# encoding: UTF-8 unless defined? ASCIIDOCTOR_PROJECT_DIR $: << File.dirname(__FILE__); $:.uniq! require 'test_helper' end require 'asciidoctor/cli/options' require 'asciidoctor/cli/invoker' context 'Invoker' do test 'should parse source and render as html5 article by default' do invoker = nil output = nil redirect_streams do |out, err| invoker = invoke_cli %w(-o -) output = out.string end refute_nil invoker doc = invoker.document refute_nil doc assert_equal 'Document Title', doc.doctitle assert_equal 'Doc Writer', doc.attr('author') assert_equal 'html5', doc.attr('backend') assert_equal '.html', doc.attr('outfilesuffix') assert_equal 'article', doc.attr('doctype') assert doc.blocks? assert_equal :preamble, doc.blocks.first.context refute_empty output assert_xpath '/html', output, 1 assert_xpath '/html/head', output, 1 assert_xpath '/html/body', output, 1 assert_xpath '/html/head/title[text() = "Document Title"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/html/body[@class="article"]/*[@id="header"]/h1[text() = "Document Title"]', output, 1 end test 'should set implicit doc info attributes' do sample_filepath = fixture_path 'sample.asciidoc' sample_filedir = fixturedir invoker = invoke_cli_to_buffer %w(-o /dev/null), sample_filepath doc = invoker.document assert_equal 'sample', doc.attr('docname') assert_equal sample_filepath, doc.attr('docfile') assert_equal sample_filedir, doc.attr('docdir') assert doc.attr?('docdate') assert doc.attr?('docyear') assert doc.attr?('doctime') assert doc.attr?('docdatetime') assert_empty invoker.read_output end test 'should allow docdate and doctime to be overridden' do sample_filepath = fixture_path 'sample.asciidoc' invoker = invoke_cli_to_buffer %w(-o /dev/null -a docdate=2015-01-01 -a doctime=10:00:00-07:00), sample_filepath doc = invoker.document assert doc.attr?('docdate', '2015-01-01') assert doc.attr?('docyear', '2015') assert doc.attr?('doctime', '10:00:00-07:00') assert doc.attr?('docdatetime', '2015-01-01 10:00:00-07:00') end test 'should accept document from stdin and write to stdout' do invoker = invoke_cli_to_buffer(%w(-s), '-') { 'content' } doc = invoker.document refute doc.attr?('docname') refute doc.attr?('docfile') assert_equal Dir.pwd, doc.attr('docdir') assert_equal doc.attr('docdate'), doc.attr('localdate') assert_equal doc.attr('docyear'), doc.attr('localyear') assert_equal doc.attr('doctime'), doc.attr('localtime') assert_equal doc.attr('docdatetime'), doc.attr('localdatetime') refute doc.attr?('outfile') output = invoker.read_output refute_empty output assert_xpath '/*[@class="paragraph"]/p[text()="content"]', output, 1 end test 'should not fail to rewind input if reading document from stdin' do io = STDIN.dup class << io def readlines ['paragraph'] end end invoker = invoke_cli_to_buffer(%w(-s), '-') { io } assert_equal 0, invoker.code assert_equal 1, invoker.document.blocks.size end test 'should accept document from stdin and write to output file' do sample_outpath = fixture_path 'sample-output.html' begin invoker = invoke_cli(%W(-s -o #{sample_outpath}), '-') { 'content' } doc = invoker.document refute doc.attr?('docname') refute doc.attr?('docfile') assert_equal Dir.pwd, doc.attr('docdir') assert_equal doc.attr('docdate'), doc.attr('localdate') assert_equal doc.attr('docyear'), doc.attr('localyear') assert_equal doc.attr('doctime'), doc.attr('localtime') assert_equal doc.attr('docdatetime'), doc.attr('localdatetime') assert doc.attr?('outfile') assert_equal sample_outpath, doc.attr('outfile') assert File.exist?