module Basepack module Import module ModelDragonfly extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do attr_accessor :current_ability has_many :importables, inverse_of: :import, dependent: :destroy, class_name: 'Basepack::ImportImportable' dragonfly_accessor :file dragonfly_accessor :report serialize :configuration, Hash validates :klass, presence: true validate :validate_klass_is_model validates :file, presence: true validates_property :mime_type, of: [:file, :report], in: Basepack::Settings.import.mime_types, case_sensitive: false validates :state, presence: true, inclusion: { in: { |t| t.last } } validates :action_name, :num_errors, :num_imported, presence: true rails_admin do configure :file_name do pretty_value do bindings[:view].link_to(value, bindings[:object].file.url) end end configure :file_size do pretty_value do value.to_s(:human_size) end end configure :report_name do pretty_value do bindings[:object].report ? bindings[:view].link_to(value, bindings[:object].report.url) : nil end end configure :num_errors do pretty_value do bindings[:object].report ? bindings[:view].link_to(value, bindings[:object].report.url) : value.to_s end end configure :num_imported do pretty_value do if bindings[:object].klass klass = bindings[:object].importable_class assoc_name = Basepack::Settings.import.association_name if assoc_name and klass.reflect_on_association(assoc_name) bindings[:view].link_to( value, bindings[:view].main_app.polymorphic_path(klass, "f[#{assoc_name}_id_eq]" => bindings[:object].id) ) else value.to_s end else value.to_s end end end query do sort_by :created_at end show do field :file_name field :file_mime_type field :file_size field :report_name field :num_errors field :num_imported field :state field :created_at end list do field :file_name field :file_size field :num_errors field :num_imported field :state field :created_at end update do field :state, :hidden field :configuration end edit do field :file end end end module ClassMethods def state_enum Basepack::Settings.import.state_types end end def file_type case file.try(:mime_type) when "text/csv", "text/plain" :csv else :unknown end end def open_file(&block), "r:utf-8", &block) end def open_report(&block), "a:utf-8", &block) end def validate_klass_is_model begin c = klass.constantize raise NameError unless c.ancestors.include? ActiveRecord::Base false rescue NameError errors.add(:klass, "is not known model!") true end end def importable_class klass.constantize end def start_processing(&block) import = self unless import.state == "finished" unless import.state == "processing" name = "report-#{}.csv" data = "" data.define_singleton_method(:original_filename) { name } = data import.state = "processing"! import = self.class.find( # reload report path end yield(import) import.update_attributes!(state: "finished") end end def import_data(current_ability) start_processing do |import| import.current_ability = current_ability import.send("import_data_#{import.file_type}") end end def import_data_csv import = self ability_attributes = current_ability.attributes_for(:import, importable_class) mapping = import.configuration[:mapping] || [] use_blanks = import.configuration[:blank_vals] == 'use' skip_rows = import.num_imported + import.num_errors + 1 # 1==header, if > 1, then import failed and called repeatedly idx = 0 import.open_report do |report| if skip_rows == 1 report << CSV.generate_line(mapping + ["Chyby"], encoding: 'UTF-8') end import.open_file do |f|, col_sep: import.configuration[:col_sep] || ',').each do |row| next if row.blank? idx += 1 next if idx <= skip_rows attrs = ability_attributes.dup row.each_with_index do |data, i| attr = mapping[i] attrs[attr] = data if attr.present? and (data.present? or use_blanks) end import_attributes(Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query(attrs.to_query)) do |object| unless save_object(object) report << CSV.generate_line(row + [object.errors.full_messages.join('; ')], encoding: 'UTF-8') end end end end end end def import_attributes(attrs, &block) if attrs.present? transaction do model = importable_class begin object = model.try(:find_or_initialize_for_import, attrs) || Basepack::Import::Importable.find_or_initialize_for_import(model, attrs) rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound => e # error in finding nested attributes object = object.errors[:base] << e.message end if object.respond_to?(:around_import) object.around_import(self) { yield(object) } else yield(object) end save! end end end def save_object(object) status = object.errors.empty? ? : false if status self.num_imported += 1 object) else self.num_errors += 1 end status end end end end