# Ribose [](https://travis-ci.org/riboseinc/ribose-ruby) [](https://codeclimate.com/github/riboseinc/ribose-ruby) [](https://badge.fury.io/rb/ribose) The Ruby Interface to the Ribose API. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem "ribose" ``` And then execute: ```sh $ bundle install ``` Or install it yourself as: ```sh $ gem install ribose ``` ## Configure We need to setup Ribose API configuration before we can perform any request throughout this client First, obtain an API token [as per this Github wiki](https://github.com/riboseinc/ribose-api/wiki/Obtaining-the-API-Token). Using the token, configure the client by adding an initializer with the following code: ```ruby Ribose.configure do |config| config.api_token = "SECRET_API_TOKEN" config.user_email = "your-email@example.com" # There are also some default configurations. Normally you do not need to # change those unless you have some very specific use cases. # # config.debug_mode = false # config.api_host = "www.ribose.com" end ``` Or: ```ruby Ribose.configuration.api_token = "SECRET_API_TOKEN" Ribose.configuration.user_email = "your-email@example.com" ``` ## Usage ### App Data #### List app data App data can be retrieved using the `AppData.all` interface. ```ruby Ribose::AppData.all ``` ### App Relation #### List app relations To retrieve the list of app relations, we can use the `AppRelation.all` interface. ```ruby Ribose::AppRelation.all ``` #### Fetch an app relation To retrieve the details for a specific app relation, we can use the following interface. ```ruby Ribose::AppRelation.fetch(app_relation_id) ``` ### Profile #### Fetch user profile ```ruby Ribose::Profile.fetch ``` #### Update user profile ```ruby Ribose::Profile.update(first_name: "John", last_name: "Doe") ``` #### Set user login ```ruby Ribose::Profile.set_login(login_name) ``` ### Settings #### List user's settings To list user's settings we can use the `Setting.all` interface, and it will return all of the user's settings. ```ruby Ribose::Setting.all ``` #### Fetch a setting To fetch the details for any specific settings we can use the `Setting.fetch` interface with the specific Setting ID, and it will return the details for that setting. ```ruby Ribose::Setting.fetch(setting_id) ``` #### Update a setting ```ruby Ribose::Setting.update(setting_id, **new_updated_attributes_hash) ``` ### Spaces #### List user's Spaces To list a user's Spaces we can use the `Space.all` interface, and it will retrieve all of the Spaces for the currently configured user. ```ruby Ribose::Space.all ``` #### Fetch a user Space To retrieve the details for a Space we can use the `Space.fetch(space_id)`. ```ruby Ribose::Space.fetch(space_id) ``` #### Create a user Space To create a new user Space, ```ruby Ribose::Space.create( access: "private", space_category_id: 12, name: "The amazing Ribose Space", description: "Description about your Space" ) ``` #### Update a user Space ```ruby Ribose::Space.update("space_uuid", name: "New updated name", **other_attributes) ``` #### Remove a user Space To remove an existing Space, ```ruby Ribose::Space.remove(space_uuid, confirmation: true) ``` ### Members The members endpoint are Space-specific. To retrieve the member details under any specific Space, we can use this interface. #### List space members To retrieve the list of members, ```ruby Ribose::Member.all(space_id, options) ``` #### Delete a space member ```ruby Ribose::Member.delete(space_id, member_id, options) ``` #### Fetch Member Role ```ruby Ribose::MemberRole.fetch(space_id, member_id, options) ``` #### Assign a role to member ```ruby Ribose::MemberRole.assign(space_id, member_id, role_id) ``` ### Files #### List of Files To retrieve the list of files for any specific Space, ```ruby Ribose::SpaceFile.all(space_id, options) ``` #### Fetch a file details ```ruby Ribose::SpaceFile.fetch(space_id, file_id, options = {}) ``` #### Fetch a file icon ```ruby Ribose::SpaceFile.fetch_icon(space_id, file_id, options = {}) ``` #### Create a file upload ```ruby Ribose::SpaceFile.create(space_id, file: "The complete file path", **attributes) ``` #### Update a space file ```ruby Ribose::SpaceFile.update(space_id, file_id, new_file_attributes = {}) ``` #### Remove a space file ```ruby Ribose::SpaceFile.delete(space_id, file_id) ``` ### File Version #### Fetch