module Facebooker module Rails module Helpers module FbConnect def fb_connect_javascript_tag(options = {}) lang = "/#{options[:lang]}" if options[:lang] # dont use the javascript_include_tag helper since it adds a .js at the end if request.ssl? "" else "" end end # # For information on the :app_settings argument see # While it would be nice to treat :app_settings as a hash, some of the arguments do different things if they are a string vs a javascript function # and Rails' Hash#to_json always quotes strings so there is no way to indicate when the value should be a javascript function. # For this reason :app_settings needs to be a string that is valid JSON (including the {}'s). # def init_fb_connect(*required_features,&proc) additions = "" if block_given? additions = capture(&proc) end # Yes, app_settings is set to a string of an empty JSON element. That's intentional. options = {:js => :prototype, :app_settings => '{}'} if required_features.last.is_a?(Hash) options.merge!(required_features.pop.symbolize_keys) end if request.ssl? init_string = "FB.init('#{Facebooker.api_key}','/xd_receiver_ssl.html', #{options[:app_settings]});" else init_string = "FB.init('#{Facebooker.api_key}','/xd_receiver.html', #{options[:app_settings]});" end unless required_features.blank? init_string = <<-FBML #{case options[:js] when :jquery then "$(document).ready(" when :dojo then "dojo.addOnLoad(" else "Element.observe(window,'load'," end} function() { FB_RequireFeatures(#{required_features.to_json}, function() { #{init_string} #{additions} }); }); FBML end # block_is_within_action_view? is rails 2.1.x and has been # deprecated. rails >= 2.2.x uses block_called_from_erb? block_tester = respond_to?(:block_is_within_action_view?) ? :block_is_within_action_view? : :block_called_from_erb? if block_given? && send(block_tester, proc) concat(javascript_tag(init_string)) else javascript_tag init_string end end # Render an element # # ==== Examples # # <%= fb_login_button%> # => # # Specifying a javascript callback # # <%= fb_login_button 'update_something();'%> # => # # Adding options See: # # <%= fb_login_button 'update_something();', :size => :small, :background => :dark%> # => # def fb_login_button(*args) callback = args.first options = args[1] || {} options.merge!(:onlogin=>callback)if callback content_tag("fb:login-button",nil, options) end def fb_login_and_redirect(url, options = {}) js = update_page do |page| page.redirect_to url end content_tag("fb:login-button",nil,options.merge(:onlogin=>js)) end def fb_unconnected_friends_count content_tag "fb:unconnected-friends-count",nil end def fb_logout_link(text,url,*args) js = update_page do |page| "FB.Connect.logoutAndRedirect",url end link_to_function text, js, *args end def fb_user_action(action, user_message = nil, prompt = "", callback = nil) defaulted_callback = callback || "null" update_page do |page|"FB.Connect.showFeedDialog",action.template_id,,action.target_ids,action.body_general,nil,page.literal("FB.RequireConnect.promptConnect"),page.literal(defaulted_callback),prompt,user_message.nil? ? nil : {:value=>user_message}) end end end end end end