(sample_outpath) ensure FileUtils.rm_f(sample_outpath) end end test 'should fail if input file matches resolved output file' do invoker = invoke_cli_to_buffer %W(-a outfilesuffix=.asciidoc), 'sample.asciidoc' assert_match(/input file and output file cannot be the same/, invoker.read_error) end test 'should fail if input file matches specified output file' do sample_outpath = fixture_path 'sample.asciidoc' invoker = invoke_cli_to_buffer %W(-o #{sample_outpath}), 'sample.asciidoc' assert_match(/input file and output file cannot be the same/, invoker.read_error) end test 'should accept input from named pipe and output to stdout' do sample_inpath = fixture_path 'sample-pipe.adoc' begin %x(mkfifo #{sample_inpath}) write_thread = Thread.new do IO.write sample_inpath, 'pipe content' end invoker = invoke_cli_to_buffer %w(-a stylesheet!), sample_inpath result = invoker.read_output assert_match(/pipe content/, result) write_thread.join ensure FileUtils.rm_f sample_inpath end end if RUBY_MIN_VERSION_1_9 && !windows? test 'should allow docdir to be specified when input is a string' do expected_docdir = fixturedir invoker = invoke_cli_to_buffer(%w(-s --base-dir test/fixtures -o /dev/null), '-') { 'content' } doc = invoker.document assert_equal expected_docdir, doc.attr('docdir') assert_equal expected_docdir, doc.base_dir end test 'should display version and exit' do expected = %(Asciidoctor #{Asciidoctor::VERSION} [https://asciidoctor.org]\nRuntime Environment (#{RUBY_DESCRIPTION})) ['--version', '-V'].each do |switch| actual = nil redirect_streams do |out, err| invoke_cli [switch] actual = out.string.rstrip end refute_nil actual assert actual.start_with?(expected), %(Expected to print version when using #{switch} switch) end end test 'should print warnings to stderr by default' do input = <<-EOS 2. second 3. third EOS warnings = nil redirect_streams do |out, err| invoke_cli_to_buffer(%w(-o /dev/null), '-') { input } warnings = err.string end assert_match(/WARNING/, warnings) end test 'should silence warnings if -q flag is specified' do input = <<-EOS 2. second 3. third EOS warnings = nil redirect_streams do |out, err| invoke_cli_to_buffer(%w(-q -o /dev/null), '-') { input } warnings = err.string end assert_equal '', warnings end test 'should return non-zero exit code if failure level is reached' do input = <<-EOS 2. second 3. third EOS exit_code, messages = redirect_streams do |_, err| [invoke_cli(%w(-q --failure-level=WARN -o /dev/null), '-') { input }.code, err.string] end assert_equal 1, exit_code assert messages.empty? end test 'should report usage if no input file given' do redirect_streams do |out, err| invoke_cli [], nil assert_match(/Usage:/, err.string) end end test 'should report error if input file does not exist' do redirect_streams do |out, err| invoker = invoke_cli [], 'missing_file.asciidoc' assert_match(/input file .* is missing/, err.string) assert_equal 1, invoker.code end end test 'should treat extra arguments as files' do redirect_streams do |out, err| invoker = invoke_cli %w(-o /dev/null extra arguments sample.asciidoc), nil assert_match(/input file .* is missing/, err.string) assert_equal 1, invoker.code end end test 'should output to file name based on input file name' do sample_outpath = fixture_path 'sample.html' begin invoker = invoke_cli doc = invoker.document assert_equal sample_outpath, doc.attr('outfile') assert File.exist?(sample_outpath) output = IO.read(sample_outpath) refute_empty output assert_xpath '/html', output, 1 assert_xpath '/html/head', output, 1 assert_xpath '/html/body', output, 1 assert_xpath '/html/head/title[text() = "Document Title"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/html/body/*[@id="header"]/h1[text() = "Document Title"]', output, 1 ensure FileUtils.rm_f(sample_outpath) end end test 'should output to file in destination directory if set' do destination_path = File.join testdir, 'test_output' sample_outpath = File.join destination_path, 'sample.html' begin FileUtils.mkdir_p(destination_path) # QUESTION should -D be relative to working directory or source directory? invoker = invoke_cli %w(-D test/test_output) #invoker = invoke_cli %w(-D ../../test/test_output) doc = invoker.document assert_equal sample_outpath, doc.attr('outfile') assert File.exist?