RSpec.describe 'integration test' do [Licensee::FSProject, Licensee::GitProject].each do |project_type| context "with a #{project_type} project" do let(:filename) { 'LICENSE' } let(:license) { Licensee::License.find('mit') } let(:content) { license.content } let(:license_path) { File.expand_path(filename, project_path) } let(:arguments) { {} } subject {, arguments) } context 'fixtures' do let(:fixture) { 'mit' } let(:project_path) { fixture_path(fixture) } let(:git_path) { File.expand_path('.git', project_path) } if project_type == Licensee::GitProject before { git_init(project_path) } after { FileUtils.rm_rf(git_path) } end context 'with a folder named license' do let(:fixture) { 'license-folder' } it "doesn't match" do expect(subject.license).to be_nil end end context 'with LICENSE.lesser' do let(:license) { Licensee::License.find('lgpl-3.0') } let(:fixture) { 'lgpl' } it 'matches to LGPL' do expect(subject.license).to eql(license) expect(subject.license_file.path).to eql('COPYING.lesser') end end context 'MPL with HRs removed' do let(:license) { Licensee::License.find('mpl-2.0') } let(:fixture) { 'mpl-without-hrs' } it 'matches to MPL' do expect(subject.license).to eql(license) end end end context 'with the license file stubbed' do let(:project_path) { Dir.mktmpdir } before do File.write(license_path, content) git_init(project_path) if project_type == Licensee::GitProject end after { FileUtils.rm_rf(project_path) } [ '', 'LICENSE.txt', '', 'LiCeNSe.Txt', 'LICENSE-MIT', 'MIT-LICENSE', 'licence', 'unlicense' ].each do |filename| context "with a #{filename} file" do let(:filename) { filename } it 'matches the license file' do expect(subject.license).to eql(license) expect(subject.license_file.path).to eql(filename) end end end context 'an unlicensed project' do let(:content) { '' } it "doesn't match" do expect(subject.license).to be_nil expect(subject.license_file.path).to eql('LICENSE') end end context 'a package.json file' do let(:content) { '{"license": "mit"}' } let(:filename) { 'package.json' } let(:license) { Licensee::License.find('mit') } let(:arguments) { { detect_packages: true } } it 'matches' do expect(subject.license).to eql(license) expect(subject.package_file.path).to eql(filename) end end context 'a README file' do let(:content) { "## License\n#{license.content}" } let(:filename) { 'README' } let(:license) { Licensee::License.find('mit') } let(:arguments) { { detect_readme: true } } it 'matches' do expect(subject.license).to eql(license) expect(subject.readme_file.path).to eql(filename) end end context 'a DESCRIPTION file' do let(:content) { "Package: test\nLicense: MIT + file LICENSE" } let(:filename) { 'DESCRIPTION' } let(:license) { Licensee::License.find('mit') } let(:arguments) { { detect_packages: true } } it 'matches' do expect(subject.license).to eql(license) expect(subject.package_file.path).to eql(filename) end end end end end end