# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this # work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF # licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'spec_helpers')) require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'xpath_matchers')) describe Buildr::IntellijIdea do def invoke_generate_task task('idea:generate').invoke end def invoke_clean_task task('idea:clean').invoke end def root_project_filename(project) project._("#{project.name}#{Buildr::IntellijIdea::IdeaFile::DEFAULT_SUFFIX}.ipr") end def root_project_xml(project) xml_document(root_project_filename(project)) end def root_module_filename(project) project._("#{project.name}#{Buildr::IntellijIdea::IdeaFile::DEFAULT_SUFFIX}.iml") end def root_module_xml(project) xml_document(root_module_filename(project)) end def subproject_module_filename(project, sub_project_name) project._("#{sub_project_name}/#{sub_project_name}#{Buildr::IntellijIdea::IdeaFile::DEFAULT_SUFFIX}.iml") end def subproject_module_xml(project, sub_project_name) xml_document(subproject_module_filename(project, sub_project_name)) end def xml_document(filename) File.should be_exist(filename) REXML::Document.new(File.read(filename)) end def xpath_to_module "/project/component[@name='ProjectModuleManager']/modules/module" end describe "idea:clean" do before do write "foo.ipr" write "foo.iml" write "other.ipr" write "other.iml" mkdir_p 'bar' write "bar/bar.iml" write "bar/other.ipr" write "bar/other.iml" @foo = define "foo" do define "bar" end invoke_clean_task end it "should remove the ipr file" do File.exists?("foo.ipr").should be_false end it "should remove the project iml file" do File.exists?("foo.iml").should be_false end it "should remove the subproject iml file" do File.exists?("foo.iml").should be_false end it "should not remove other iml and ipr files" do File.exists?("other.ipr").should be_true File.exists?("other.iml").should be_true File.exists?("bar/other.ipr").should be_true File.exists?("bar/other.iml").should be_true end end describe "idea:generate" do def order_entry_xpath "/module/component[@name='NewModuleRootManager']/orderEntry" end describe "with a single dependency" do describe "of type compile" do before do artifact('group:id:jar:1.0') { |t| write t.to_s } @foo = define "foo" do compile.with 'group:id:jar:1.0' end invoke_generate_task end it "generates one exported 'module-library' orderEntry in IML" do root_module_xml(@foo).should have_nodes("#{order_entry_xpath}[@type='module-library', @exported='']/library/CLASSES/root", 1) end end describe "with iml.main_dependencies override" do before do artifact('group:id:jar:1.0') { |t| write t.to_s } @foo = define "foo" do iml.main_dependencies << 'group:id:jar:1.0' end invoke_generate_task end it "generates one exported 'module-library' orderEntry in IML" do root_module_xml(@foo).should have_nodes("#{order_entry_xpath}[@type='module-library', @exported='']/library/CLASSES/root", 1) end end describe "of type test" do before do artifact('group:id:jar:1.0') { |t| write t.to_s } @foo = define "foo" do test.with 'group:id:jar:1.0' end invoke_generate_task end it "generates one non-exported 'module-library' orderEntry in IML" do root_module_xml(@foo).should have_nodes("#{order_entry_xpath}[@type='module-library' and @exported]/library/CLASSES/root", 0) root_module_xml(@foo).should have_nodes("#{order_entry_xpath}[@type='module-library']/library/CLASSES/root", 1) end end describe "with iml.test_dependencies override" do before do artifact('group:id:jar:1.0') { |t| write t.to_s } @foo = define "foo" do iml.test_dependencies << 'group:id:jar:1.0' end invoke_generate_task end it "generates one non-exported 'module-library' orderEntry in IML" do root_module_xml(@foo).should have_nodes("#{order_entry_xpath}[@type='module-library' and @exported]/library/CLASSES/root", 0) root_module_xml(@foo).should have_nodes("#{order_entry_xpath}[@type='module-library']/library/CLASSES/root", 1) end end describe "with sources artifact present" do before do artifact('group:id:jar:1.0') { |t| write t.to_s } artifact('group:id:jar:sources:1.0') { |t| write t.to_s } @foo = define "foo" do compile.with 'group:id:jar:1.0' end