
Saucy is a Rails engine for monthly subscription-style SaaS apps.

Example scenarios covered by Saucy:

* I sign up for "Free" plan under new account "thoughtbot"
* I am an admin and can be reached at ""
* I create a project "Hoptoad"
* I upgrade to the "Basic" plan and my credit card is charged
* I now have permissions to add users and projects to the "thoughtbot" account
* I invite "" to "Hoptoad"
* I create a project "Trajectory"
* I invite "" to "Trajectory"


In your Gemfile:

    gem "saucy"

If you're using Rails 3.0.x, instead use the 0.10.x version of this gem:

    gem "saucy", "~> 0.10.7"

After you bundle, run the generator:

    rails generate saucy:install

You will want to include the `ensure_active_account` `before_filter` in any controller actions that you want to protect if the user is using an past due paid account.

You will want to customize the from email addresses.

Support email address for your application:

    Saucy::Configuration.support_email_address = ""

Personalizable emails such as trial expiration notice and activation encouragement are sent from a product manager personal address:

    Saucy::Configuration.manager_email_address = ""

If you have an account with Braintree with multiple merchant accounts you'll want to configure the merchant account for this application:

    Saucy::Configuration.merchant_account_id = 'your merchant account id'

In addition, there are a number of strings such as application name, support url, automated emails, etc. that are provided and customized with i18n translations.  You can customize these in your app, and you can see what they are by looking at config/locales/en.yml in saucy.

Saucy comes with a basic admin area, which has http auth protection.  This defaults to admin/admin:

    Saucy::Configuration.admin_username = 'admin'
    Saucy::Configuration.admin_password = 'admin'

You definitely should change that in your config.

There is a `saucy:daily` rake task which should be run on a regular basis to send receipts and payment processing problem emails.

Saucy depends on having an Airbrake account to deliver exception notifications.

Saucy accounts become "activated" once an initial setup step is complete.
This could be creating the first bug for a bug tracker, or setting up a client
gem for a server API. Once the application detects that the account is
activated, it should set "activated" to true on the account. This will prevent
followup emails being sent to users that have already set up their accounts.
It will also send an "Activated" event to Kissmetrics through Saucy-kiss, if
Saucy-kiss is installed.

Development environment

Plans need to exist for users to sign up for. In db/seeds.rb:

    %w(free expensive mega-expensive).each do |plan_name|

Then run: rake db:seed

Test environment

Generate the Braintree Fake for your specs:

    rails generate saucy:specs

Generate feature coverage:

    rails generate saucy:features

To use seed data in your Cucumber, add this to features/support/seed.rb:

    require Rails.root.join('db','seeds')


By default Saucy uses and provides a `saucy.html.erb` layout. To change the
layout for a controller inside of saucy, add a line like this to your

    config.saucy.layouts.accounts.index = "custom"

In addition to just the normal yield, your layout should yield the following
items in order to get everything from saucy views:

* :header
* :subnav

To extend the ProjectsController:

    class ProjectsController < ApplicationController
      include Saucy::ProjectsController

      def edit
        @deleters = @project.deleters

To define additional limit meters, or override existing limit meters, create the


You can override all the views by generating them into your app and customizing them there:

    rails g saucy:views

You can also customize the default trial length of 30 days, and the timing of expiration notification emails:

* Saucy::Configuration.trial_length - An integer. The length of the trial in days.
* Saucy::Configuration.unactivated_notice_on - An integer. The day of the trial in which the unactivated notice should be sent.
* Saucy::Configuration.expiring_notice_on - An integer. The number of days remaining that the expiration warning notice should be sent on.

## Gotchas

Make sure you don't do this in ApplicationController:

    before_filter :authenticate

Saucy's internal controllers don't skip any before filters.

If your billing merchant account is not configured to run in the Eastern
timezone, you can override the timezone in Saucy configuration as
merchant_account_time_zone.  You'll want this set accurately so that the daily
cronjob which syncs the Braintree subscription billing cycle dates runs for the
correct accounts.  If this is set incorrectly, you will occasionally see
duplicate receipt emails being delivered.