require "rails/engine" require "sitepress/routing_mapper" module Sitepress class Engine < ::Rails::Engine # Set the root of the engine to the gems rails directory. config.root = File.expand_path("../../rails", __dir__) # Set the path for the site configuration file. paths.add "config/site.rb", with: [ File.expand_path("./config/site.rb"), # When Sitepress is launched via `sitepress server`. "config/site.rb" # When Sitepress is launched embedded in Rails project. ] # Load the `config/site.rb` file so users can configure Sitepress. initializer :load_sitepress_file, before: :set_sitepress_paths do site_file = paths["config/site.rb"].existent.first load site_file if site_file end # Set the path for the site configuration file. paths.add "app/markdown", with: [ File.expand_path("./markdown"), # When Sitepress is launched via `sitepress server`. "app/markdown" # When Sitepress is launched embedded in Rails project. ], autoload: true # Load paths from `Sitepress#site` into rails so it can render views, helpers, etc. properly. initializer :set_sitepress_paths, before: :set_autoload_paths do |app| app.paths["app/helpers"].push site.helpers_path.expand_path app.paths["app/assets"].push site.assets_path.expand_path app.paths["app/views"].push site.root_path.expand_path app.paths["app/views"].push site.pages_path.expand_path app.paths["app/models"].push site.models_path.expand_path # Set for view_components to load at ./components app.config.autoload_paths << File.expand_path("./components") end # Configure sprockets paths for the site. initializer :set_manifest_file_path, before: :append_assets_path do |app| manifest_file = sitepress_configuration.manifest_file_path.expand_path app.config.assets.precompile << manifest_file.to_s if manifest_file.exist? end # Configure Sitepress with Rails settings. initializer :configure_sitepress do |app| sitepress_configuration.parent_engine = app # Reloads entire site between requests for development environments. sitepress_configuration.cache_resources = if app.config.respond_to? :enable_reloading? # Rails 7.1 changed the name of this setting to enable_reloading, so check if that exist and use it. app.config.enable_reloading? else # Rails 7.0.x and lower all use this method to check if reloading is enabled. app.config.cache_classes end # Setup Sitepress to handle Rails extensions. ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_view) do ActiveSupport.on_load(:after_initialize) do Sitepress::Path.handler_extensions = ActionView::Template::Handlers.extensions end end end private def sitepress_configuration Sitepress.configuration end def site end end end