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Append the following to your query string:

  E	helpE3 : display this screen
  EenvEE : display the rack environment
  E	skipES : skip mini profiler for this request
  Eno-backtraceE E	(*) E: don't collect stack traces from all the SQL executed (sticky, use pp=normal-backtrace to enable)
  E!normal-backtraceE: collect stack traces from all the SQL executed and filter normally
  Efull-backtraceE: enable full backtraces for SQL executed (use pp=normal-backtrace to disable)
  EdisableEQ : disable profiling for this session
enableE : enable profiling for this session (if previously disabled)
  Eprofile-gcE : perform gc profiling on this request, analyzes ObjectSpace generated by request (ruby 1.9.3 only)
  Eprofile-memoryE : requires the memory_profiler gem, new location based report
  EflamegraphE : requires Ruby 2.2, a graph representing sampled activity (requires the stackprof gem).
  EGflamegraph&flamegraph_sample_rate=1E: creates a flamegraph with the specified sample rate (in ms). Overrides value set in config
  E!flamegraph_embedE : requires Ruby 2.2, a graph representing sampled activity (requires the stackprof gem), embedded resources for use on an intranet.
  E!trace-exceptionsE : requires Ruby 2.0, will return all the spots where your application raises exceptions
  Eanalyze-memoryE : requires Ruby 2.0, will perform basic memory analysis of heap
Eflamegraph E EidsE'ids_comma_separatedE,E%get_profile_scriptE+rack-mini-profiler.jsE-rack-mini-profiler.cssEincludes.js?v=Eincludes.css?v=E5../html/profile_handler.jsE%cancel_auto_injectE'cache_control_valueE1handle_snapshots_request Egroup_nameEoverviewEc Ek E% E+rails_route_from_pathE#E/url_for_snapshots_groupE/snapshots?E!url_for_snapshotE/results?Etake_snapshot?Etake_snapshotEpatch_rails?Egenerate_idSEreset_configEresources_rootE../../htmlEshare_templateE%../html/share.htmlE3add_snapshot_custom_fieldE5get_snapshot_custom_fieldsEdiscard_resultsEcreate_currentE+HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITHEXMLHttpRequestE#authorize_requestE'deauthorize_requestE'request_authorized?E-advanced_tools_messageEThis feature is disabled by default, to enable set the enable_advanced_debugging_tools option to true in Mini Profiler config. 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