(sample_outpath) ensure FileUtils.rm_f(sample_outpath) FileUtils.rmdir(destination_path) end end test 'should preserve directory structure in destination directory if source directory is set' do sample_inpath = 'subdir/index.adoc' destination_path = 'test_output' destination_subdir_path = File.join destination_path, 'subdir' sample_outpath = File.join destination_subdir_path, 'index.html' begin FileUtils.mkdir_p(destination_path) invoke_cli %W(-D #{destination_path} -R test/fixtures), sample_inpath assert File.directory?(destination_subdir_path) assert File.exist?(sample_outpath) ensure FileUtils.rm_f(sample_outpath) FileUtils.rmdir(destination_subdir_path) FileUtils.rmdir(destination_path) end end test 'should output to file specified' do sample_outpath = fixture_path 'sample-output.html' begin invoker = invoke_cli %W(-o #{sample_outpath}) doc = invoker.document assert_equal sample_outpath, doc.attr('outfile') assert File.exist?(sample_outpath) ensure FileUtils.rm_f(sample_outpath) end end test 'should copy default stylesheet to target directory if linkcss is specified' do sample_outpath = fixture_path 'sample-output.html' asciidoctor_stylesheet = fixture_path 'asciidoctor.css' coderay_stylesheet = fixture_path 'coderay-asciidoctor.css' begin invoker = invoke_cli %W(-o #{sample_outpath} -a linkcss -a source-highlighter=coderay) invoker.document assert File.exist?(sample_outpath) assert File.exist?(asciidoctor_stylesheet) assert File.exist?(coderay_stylesheet) ensure FileUtils.rm_f(sample_outpath) FileUtils.rm_f(asciidoctor_stylesheet) FileUtils.rm_f(coderay_stylesheet) end end test 'should not copy default stylesheet to target directory if linkcss is set and copycss is unset' do sample_outpath = fixture_path 'sample-output.html' default_stylesheet = fixture_path 'asciidoctor.css' begin invoker = invoke_cli %W(-o #{sample_outpath} -a linkcss -a copycss!) invoker.document assert File.exist?(sample_outpath) refute File.exist?(default_stylesheet) ensure FileUtils.rm_f(sample_outpath) FileUtils.rm_f(default_stylesheet) end end test 'should copy custom stylesheet to target directory if stylesheet and linkcss is specified' do destdir = fixture_path 'output' sample_outpath = File.join destdir, 'sample-output.html' stylesdir = File.join destdir, 'styles' custom_stylesheet = File.join stylesdir, 'custom.css' begin invoker = invoke_cli %W(-o #{sample_outpath} -a linkcss -a copycss=stylesheets/custom.css -a stylesdir=./styles -a stylesheet=custom.css) invoker.document assert File.exist?(sample_outpath) assert File.exist?(custom_stylesheet) ensure FileUtils.rm_f(sample_outpath) FileUtils.rm_f(custom_stylesheet) FileUtils.rmdir(stylesdir) FileUtils.rmdir(destdir) end end test 'should not copy custom stylesheet to target directory if stylesheet and linkcss are set and copycss is unset' do destdir = fixture_path 'output' sample_outpath = File.join destdir, 'sample-output.html' stylesdir = File.join destdir, 'styles' custom_stylesheet = File.join stylesdir, 'custom.css' begin invoker = invoke_cli %W(-o #{sample_outpath} -a linkcss -a stylesdir=./styles -a stylesheet=custom.css -a copycss!) invoker.document assert File.exist?(sample_outpath) refute File.exist?(custom_stylesheet) ensure FileUtils.rm_f(sample_outpath) FileUtils.rm_f(custom_stylesheet) FileUtils.rmdir(stylesdir) if File.directory? stylesdir FileUtils.rmdir(destdir) end end test 'should not copy custom stylesheet to target directory if stylesdir is a URI' do destdir = fixture_path 'output' sample_outpath = File.join destdir, 'sample-output.html' stylesdir = File.join destdir, 'http:' begin invoker = invoke_cli %W(-o #{sample_outpath} -a linkcss -a stylesdir=http://example.org/styles -a stylesheet=custom.css) invoker.document assert File.exist?