invoke_generate_task end it "generates 'module-library' orderEntry in IML with SOURCES specified" do root_module_xml(@foo).should have_nodes("#{order_entry_xpath}[@type='module-library', @exported='']/library/SOURCES/root", 1) end end describe "with local_repository_env_override set to nil" do before do artifact('group:id:jar:1.0') { |t| write t.to_s } @foo = define "foo" do iml.local_repository_env_override = nil compile.with 'group:id:jar:1.0' end invoke_generate_task end it "generates orderEntry with absolute path for classes jar" do root_module_xml(@foo).should match_xpath("#{order_entry_xpath}/library/CLASSES/root/@url", "jar://$MODULE_DIR$/home/.m2/repository/group/id/1.0/id-1.0.jar!/") end end describe "with local_repository_env_override set to MAVEN_REPOSITORY" do before do artifact('group:id:jar:1.0') { |t| write t.to_s } @foo = define "foo" do iml.local_repository_env_override = 'MAVEN_REPOSITORY' compile.with 'group:id:jar:1.0' end invoke_generate_task end it "generates orderEntry with absolute path for classes jar" do root_module_xml(@foo).should match_xpath("#{order_entry_xpath}/library/CLASSES/root/@url", "jar://$MAVEN_REPOSITORY$/group/id/1.0/id-1.0.jar!/") end end end describe "with multiple dependencies" do before do artifact('group:id:jar:1.0') { |t| write t.to_s } artifact('group:id2:jar:1.0') { |t| write t.to_s } @foo = define "foo" do compile.with 'group:id:jar:1.0', 'group:id2:jar:1.0' end invoke_generate_task end it "generates multiple 'module-library' orderEntry in IML" do root_module_xml(@foo).should have_nodes("#{order_entry_xpath}[@type='module-library']", 2) end end describe "with a single non artifact dependency" do before do @foo = define "foo" do filename = _("foo-dep.jar") File.open(filename, "wb") { |t| write "Hello" } compile.with filename end invoke_generate_task end it "generates one exported 'module-library' orderEntry in IML" do root_module_xml(@foo).should match_xpath("#{order_entry_xpath}/library/CLASSES/root/@url", "jar://$MODULE_DIR$/foo-dep.jar!/") end end describe "with extra_modules specified" do before do @foo = define "foo" do ipr.extra_modules << 'other.iml' ipr.extra_modules << 'other_other.iml' end invoke_generate_task end it "generate an IPR with extra modules specified" do doc = xml_document(@foo._("foo.ipr")) doc.should have_nodes("#{xpath_to_module}", 3) module_ref = "$PROJECT_DIR$/foo.iml" doc.should have_xpath("#{xpath_to_module}[@fileurl='file://#{module_ref}', @filepath='#{module_ref}']") module_ref = "$PROJECT_DIR$/other.iml" doc.should have_xpath("#{xpath_to_module}[@fileurl='file://#{module_ref}', @filepath='#{module_ref}']") module_ref = "$PROJECT_DIR$/other_other.iml" doc.should have_xpath("#{xpath_to_module}[@fileurl='file://#{module_ref}', @filepath='#{module_ref}']") end end describe "with web and webservice facet added to root project" do before do @foo = define "foo" do iml.add_facet("Web", "web") do |facet| facet.configuration do |conf| conf.descriptors do |desc| desc.deploymentDescriptor :name => 'web.xml', :url => "file://$MODULE_DIR$/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml", :optional => "false", :version => "2.4" end conf.webroots do |webroots| webroots.root :url => "file://$MODULE_DIR$/src/main/webapp", :relative => "/" end end end iml.add_facet("WebServices Client", "WebServicesClient") do |facet| facet.configuration "ws.engine" => "Glassfish / JAX-WS 2.X RI / Metro 1.X / JWSDP 2.0" end define 'bar' end invoke_generate_task end it "generates an IML for root project with a web and webservice facet" do doc = xml_document(@foo._("foo.iml")) facet_xpath = "/module/component[@name='FacetManager']/facet" doc.should have_nodes(facet_xpath, 2) doc.should have_xpath("#{facet_xpath}[@type='web', @name='Web']") doc.should have_xpath("#{facet_xpath}[@type='WebServicesClient', @name='WebServices Client']") end end describe "with iml.group specified" do before do @foo = define "foo" do iml.group = true define 'bar' do define 'baz' do end end define 'rab' do iml.group = "MyGroup" end end invoke_generate_task end it "generate an IPR with correct group references" do doc = xml_document(@foo._("foo.ipr")) doc.should