file version ```ruby Ribose::FileVersion.fetch( space_id: space_id, file_id: file_id, version_id: version_id ) ``` #### Create a new file version ```ruby Ribose::FileVersion.create( space_id: your_space_id, file_id: existing_file_id_in_space, file: file_path_for_the_new_version, **any_other_additional_attributes ) ``` ### Conversations #### Listing Space Conversations ```ruby Ribose::Conversation.all(space_id, options = {}) ``` #### Retrieve a conversation details ```ruby Ribose::Conversation.fetch(space_id, conversation_id) ``` #### Create A New Conversation ```ruby Ribose::Conversation.create( space_id, name: "Sample conversation", tag_list: "sample, conversation" ) ``` #### Update a conversation ```ruby Ribose::Conversation.update(space_id, conversation_id, new_attributes_hash) ``` #### Remove A Conversation ```ruby Ribose::Conversation.destroy(space_id: "space_id", conversation_id: "12345") ``` #### Mark a conversation as favorite ```ruby Ribose::Conversation.mark_as_favorite(space_id, conversation_id) ``` ### Message #### List Conversation Messages ```ruby Ribose::Message.all(space_id: space_uuid, conversation_id: conversation_uuid) ``` #### Create a new message ```ruby Ribose::Message.create( space_id: space_uuid, conversation_id: conversation_uuid, contents: "Provide your message body here", ) ``` #### Update an existing message ```ruby Ribose::Message.update( space_id: space_uuid, message_id: message_uuid, conversation_id: conversation_uuid, contents: "The new content for message", ) ``` #### Remove a message ```ruby Ribose::Message.remove( space_id: space_uuid, message_id: message_uuid, conversation_id: conversation_uuid, ) ``` ### Feeds #### List user feeds To retrieve the list of user feeds, ```ruby Ribose::Feed.all ``` ### Widgets #### List widgets To retrieve the list of widgets, ```ruby Ribose::Widget.all ``` ### Stream #### List of stream notifications To retrieve the list of notifications, ```ruby Ribose::Stream.all ``` ### Leaderboard #### Retrieve the current leadership board To retrieve the current leadership board, ```ruby Ribose::Leaderboard.all ``` ### Connections #### List of connections To retrieve the list of connections, we can use the `Connection.all` interface and it will return the connection as `Sawyer::Resource`. ```ruby Ribose::Connection.all ``` #### Disconnect a connection To disconnect with an existing connection, we can use `Connection.disconnect` interface as following. This expect us to provide the connection id, and it also support an additional options hash to provide custom options. ```ruby Ribose::Connection.disconnect(connection_id, options) ``` #### Connection suggestions To retrieve the list of user connection suggestions, ```ruby Ribose::Connection.suggestions ``` ### Invitations #### List connection invitations ```ruby Ribose::ConnectionInvitation.all ``` #### List Space invitations ```ruby Ribose::SpaceInvitation.all ``` #### Fetch a connection invitation ```ruby Ribose::ConnectionInvitation.fetch(invitation_id) ``` #### Create mass connection invitations ```ruby Ribose::ConnectionInvitation.create( emails: ["email-one@example.com", "email-two@example.com"], body: "This contains the details message about the invitation", ) ``` #### Accept a connection invitation ```ruby Ribose::ConnectionInvitation.accept(invitation_id) ``` #### Reject a connection invitation ```ruby Ribose::ConnectionInvitation.reject(invitation_id) ``` #### Cancel a connection invitation ```ruby Ribose::ConnectionInvitation.cancel(invitation_id) ``` #### Invite user to a Space ```ruby Ribose::SpaceInvitation.create( state: "0", space_id: "123_456_789", invitee_id: "456_789_012", type: "Invitation::ToSpace", body: "Please join to this amazing Space", ) ``` #### Create Space invitation - Mass ```ruby Ribose::SpaceInvitation.mass_create( space_id, emails: ["email-one@example.com"], role_ids: ["role-for-email-address-in-sequance"], body: "The complete message body for the invitation", ) ``` #### Update a Space invitation ```ruby Ribose::SpaceInvitation.update(invitation_id, new_attributes_hash) ``` #### Accept a Space invitation ```ruby Ribose::SpaceInvitation.accept(invitation_id) ``` #### Resend a Space invitation ```ruby Ribose::SpaceInvitation.resend(invitation_id) ``` #### Reject a Space invitation ```ruby