(sample_outpath) refute File.exist?(stylesdir) ensure FileUtils.rm_f(sample_outpath) FileUtils.rmdir(stylesdir) if File.directory? stylesdir FileUtils.rmdir(destdir) end end test 'should render all passed files' do basic_outpath = fixture_path 'basic.html' sample_outpath = fixture_path 'sample.html' begin invoke_cli_with_filenames [], %w(basic.asciidoc sample.asciidoc) assert File.exist?(basic_outpath) assert File.exist?(sample_outpath) ensure FileUtils.rm_f(basic_outpath) FileUtils.rm_f(sample_outpath) end end test 'options should not be modified when processing multiple files' do destination_path = File.join testdir, 'test_output' basic_outpath = File.join destination_path, 'basic.htm' sample_outpath = File.join destination_path, 'sample.htm' begin invoke_cli_with_filenames %w(-D test/test_output -a outfilesuffix=.htm), %w(basic.asciidoc sample.asciidoc) assert File.exist?(basic_outpath) assert File.exist?(sample_outpath) ensure FileUtils.rm_f(basic_outpath) FileUtils.rm_f(sample_outpath) FileUtils.rmdir(destination_path) end end test 'should render all files that matches a glob expression' do basic_outpath = fixture_path 'basic.html' begin invoke_cli_to_buffer [], "ba*.asciidoc" assert File.exist?(basic_outpath) ensure FileUtils.rm_f(basic_outpath) end end test 'should render all files that matches an absolute path glob expression' do basic_outpath = fixture_path 'basic.html' glob = fixture_path 'ba*.asciidoc' # test Windows using backslash-style pathname if File::ALT_SEPARATOR == '\\' glob = glob.tr '/', '\\' end begin invoke_cli_to_buffer [], glob assert File.exist?(basic_outpath) ensure FileUtils.rm_f(basic_outpath) end end test 'should suppress header footer if specified' do invoker = invoke_cli_to_buffer %w(-s -o -) output = invoker.read_output assert_xpath '/html', output, 0 assert_xpath '/*[@id="preamble"]', output, 1 end test 'should write page for each alternate manname' do outdir = fixturedir outfile_1 = File.join outdir, 'eve.1' outfile_2 = File.join outdir, 'islifeform.1' input = <<-EOS = eve(1) Andrew Stanton v1.0.0 :doctype: manpage :manmanual: EVE :mansource: EVE == NAME eve, islifeform - analyzes an image to determine if it's a picture of a life form == SYNOPSIS *eve* ['OPTION']... 'FILE'... EOS begin invoke_cli(%W(-b manpage -o #{outfile_1}), '-') { input } assert File.exist?(outfile_1) assert File.exist?(outfile_2) assert_equal '.so eve.1', (IO.read outfile_2).chomp ensure FileUtils.rm_f outfile_1 FileUtils.rm_f outfile_2 end end test 'should output a trailing endline to stdout' do invoker = nil output = nil redirect_streams do |out, err| invoker = invoke_cli %w(-o -) output = out.string end refute_nil invoker refute_nil output assert output.end_with?("\n") end test 'should set backend to html5 if specified' do invoker = invoke_cli_to_buffer %w(-b html5 -o -) doc = invoker.document assert_equal 'html5', doc.attr('backend') assert_equal '.html', doc.attr('outfilesuffix') output = invoker.read_output assert_xpath '/html', output, 1 end test 'should set backend to docbook45 if specified' do invoker = invoke_cli_to_buffer %w(-b docbook45 -a xmlns -o -) doc = invoker.document assert_equal 'docbook45', doc.attr('backend') assert_equal '.xml', doc.attr('outfilesuffix') output = invoker.read_output assert_xpath '/xmlns:article', output, 1 end test 'should set doctype to article if specified' do invoker = invoke_cli_to_buffer %w(-d article -o -) doc = invoker.document assert_equal 'article', doc.attr('doctype') output = invoker.read_output assert_xpath '/html/body[@class="article"]', output, 1 end test 'should set doctype to book if specified' do invoker = invoke_cli_to_buffer %w(-d book -o -) doc = invoker.document assert_equal 'book', doc.attr('doctype') output = invoker.read_output