have_nodes("#{xpath_to_module}", 4) module_ref = "$PROJECT_DIR$/foo.iml" doc.should have_xpath("#{xpath_to_module}[@fileurl='file://#{module_ref}', @filepath='#{module_ref}']") module_ref = "$PROJECT_DIR$/rab/rab.iml" doc.should have_xpath("#{xpath_to_module}[@fileurl='file://#{module_ref}', @filepath='#{module_ref}' @group = 'MyGroup']") module_ref = "$PROJECT_DIR$/bar/bar.iml" doc.should have_xpath("#{xpath_to_module}[@fileurl='file://#{module_ref}', @filepath='#{module_ref}' @group = 'foo']") module_ref = "$PROJECT_DIR$/bar/baz/baz.iml" doc.should have_xpath("#{xpath_to_module}[@fileurl='file://#{module_ref}', @filepath='#{module_ref}' @group = 'foo/bar']") end end describe "with a single project definition" do describe "and default naming" do before do @foo = define "foo" invoke_generate_task end it "generates a single IPR" do Dir[@foo._("**/*.ipr")].should have(1).entry end it "generate an IPR in the root directory" do File.should be_exist(@foo._("foo.ipr")) end it "generates a single IML" do Dir[@foo._("**/*.iml")].should have(1).entry end it "generates an IML in the root directory" do File.should be_exist(@foo._("foo.iml")) end it "generate an IPR with the reference to correct module file" do File.should be_exist(@foo._("foo.ipr")) doc = xml_document(@foo._("foo.ipr")) module_ref = "$PROJECT_DIR$/foo.iml" doc.should have_nodes("#{xpath_to_module}[@fileurl='file://#{module_ref}', @filepath='#{module_ref}']", 1) end end describe "with no_iml generation disabled" do before do @foo = define "foo" do project.no_iml end invoke_generate_task end it "generates no IML" do Dir[@foo._("**/*.iml")].should have(0).entry end it "generate an IPR with no references" do File.should be_exist(@foo._("foo.ipr")) doc = xml_document(@foo._("foo.ipr")) doc.should have_nodes("#{xpath_to_module}", 0) end end describe "with ipr generation disabled" do before do @foo = define "foo" do project.no_ipr end invoke_generate_task end it "generates a single IML" do Dir[@foo._("**/*.iml")].should have(1).entry end it "generate no IPR" do File.should_not be_exist(@foo._("foo.ipr")) end end describe "and id overrides" do before do @foo = define "foo" do ipr.id = 'fooble' iml.id = 'feap' define "bar" do iml.id = "baz" end end invoke_generate_task end it "generate an IPR in the root directory" do File.should be_exist(@foo._("fooble.ipr")) end it "generates an IML in the root directory" do File.should be_exist(@foo._("feap.iml")) end it "generates an IML in the subproject directory" do File.should be_exist(@foo._("bar/baz.iml")) end it "generate an IPR with the reference to correct module file" do File.should be_exist(@foo._("fooble.ipr")) doc = xml_document(@foo._("fooble.ipr")) module_ref = "$PROJECT_DIR$/feap.iml" doc.should have_nodes("#{xpath_to_module}[@fileurl='file://#{module_ref}', @filepath='#{module_ref}']", 1) end end describe "and a suffix defined" do before do @foo = define "foo" do ipr.suffix = '-ipr-suffix' iml.suffix = '-iml-suffix' end invoke_generate_task end it "generate an IPR in the root directory" do File.should be_exist(@foo._("foo-ipr-suffix.ipr")) end it "generates an IML in the root directory" do File.should be_exist(@foo._("foo-iml-suffix.iml")) end it "generate an IPR with the reference to correct module file" do File.should be_exist(@foo._("foo-ipr-suffix.ipr")) doc = xml_document(@foo._("foo-ipr-suffix.ipr")) doc.should have_nodes("#{xpath_to_module}", 1) module_ref = "$PROJECT_DIR$/foo-iml-suffix.iml" doc.should have_nodes("#{xpath_to_module}[@fileurl='file://#{module_ref}', @filepath='#{module_ref}']", 1) end end end describe "with a subproject" do before do @foo = define "foo" do define 'bar' end invoke_generate_task end it "creates the subproject directory" do File.should be_exist(@foo._("bar")) end it "generates an IML in the subproject directory" do File.should be_exist(@foo._("bar/bar.iml")) end it "generate an IPR with the reference to correct module file" do File.should be_exist(@foo._("foo.ipr")) doc = xml_document(@foo._("foo.ipr")) doc.should have_nodes("#{xpath_to_module}", 2) module_ref = "$PROJECT_DIR$/foo.iml" doc.should have_nodes("#{xpath_to_module}[@fileurl='file://#{module_ref}', @filepath='#{module_ref}']", 