[Back to Guides](../README.md) The ActiveModelSerializers grape formatter relies on the existence of `env['grape.request']` which is implemeted by `Grape::Middleware::Globals`. You can meet his dependency by calling it before mounting the endpoints. In the simpliest way: ``` class API < Grape::API # @note Make sure this is above you're first +mount+ use Grape::Middleware::Globals end ``` or more like what is shown in current Grape tutorials: ``` module MyApi class ApiBase < Grape::API use Grape::Middleware::Globals require 'grape/active_model_serializers' include Grape::ActiveModelSerializers mount MyApi::V1::ApiBase end end ``` You could meet this dependency with your own middleware. The invocation might look like: ``` module MyApi class ApiBase < Grape::API use My::Middleware::Thingamabob require 'grape/active_model_serializers' include Grape::ActiveModelSerializers mount MyApi::V1::ApiBase end end ```