assert_xpath '/html/body[@class="book"]', output, 1 end test 'should warn if doctype is inline and the first block is not a candidate for inline conversion' do ['== Section Title', 'image::tiger.png[]'].each do |input| warnings = redirect_streams do |out, err| invoke_cli_to_buffer(%w(-d inline), '-') { input } err.string end assert_match(/WARNING: no inline candidate/, warnings) end end test 'should not warn if doctype is inline and the document has no blocks' do warnings = redirect_streams do |out, err| invoke_cli_to_buffer(%w(-d inline), '-') { '// comment' } err.string end refute_match(/WARNING/, warnings) end test 'should not warn if doctype is inline and the document contains multiple blocks' do warnings = redirect_streams do |out, err| invoke_cli_to_buffer(%w(-d inline), '-') { %(paragraph one\n\nparagraph two\n\nparagraph three) } err.string end refute_match(/WARNING/, warnings) end test 'should locate custom templates based on template dir, template engine and backend' do custom_backend_root = fixture_path 'custom-backends' invoker = invoke_cli_to_buffer %W(-E haml -T #{custom_backend_root} -o -) doc = invoker.document assert_kind_of Asciidoctor::Converter::CompositeConverter, doc.converter selected = doc.converter.find_converter 'paragraph' assert_kind_of Asciidoctor::Converter::TemplateConverter, selected assert_kind_of Tilt::HamlTemplate, selected.templates['paragraph'] end test 'should load custom templates from multiple template directories' do custom_backend_1 = fixture_path 'custom-backends/haml/html5' custom_backend_2 = fixture_path 'custom-backends/haml/html5-tweaks' invoker = invoke_cli_to_buffer %W(-T #{custom_backend_1} -T #{custom_backend_2} -o - -s) output = invoker.read_output assert_css '.paragraph', output, 0 assert_css '#preamble > .sectionbody > p', output, 1 end test 'should set attribute with value' do invoker = invoke_cli_to_buffer %w(--trace -a idprefix=id -s -o -) doc = invoker.document assert_equal 'id', doc.attr('idprefix') output = invoker.read_output assert_xpath '//h2[@id="idsection_a"]', output, 1 end test 'should set attribute with value containing equal sign' do invoker = invoke_cli_to_buffer %w(--trace -a toc -a toc-title=t=o=c -o -) doc = invoker.document assert_equal 't=o=c', doc.attr('toc-title') output = invoker.read_output assert_xpath '//*[@id="toctitle"][text() = "t=o=c"]', output, 1 end test 'should set attribute with quoted value containing a space' do # emulating commandline arguments: --trace -a toc -a note-caption="Note to self:" -o - invoker = invoke_cli_to_buffer %w(--trace -a toc -a note-caption=Note\ to\ self: -o -) doc = invoker.document assert_equal 'Note to self:', doc.attr('note-caption') output = invoker.read_output assert_xpath %(//*[#{contains_class('admonitionblock')}]//*[@class='title'][text() = 'Note to self:']), output, 1 end test 'should not set attribute ending in @ if defined in document' do invoker = invoke_cli_to_buffer %w(--trace -a idprefix=id@ -s -o -) doc = invoker.document assert_equal 'id_', doc.attr('idprefix') output = invoker.read_output assert_xpath '//h2[@id="id_section_a"]', output, 1 end test 'should set attribute with no value' do invoker = invoke_cli_to_buffer %w(-a icons -s -o -) doc = invoker.document assert_equal '', doc.attr('icons') output = invoker.read_output assert_xpath '//*[@class="admonitionblock note"]//img[@alt="Note"]', output, 1 end test 'should unset attribute ending in bang' do invoker = invoke_cli_to_buffer %w(-a sectids! -s -o -) doc = invoker.document refute doc.attr?