Ribose::SpaceInvitation.reject(invitation_id) ``` #### Cancel a Space invitation ```ruby Ribose::SpaceInvitation.cancel(invitation_id) ``` ### Join Space Request #### List Join Space Requests ```ruby Ribose::JoinSpaceRequest.all ``` #### Fetch a join space request ```ruby Ribose::JoinSpaceRequest.fetch(request_id) ``` #### Create a Join Space Request ```ruby Ribose::JoinSpaceRequest.create( state: 0, Space_id: 123_456_789, type: "Invitation::JoinSpaceRequest", body: "Hi, I would like to join to your Space", ) ``` #### Accept a Join Space Request ```ruby Ribose::JoinSpaceRequest.accept(invitation_id) ``` #### Reject a Join Space Requests ```ruby Ribose::JoinSpaceRequest.reject(invitation_id) ``` #### Update an Join Space Requests ```ruby Ribose::JoinSpaceRequest.update(invitation_id, new_attributes_hash) ``` ### Calendar #### List user calendars To retrieve the list of calendars accessible to the current user, ```ruby Ribose::Calendar.all ``` #### Fetch a calendar events ```ruby Ribose::Calendar.fetch(calendar_ids, start: Data.today, length: 7) ``` #### Create a calendar ```ruby Ribose::Calendar.create( owner_type: "User", owner_id: "The Owner UUID", name: "The name for the calendar", ) ``` #### Delete a calendar ```ruby Ribose::Calendar.delete(calendar_id) ``` ### Event #### List calendar events ```ruby Ribose::Event.all(calendar_id) ``` #### Fetch a calendar event ```ruby Ribose::Event.fetch(calendar_id, event_id) ``` #### Create a calendar event ```ruby Ribose::Event.create( calendar_id, name: "Sample Event", date_start: "04/04/2018", time_start: "4:30pm", date_finish: "04/04/2018", time_finish: "5:30pm", recurring_type: "not_repeat", until: "never", repeat_every: "1", where: "Skype", description: "Sample event", all_day: false, ) ``` #### Update a calendar event ```ruby Ribose::Event.update( calendar_id, event_id, new_attributes_hash, options_params ) ``` #### Delete a calendar event ```ruby Ribose::Event.delete(calendar_id, event_id) ``` ### User #### Create a signup request ```ruby Ribose::User.create(email: "user@example.com", **other_attributes) ``` #### Activate a signup request ```ruby Ribose::User.activate( email: "user@example.com", password: "ASecureUserPassword", otp: "OTP Recived via the Email", ) ``` ### Wikis #### List wiki pages ```ruby Ribose::Wiki.all(space_id, options = {}) ``` #### Fetch a wiki page ```ruby Ribose::Wiki.fetch(space_id, wiki_id, options = {}) ``` #### Create a wiki page ```ruby Ribose::Wiki.create( space_id, name: "Wiki Name", tag_list: "sample", **other_attributes_hash ) ``` #### Update a wiki page ```ruby Ribose::Wiki.update( space_id, wiki_id, **updated_attributes_hash ) ``` #### Remove a wiki page ```ruby Ribose::Wiki.delete(space_id, wiki_id) ``` ### Space categories #### List space categories ```ruby Ribose::SpaceCategory.all ``` ## Development We are following Sandi Metz's Rules for this gem, you can read the [description of the rules here][sandi-metz] All new code should follow these rules. If you make changes in a pre-existing file that violates these rules you should fix the violations as part of your contribution. ### Setup Clone the repository. ```sh git clone https://github.com/riboseinc/ribose-ruby ``` Setup your environment. ```sh bin/setup ``` Run the test suite ```sh bin/rspec ``` ## Contributing First, thank you for contributing! We love pull requests from everyone. By participating in this project, you hereby grant [Ribose Inc.][riboseinc] the right to grant or transfer an unlimited number of non exclusive licenses or sub-licenses to third parties, under the copyright covering the contribution to use the contribution by all means. Here are a few technical guidelines to follow: 1. Open an [issue][issues] to discuss a new feature. 1. Write tests to support your new feature. 1. Make sure the entire test suite passes locally and on CI. 1. Open a Pull Request. 1. [Squash your commits][squash] after receiving feedback. 1. Party! ## Credits This gem is developed, maintained and funded by [Ribose Inc.][riboseinc] ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). [riboseinc]: https://www.ribose.com [issues]: https://github.com/riboseinc/ribose-ruby/issues [squash]: https://github.com/thoughtbot/guides/tree/master/protocol/git#write-a-feature [sandi-metz]: http://robots.thoughtbot.com/post/50655960596/sandi-metz-rules-for-developers