# frozen_string_literal: true ## # This file is part of WhatWeb and may be subject to # redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the WhatWeb # web site for more information on licensing and terms of use. # http://www.morningstarsecurity.com/research/whatweb ## # Version 0.3 # 2011-09-17 # # Updated Phaser model/version/firmware detection ## # Version 0.2 # 2011-02-25 # # Updated model detection ## WhatWeb::Plugin.define "Xerox-Printers" do @author = "Brendan Coles " # 2010-07-22 @version = "0.2" @description = "Xerox printers web interface" @website = "http://www.xerox.com/" # ShodanHQ results as at 2011-09-16 # # 710 for xerox Phaser -Authenticate # Google results as at 2010-07-22 # # 28 for "Phaser 6250" "Printer Neighborhood" "XEROX CORPORATION" -intitle # 25 for intext:centreware inurl:status # 7 for inurl:"properties/aboutPrinter.html" intitle:"About Printer - Xerox Phaser" # Dorks # @dorks = [ '"Phaser 6250" "Printer Neighborhood" "XEROX CORPORATION" -intitle', 'inurl:"properties/aboutPrinter.html" intitle:"About Printer - Xerox Phaser"', 'intext:centreware inurl:status' ] # Matches # @matches = [ # Phaser 6250DP { certainty: 25, text: 'Phaser 6250DP', model: "Phaser 6250DP" }, { certainty: 25, text: 'Phaser 6250N', model: "Phaser 6250N" }, # Phaser 3300MFP { model: / Home - Xerox (Phaser 3300MFP) <\/title>/ }, # Model Detection # Phaser # /properties/aboutprinter.html { url: "/properties/aboutprinter.html", model: /<title> About Printer - Xerox (Phaser [^\s]+) <\/title>/ }, { url: "/properties/aboutPrinter.html", model: /<title> About Printer - Xerox (Phaser [^\s]+) <\/title>/ }, # Firmware Version Detection # Phaser # /properties/aboutprinter.html { url: "/properties/aboutprinter.html", firmware: /<tr>[\s]+<td width=60%>(Firmware Version OS|Operating System) <\/td>[\s]+<td width=40%>(OS | )?([^<]+)<\/td>[\s]+<\/tr>/, offset: 2 }, { url: "/properties/aboutPrinter.html", firmware: /<tr>[\s]+<td width=60%>(Firmware Version OS|Operating System) <\/td>[\s]+<td width=40%>(OS | )?([^<]+)<\/td>[\s]+<\/tr>/, offset: 2 }, # NIC Firmware Version Detection # Phaser # /properties/aboutprinter.html { url: "/properties/aboutprinter.html", firmware: /<tr>[\s]+<td width=60%>(Networking|NIC Firmware Version)<\/td>[\s]+<td width=40%>([^<]+)<\/td>[\s]+<\/tr>/, offset: 1 }, { url: "/properties/aboutPrinter.html", firmware: /<tr>[\s]+<td width=60%>(Networking|NIC Firmware Version)<\/td>[\s]+<td width=40%>([^<]+)<\/td>[\s]+<\/tr>/, offset: 1 }, # Version Detection # Phaser # /properties/aboutprinter.html { url: "/properties/aboutprinter.html", version: /<tr>[\s]+<td width=60%>IP Core Software Version<\/td>[\s]+<td width=40%>([^<]+)<\/td>[\s]+<\/tr>/ }, { url: "/properties/aboutPrinter.html", version: /<tr>[\s]+<td width=60%>IP Core Software Version<\/td>[\s]+<td width=40%>([^<]+)<\/td>[\s]+<\/tr>/ }, # DocuPrint N2125 { text: ' <br><font class=s4 face="Arial,Helvetica" size=4 color="#0000FF"><b><font size=4>    </font>DocuPrint N2125</b></font></td>', model: "DocuPrint N2125" }, # Phaser 4500DT { text: ' color=#008000 face="Arial,Helvetica" size=2>Phaser 4500DT</font></td>', model: "Phaser 4500DT" }, # Phaser 7700DN { text: '<td valign=top width=85><font class=s2 face="Arial,Helvetica" size=2 color="#008000"> Phaser 7700DN </font></td>', model: "Phaser 7700DN" }, # Phaser 8400DP-1 { text: ' color=#008000 face="Arial,Helvetica" size=2>Phaser 8400DP-1</font></td>', model: "Phaser 8400DP-1" }, # Model Detection # Default Title { model: /<title>(FX[0-9A-Z]{6})-Home<\/title>/ }, ] end