require 'test_helper' class ClassTest < BaseTest class RepresentingSong attr_reader :name def from_hash(doc, *args) @name = doc["__name__"] self # DISCUSS: do we wanna be able to return whatever we want here? this is a trick to replace the actual object end end describe "class: ClassName, only" do representer! do property :song, :class => RepresentingSong # supposed this class exposes #from_hash itself. end it "creates fresh instance and doesn't extend" do song = representer.prepare({"song" => {"__name__" => "Captured"}}).song song.must_be_instance_of RepresentingSong "Captured" end end describe "class: lambda, only" do representer! do property :song, :class => lambda { |*| RepresentingSong } end it "creates fresh instance and doesn't extend" do song = representer.prepare({"song" => {"__name__" => "Captured"}}).song song.must_be_instance_of RepresentingSong "Captured" end end # this throws a DeserializationError now. describe "lambda { nil }" do representer! do property :title, :class => nil end it do assert_raises Representable::DeserializeError do{"title" => {}}) end end end describe "lambda receiving fragment and args" do let (:klass) { do class << self attr_accessor :args end def from_hash(*) end end } representer!(:inject => :klass) do _klass = klass property :song, :class => lambda { |fragment, args| _klass.args=([fragment,args]); _klass } end it { representer.prepare({"song" => {"name" => "Captured"}}, :volume => true).song.class.args. must_equal([{"name"=>"Captured"}, {:volume=>true}]) } end describe "collection: lambda receiving fragment and args" do let (:klass) { do class << self attr_accessor :args end def from_hash(*) end end } representer!(:inject => :klass) do _klass = klass collection :songs, :class => lambda { |fragment, i, args| _klass.args=([fragment,i,args]); _klass } end it { representer.prepare({"songs" => [{"name" => "Captured"}]}, :volume => true).songs.first.class.args. must_equal([{"name"=>"Captured"}, 0, {:volume=>true}]) } end describe "class: implementing #from_hash" do let(:parser) do do def from_hash(*) [1,2,3,4] end end end representer!(:inject => :parser) do property :song, :class => parser # supposed this class exposes #from_hash itself. end it "allows returning arbitrary objects in #from_hash" do representer.prepare({"song" => 1}).song.must_equal [1,2,3,4] end end end #TODO: test fragment, # `class: Song` only, no :extend.