('sectids') output = invoker.read_output # leave the count loose in case we add more sections assert_xpath '//h2[not(@id)]', output end test 'default mode for cli should be unsafe' do invoker = invoke_cli_to_buffer %w(-o /dev/null) doc = invoker.document assert_equal Asciidoctor::SafeMode::UNSAFE, doc.safe end test 'should set safe mode if specified' do invoker = invoke_cli_to_buffer %w(--safe -o /dev/null) doc = invoker.document assert_equal Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SAFE, doc.safe end test 'should set safe mode to specified level' do levels = { 'unsafe' => Asciidoctor::SafeMode::UNSAFE, 'safe' => Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SAFE, 'server' => Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SERVER, 'secure' => Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SECURE, } levels.each do |name, const| invoker = invoke_cli_to_buffer %W(-S #{name} -o /dev/null) doc = invoker.document assert_equal const, doc.safe end end test 'should set eRuby impl if specified' do invoker = invoke_cli_to_buffer %w(--eruby erubis -o /dev/null) doc = invoker.document assert_equal 'erubis', doc.instance_variable_get('@options')[:eruby] end test 'should force default external encoding to UTF-8' do executable = File.join ASCIIDOCTOR_PROJECT_DIR, 'bin', 'asciidoctor' input_path = fixture_path 'encoding.asciidoc' old_lang = ENV['LANG'] ENV['LANG'] = 'US-ASCII' begin # using open3 to work around a bug in JRuby process_manager.rb, # which tries to run a gsub on stdout prematurely breaking the test require 'open3' #cmd = "#{executable} -o - --trace #{input_path}" cmd = "#{File.join RbConfig::CONFIG['bindir'], RbConfig::CONFIG['ruby_install_name']} #{executable} -o - --trace #{input_path}" _, out, _ = Open3.popen3 cmd #stderr_lines = stderr.readlines # warnings may be issued, so don't assert on stderr #assert_empty stderr_lines, 'Command failed. Expected to receive a rendered document.' stdout_lines = out.readlines refute_empty stdout_lines stdout_lines.each {|l| l.force_encoding Encoding::UTF_8 } if Asciidoctor::FORCE_ENCODING stdout_str = stdout_lines.join assert_includes stdout_str, 'Codierungen sind verrückt auf älteren Versionen von Ruby' ensure ENV['LANG'] = old_lang end end test 'should print timings when -t flag is specified' do input = <<-EOS Sample *AsciiDoc* EOS invoker = nil error = nil redirect_streams do |out, err| invoker = invoke_cli(%w(-t -o /dev/null), '-') { input } error = err.string end refute_nil invoker refute_nil error assert_match(/Total time/, error) end test 'should use SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH as modified time of input file and local time' do old_source_date_epoch = ENV.delete 'SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH' begin ENV['SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH'] = '1234123412' sample_filepath = fixture_path 'sample.asciidoc' invoker = invoke_cli_to_buffer %w(-o /dev/null), sample_filepath doc = invoker.document assert_equal '2009-02-08', (doc.attr 'docdate') assert_equal '2009', (doc.attr 'docyear') assert_match(/2009-02-08 20:03:32 (GMT|UTC)/, (doc.attr 'docdatetime')) assert_equal '2009-02-08', (doc.attr 'localdate') assert_equal '2009', (doc.attr 'localyear') assert_match(/2009-02-08 20:03:32 (GMT|UTC)/, (doc.attr 'localdatetime')) ensure if old_source_date_epoch ENV['SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH'] = old_source_date_epoch else ENV.delete 'SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH' end end end test 'should fail if SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH is malformed' do old_source_date_epoch = ENV.delete 'SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH' begin ENV['SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH'] = 'aaaaaaaa' sample_filepath = fixture_path 'sample.asciidoc' assert_equal 1, (invoke_cli_to_buffer %w(-o /dev/null), sample_filepath).code ensure if old_source_date_epoch ENV['SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH'] = old_source_date_epoch else ENV.delete 'SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH' end end end end