1) module_ref = "$PROJECT_DIR$/bar/bar.iml" doc.should have_nodes("#{xpath_to_module}[@fileurl='file://#{module_ref}', @filepath='#{module_ref}']", 1) end end describe "with base_dir specified" do before do @foo = define "foo" do define('bar', :base_dir => 'fe') do define('baz', :base_dir => 'fi') do define('foe') end define('fum') end end invoke_generate_task end it "generates a subproject IML in the specified directory" do File.should be_exist(@foo._("fe/bar.iml")) end it "generates a sub-subproject IML in the specified directory" do File.should be_exist(@foo._("fi/baz.iml")) end it "generates a sub-sub-subproject IML that inherits the specified directory" do File.should be_exist(@foo._("fi/foe/foe.iml")) end it "generates a sub-subproject IML that inherits the specified directory" do File.should be_exist(@foo._("fe/fum/fum.iml")) end it "generate an IPR with the references to correct module files" do doc = xml_document(@foo._("foo.ipr")) doc.should have_nodes("#{xpath_to_module}", 5) ["foo.iml", "fe/bar.iml", "fi/baz.iml", "fi/foe/foe.iml", "fe/fum/fum.iml"].each do |module_ref| doc.should have_nodes("#{xpath_to_module}[@fileurl='file://$PROJECT_DIR$/#{module_ref}', @filepath='$PROJECT_DIR$/#{module_ref}']", 1) end end end describe "with extensive intermodule dependencies" do before do mkdir_p 'foo/src/main/resources' mkdir_p 'foo/src/main/java/foo' touch 'foo/src/main/java/foo/Foo.java' # needed so that buildr will treat as a java project artifact('group:id:jar:1.0') { |t| write t.to_s } define "root" do repositories.remote << 'http://mirrors.ibiblio.org/pub/mirrors/maven2/' project.version = "2.5.2" define 'foo' do resources.from _(:source, :main, :resources) compile.with 'group:id:jar:1.0' test.using(:junit) package(:jar) end define 'bar' do # internally transitive dependencies on foo, both runtime and test compile.with project('root:foo'), project('root:foo').compile.dependencies test.using(:junit).with [project('root:foo').test.compile.target, project('root:foo').test.resources.target, project('root:foo').test.compile.dependencies].compact package(:jar) end end invoke_generate_task @bar_iml = xml_document(project('root:bar')._('bar.iml')) @bar_lib_urls = @bar_iml.get_elements("//orderEntry[@type='module-library']/library/CLASSES/root").collect do |root| root.attribute('url').to_s end end it "depends on the associated module exactly once" do @bar_iml.should have_nodes("//orderEntry[@type='module', @module-name='foo']", 1) end it "does not depend on the other project's packaged JAR" do @bar_lib_urls.grep(%r{#{project('root:foo').packages.first}}).should == [] end it "does not depend on the the other project's target/classes directory" do @bar_lib_urls.grep(%r{foo/target/classes}).should == [] end it "depends on the the other project's target/resources directory" do @bar_lib_urls.grep(%r{file://\$MODULE_DIR\$/../foo/target/resources}).size.should == 1 end end describe "with a single project definition" do before do @foo = define "foo" end it "informs the user about generating IPR" do lambda { invoke_generate_task }.should show_info(/Writing (.+)\/foo\.ipr/) end it "informs the user about generating IML" do lambda { invoke_generate_task }.should show_info(/Writing (.+)\/foo\.iml/) end end describe "with a subproject" do before do @foo = define "foo" do define 'bar' end end it "informs the user about generating subporoject IML" do lambda { invoke_generate_task }.should show_info(/Writing (.+)\/bar\/bar\.iml/) end end describe "with compile.options.source = '1.6'" do before do @foo = define "foo" do compile.options.source = '1.5' end invoke_generate_task end it "generate an ProjectRootManager with 1.5 jdk specified" do #raise File.read(@foo._("foo.ipr")) xml_document(@foo._("foo.ipr")). should have_xpath("/project/component[@name='ProjectRootManager' and @project-jdk-name = '1.5' and @languageLevel = 'JDK_1_5']") end it "generates a ProjectDetails component with the projectName option set" do xml_document(@foo._("foo.ipr")). should have_xpath("/project/component[@name='ProjectDetails']/option[@name = 'projectName' and @value = 'foo']") end end describe "with compile.options.source = '1.6'" do