copy some rectangular area from _source_ into the drawable attached to this
# device context.
# === Parameters:
# +source+:: the source drawable from which to copy [FXDrawable]
# +sx+:: x-coordinate of the upper left corner of the source rectangle [Integer]
# +sy+:: y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the source rectangle [Integer]
# +sw+:: width of the source rectangle, in pixels [Integer]
# +sh+:: height of the source rectangle, in pixels [Integer]
# +dx+:: x-coordinate of the the destination point in this drawable [Integer]
# +dy+:: y-coordinate of the the destination point in this drawable [Integer]
def drawArea(source, sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy) ; end
# Copy some rectangular area from _source_ into the drawable attached to this
# device context, stretching it to width _dw_ and height _dh_.
# === Parameters:
# +source+:: the source drawable from which to copy [FXDrawable]
# +sx+:: x-coordinate of the upper left corner of the source rectangle [Integer]
# +sy+:: y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the source rectangle [Integer]
# +sw+:: width of the source rectangle, in pixels [Integer]
# +sh+:: height of the source rectangle, in pixels [Integer]
# +dx+:: x-coordinate of the the destination point in this drawable [Integer]
# +dy+:: y-coordinate of the the destination point in this drawable [Integer]
# +dw+:: destination width, in pixels [Integer]
# +dh+:: destination height, in pixels [Integer]
def drawArea(source, sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh) ; end
# Draw _image_ into the drawable attached to this device context.
# === Parameters:
# +image+:: image to draw [FXImage]
# +dx+:: x-coordinate of the the destination point in this drawable [Integer]
# +dy+:: y-coordinate of the the destination point in this drawable [Integer]
def drawImage(image, dx, dy) ; end
# Draw _bitmap_ into the drawable attached to this device context.
# === Parameters:
# +bitmap+:: bitmap to draw [FXBitmap]
# +dx+:: x-coordinate of the the destination point in this drawable [Integer]
# +dy+:: y-coordinate of the the destination point in this drawable [Integer]
def drawBitmap(bitmap, dx, dy) ; end
# Draw _icon_ into the drawable attached to this device context.
# === Parameters:
# +icon+:: icon to draw [FXIcon]
# +dx+:: x-coordinate of the the destination point in this drawable [Integer]
# +dy+:: y-coordinate of the the destination point in this drawable [Integer]
def drawIcon(icon, dx, dy) ; end
# Draw a shaded version of an icon into the drawable attached to this device context.
# This is typically used for drawing disabled labels and buttons.
# === Parameters:
# +icon+:: icon to draw [FXIcon]
# +dx+:: x-coordinate of the the destination point in this drawable [Integer]
# +dy+:: y-coordinate of the the destination point in this drawable [Integer]
def drawIconShaded(icon, dx, dy) ; end
# Draw a sunken version of an icon into the drawable attached to this device context.
# === Parameters:
# +icon+:: icon to draw [FXIcon]
# +dx+:: x-coordinate of the the destination point in this drawable [Integer]
# +dy+:: y-coordinate of the the destination point in this drawable [Integer]
def drawIconSunken(icon, dx, dy) ; end
# Draw _string_ at position (_x_, _y_).
# === Parameters:
# +x+:: x-coordinate of the upper left corner [Integer]
# +y+:: y-coordinate of the upper left corner [Integer]
# +string+:: the text string to draw [String]
# See also #drawImageText.
def drawText(x, y, string) ; end
# Draw _string_ at position (_x_, _y_).
# === Parameters:
# +x+:: x-coordinate of the upper left corner [Integer]
# +y+:: y-coordinate of the upper left corner [Integer]
# +string+:: the text string to draw [String]
# See also #drawText.
def drawImageText(x, y, string) ; end
# Set dash pattern and dash offset.
# A dash pattern of [1, 2, 3, 4] is a repeating pattern of 1 foreground pixel,
# 2 background pixels, 3 foreground pixels, and 4 background pixels.
# The offset is where in the pattern the system will start counting.
# The maximum length of the dash pattern array is 32 elements.
# === Parameters:
# +dashOffset+:: indicates which element of the dash pattern to start with (zero for the beginning) [Integer]
# +dashPattern+:: array of integers indicating the dash pattern [Array]
def setDashes(dashOffset, dashPattern) ; end
# Set clip rectangle.
# === Parameters:
# +x+:: x-coordinate of the upper left corner of the clip rectangle [Integer]
# +y+:: y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the clip rectangle [Integer]
# +w+:: width of the clip rectangle, in pixels [Integer]
# +h+:: height of the clip rectangle, in pixels [Integer]
# See also #setClipMask.
def setClipRectangle(x, y, w, h) ; end
# Set clip rectangle.
# === Parameters:
# +rectangle+:: a rectangle that defines the clipping region [Integer]
# See also #setClipMask.
def setClipRectangle(rectangle) ; end
# Clear clipping.
def clearClipRectangle() ; end
# Set clip mask to _bitmap_.
# === Parameters:
# +bitmap+:: a bitmap to use for clipping [FXBitmap]
# +dx+:: [Integer]
# +dy+:: [Integer]
# See also #setClipRectangle.
def setClipMask(bitmap, dx=0, dy=0) ; end
# Clear clip mask.
def clearClipMask() ; end
# When you call #clipChildren with the argument +true+, anything that you
# draw into this window will be clipped by its child windows. In other words,
# the child windows "obscure" the parent window. This is the default behavior.
# If you call #clipChildren with +false+, anything that you draw into this
# window will be visible in its child windows (i.e. the drawing will *not*
# be clipped).
# === Parameters:
# +yes+:: if +true+, drawing is clipped against child windows [Boolean]
def clipChildren(yes) ; end