0.7.0 ----------- - Ruby 2.1 support added. - Ruby 1.8.7 support removed. - Rubinius support updated. - Gemfile.lock removed (Rails 4 support, etc) - API change: Add ability to implement a 'validate' method - ```discard_invalid``` option added - AdditionFilters: Gain ability to pass blocks to filters. 0.6.0 ----------- - Add pluggable filters. - Add ruby 1.8.7 support [#19] - Add a date filter: ```date :start_date``` (/via @eliank and @geronimo) - ```Mutations.cache_constants = false``` if you want to work in Rails dev mode which redefines constants. [#23] 0.5.12 ----------- - Added a duck filter: ```duck :lengthy, methods: :length``` to ensure all values respond_to? :length [#14] - Added a file filter: ```file :data``` to ensure the data is a File-like object [#15] - Allow raw_inputs to be used as method inside of execute to access the original data passed in. (@tomtaylor) - integer filter now allows the ```in``` option. Eg: ```integer :http_code, in: (200, 404, 401)``` (/via @tomtaylor) - Added a changelog. [#10] 0.5.11 ----------- - Float filter (@aq1018) - Clean up public API + code (@blambeau) - Model filters should lazily resolve their classes so that mocks can be used (@edwinv) - Filtered inputs should be included in the Outcome - Fix typos (@frodsan) 0.5.10 and earlier ----------- - Initial versions