before do @foo = define "foo" do compile.options.source = '1.6' end invoke_generate_task end it "generate an ProjectRootManager with 1.6 jdk specified" do xml_document(@foo._("foo.ipr")). should have_xpath("/project/component[@name='ProjectRootManager' and @project-jdk-name = '1.6' and @languageLevel = 'JDK_1_6']") end end describe "with iml.skip_content! specified" do before do @foo = define "foo" do iml.skip_content! end invoke_generate_task end it "generate an IML with no content section" do doc = xml_document(@foo._(root_module_filename(@foo))) doc.should_not have_xpath("/module/component[@name='NewModuleRootManager']/content") end end describe "with iml.skip_content! not specified and standard layout" do before do @foo = define "foo" do end invoke_generate_task end it "generate an IML with content section" do root_module_xml(@foo).should have_xpath("/module/component[@name='NewModuleRootManager']/content") end it "generate an exclude in content section for reports" do root_module_xml(@foo).should have_xpath("/module/component[@name='NewModuleRootManager']/content/excludeFolder[@url='file://$MODULE_DIR$/reports']") end it "generate an exclude in content section for target" do root_module_xml(@foo).should have_xpath("/module/component[@name='NewModuleRootManager']/content/excludeFolder[@url='file://$MODULE_DIR$/target']") end end describe "with subprojects" do before do @foo = define "foo" do define "bar" do compile.from _(:source, :main, :bar) end end invoke_generate_task @bar_doc = xml_document(project('foo:bar')._('bar.iml')) end it "generates the correct source directories" do @bar_doc.should have_xpath("//content/sourceFolder[@url='file://$MODULE_DIR$/src/main/bar']") end it "generates the correct exclude directories" do @bar_doc.should have_xpath("//content/excludeFolder[@url='file://$MODULE_DIR$/target']") end end describe "with overrides" do before do @foo = define "foo" do compile.from _(:source, :main, :bar) iml.main_source_directories << _(:source, :main, :baz) iml.test_source_directories << _(:source, :test, :foo) end invoke_generate_task end it "generates the correct main source directories" do root_module_xml(@foo).should have_xpath("//content/sourceFolder[@url='file://$MODULE_DIR$/src/main/baz' and @isTestSource='false']") end it "generates the correct test source directories" do root_module_xml(@foo).should have_xpath("//content/sourceFolder[@url='file://$MODULE_DIR$/src/test/foo' and @isTestSource='true']") end end describe "with report dir outside content" do before do layout = Layout::Default.new layout[:reports] = "../reports" @foo = define "foo", :layout => layout do end invoke_generate_task end it "generate an exclude in content section for target" do root_module_xml(@foo).should have_xpath("/module/component[@name='NewModuleRootManager']/content/excludeFolder[@url='file://$MODULE_DIR$/target']") end it "generates an content section without an exclude for report dir" do root_module_xml(@foo).should have_nodes("/module/component[@name='NewModuleRootManager']/content/excludeFolder", 1) end end describe "with target dir outside content" do before do layout = Layout::Default.new layout[:target] = "../target" layout[:target, :main] = "../target" @foo = define "foo", :layout => layout do end invoke_generate_task end it "generate an exclude in content section for reports" do root_module_xml(@foo).should have_xpath("/module/component[@name='NewModuleRootManager']/content/excludeFolder[@url='file://$MODULE_DIR$/reports']") end it "generates an content section without an exclude for target dir" do root_module_xml(@foo).should have_nodes("/module/component[@name='NewModuleRootManager']/content/excludeFolder", 1) end end describe "templates" do def ipr_template return < PROJECT_XML end def ipr_existing return < PROJECT_XML end def ipr_from_template_xpath "/project/component[@name='SvnBranchConfigurationManager']/option[@name = 'mySupportsUserInfoFilter' and @value = 'false']" end def ipr_from_existing_xpath "/project/component[@name='AntConfiguration']" end def ipr_from_existing_shadowing_template_xpath "/project/component[@name='SvnBranchConfigurationManager']/option[@name = 