module RuboCop module Cop module Facter # Check that custom facts do no use require_relative, as many Puppet deployments # may be using a version of Ruby that doesn't support it. require_relative was # introduced in Ruby 1.9.3, but many Puppet installations still use 1.8.7, as this # is the default version supplied with RHEL 6 # # @example # # bad # require_relative 'helpers/custom_fact_helper' # # # good # require 'helpers/custom_fact_helper' class RequireRelative < Cop # rubocop:disable Metrics/LineLength MSG = 'Avoid use of `require_relative` as it is not supported in Ruby 1.8.7, still used in many Puppet deployments'.freeze # rubocop:enable Metrics/LineLength def on_send(node) _receiver, method_name, *args = *node add_offense(node, :selector) if (method_name == :require_relative && _receiver == nil) end end end end end