'mySupportsUserInfoFilter' and @value = 'true']" end def ipr_from_existing_shadowing_generated_xpath "/project/component[@name='ProjectModuleManager']/modules/module[@fileurl = 'file://$PROJECT_DIR$/existing.iml']" end def ipr_from_generated_xpath "/project/component[@name='ProjectModuleManager']/modules/module[@fileurl = 'file://$PROJECT_DIR$/foo.iml']" end def iml_template return < PROJECT_XML end def iml_existing return < PROJECT_XML end def iml_from_template_xpath "/module/component[@name='FacetManager']/facet[@type = 'JRUBY']" end def iml_from_existing_xpath "/module/component[@name='FunkyPlugin']" end def iml_from_existing_shadowing_template_xpath "/module/component[@name='FacetManager']/facet[@type = 'SCALA']" end def iml_from_existing_shadowing_generated_xpath "/module/component[@name='NewModuleRootManager']/orderEntry[@module-name = 'buildr-bnd']" end def iml_from_generated_xpath "/module/component[@name='NewModuleRootManager']/orderEntry[@type = 'module-library']" end describe "with existing project files" do before do write "foo.ipr", ipr_existing write "foo.iml", iml_existing artifact('group:id:jar:1.0') { |t| write t.to_s } @foo = define "foo" do ipr.template = nil iml.template = nil compile.with 'group:id:jar:1.0' end invoke_generate_task end it "replaces ProjectModuleManager component in existing ipr file" do xml_document(@foo._("foo.ipr")).should have_xpath(ipr_from_generated_xpath) xml_document(@foo._("foo.ipr")).should_not have_xpath(ipr_from_existing_shadowing_generated_xpath) end it "merges component in existing ipr file" do xml_document(@foo._("foo.ipr")).should have_xpath(ipr_from_existing_xpath) end def iml_from_generated_xpath "/module/component[@name='NewModuleRootManager']/orderEntry[@type = 'module-library']" end it "replaces NewModuleRootManager component in existing iml file" do xml_document(@foo._("foo.iml")).should have_xpath(iml_from_generated_xpath) xml_document(@foo._("foo.iml")).should_not have_xpath(iml_from_existing_shadowing_generated_xpath) end it "merges component in existing iml file" do xml_document(@foo._("foo.iml")).should have_xpath(iml_from_existing_xpath) end end describe "with an iml template" do before do write "module.template.iml", iml_template artifact('group:id:jar:1.0') { |t| write t.to_s } @foo = define "foo" do ipr.template = nil iml.template = "module.template.iml" compile.with 'group:id:jar:1.0' end invoke_generate_task end it "replaces generated components" do xml_document(@foo._("foo.iml")).should have_xpath(iml_from_generated_xpath) end it "merges component in iml template" do xml_document(@foo._("foo.iml")).should have_xpath(iml_from_template_xpath) end end describe "with an iml template and existing iml" do before do write "module.template.iml", iml_template write "foo.iml", iml_existing artifact('group:id:jar:1.0') { |t| write t.to_s } @foo = define "foo" do ipr.template = nil iml.template = "module.template.iml" compile.with 'group:id:jar:1.0' end invoke_generate_task end it "replaces generated components" do xml_document(@foo._("foo.iml")).should have_xpath(iml_from_generated_xpath) end it "merges component in iml template" do xml_document(@foo._("foo.iml")).should have_xpath(iml_from_template_xpath) end it "merges components not in iml template and not generated by task" do xml_document(@foo._("foo.iml")).should have_xpath(iml_from_existing_xpath) xml_document(@foo._("foo.iml")).should_not have_xpath(iml_from_existing_shadowing_template_xpath) xml_document(@foo._("foo.iml")).should_not have_xpath(iml_from_existing_shadowing_generated_xpath) end end describe "with an ipr template" do before do write "project.template.iml", ipr_template artifact('group:id:jar:1.0') { |t| write t.to_s } @foo = define "foo" do ipr.template = "project.template.iml" iml.template = nil compile.with 'group:id:jar:1.0' end invoke_generate_task end it "replaces generated component in ipr template" do xml_document(@foo._("foo.ipr")).should have_xpath(ipr_from_generated_xpath) end it "merges component in ipr template" do xml_document(@foo._("foo.ipr")).should have_xpath(ipr_from_template_xpath) end end describe "with an ipr template and existing ipr" do before do write "project.template.iml", ipr_template write "foo.ipr", ipr_existing artifact('group:id:jar:1.0') { |t| write t.to_s } @foo = define "foo" do ipr.template = "project.template.iml" iml.template = nil compile.with 'group:id:jar:1.0' end invoke_generate_task end it "replaces generated component in ipr template" do xml_document(@foo._("foo.ipr")).should have_xpath(ipr_from_generated_xpath) end it "merges component in ipr template" do xml_document(@foo._("foo.ipr")).should have_xpath(ipr_from_template_xpath) end it "merges components not in ipr template and not generated by task" do xml_document(@foo._("foo.ipr")).should have_xpath(ipr_from_existing_xpath) xml_document(@foo._("foo.ipr")).should_not have_xpath(ipr_from_existing_shadowing_generated_xpath) xml_document(@foo._("foo.ipr")).should_not have_xpath(ipr_from_existing_shadowing_template_xpath) end end end end describe "Buildr::IntellijIdea::IdeaModule" do describe "with no settings" do before do @foo = define "foo" end it "has correct default iml.type setting" do @foo.iml.type.should == "JAVA_MODULE" end it "has correct default iml.local_repository_env_override setting" do @foo.iml.local_repository_env_override.should == "MAVEN_REPOSITORY" end end describe "settings inherited in subprojects" do before do mkdir_p 'bar' @foo = define "foo" do iml.type = "FOO_MODULE_TYPE" define 'bar' end invoke_generate_task end it "generates root IML with specified type" do module_file = root_module_filename(@foo) File.should be_exist(module_file) File.read(module_file).should =~ /FOO_MODULE_TYPE/ end it "generates subproject IML with inherited type" do module_file = subproject_module_filename(@foo, "bar") File.should be_exist(module_file) File.read(module_file).should =~ /FOO_MODULE_TYPE/ end end describe "with local_repository_env_override = nil" do describe "base_directory on different drive on windows" do before do @foo = define "foo", :base_dir => "C:/bar" do iml.local_repository_env_override = nil end end it "generates relative paths correctly" do @foo.iml.send(:resolve_path, "E:/foo").should eql('E:/foo') end end describe "base_directory on same drive on windows" do before do @foo = define "foo", :base_dir => "C:/bar" do iml.local_repository_env_override = nil end end it "generates relative paths correctly" do @foo.iml.send(:resolve_path, "C:/foo").should eql('$MODULE_DIR$/../foo') end end end end describe "project extension" do it "provides an 'idea:generate' task" do Rake::Task.tasks.detect { |task| task.to_s == "idea:generate" }.should_not be_nil end it "documents the 'idea:generate' task" do Rake::Task.tasks.detect { |task| task.to_s == "idea:generate" }.comment.should_not be_nil end it "provides an 'idea:clean' task" do Rake::Task.tasks.detect { |task| task.to_s == "idea:clean" }.should_not be_nil end it "documents the 'idea:clean' task" do Rake::Task.tasks.detect { |task| task.to_s == "idea:clean" }.comment.should_not be_nil end it "removes the 'idea' task" do Rake::Task.tasks.detect { |task| task.to_s == "idea" }.should be_nil end it "removes the 'idea7x' task" do Rake::Task.tasks.detect { |task| task.to_s == "idea7x" }.should be_nil end it "removes the 'idea7x:clean' task" do Rake::Task.tasks.detect { |task| task.to_s == "idea7x:clean" }.should be_nil end describe "#no_iml" do it "makes #iml? false" do @foo = define "foo" do project.no_iml end @foo.iml?.should be_false end end describe "#iml" do before do define "foo" do iml.suffix = "-top" define "bar" do iml.suffix = "-mid" define "baz" do end end end end it "inherits the direct parent's IML settings" do project('foo:bar:baz').iml.suffix.should == "-mid" end it "does not modify the parent's IML settings" do project('foo').iml.suffix.should == "-top" end it "works even when the parent has no IML" do lambda { define "a" do project.no_iml define "b" do iml.suffix = "-alone" end end }.should_not raise_error end it "inherits from the first ancestor which has an IML" do define "a" do iml.suffix = "-a" define "b" do iml.suffix = "-b" define "c" do project.no_iml define "d" do project.no_iml define "e" do project.no_iml define "f" do end end end end end end project("a:b:c:d:e:f").iml.suffix.should == "-b" end end end end