### Copyright 2016 Pixar ### ### Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License") ### with the following modification; you may not use this file except in ### compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it: ### Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with: ### ### 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade ### names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor ### and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of ### the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file. ### ### You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at ### ### http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ### ### Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ### distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is ### distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY ### KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific ### language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License. ### ### ### ### JSS, A Ruby module for interacting with the JAMF Software Server via it's REST API. ### module JSS ##################################### ### Required Libraries, etc ##################################### ################### ### Standard Libraries require 'date' require 'singleton' require 'pathname' require 'fileutils' require 'uri' require "ipaddr" require "rexml/document" require "base64" require "shellwords" require "digest" require 'yaml' ################### ### Gems require 'rest-client' require 'json' require 'plist' ##################################### ### Constants ##################################### ### The minimum JSS version that works with this gem, as returned by the API ### in the deprecated 'jssuser' resource MINIMUM_SERVER_VERSION = "9.4" ### The current local UTC offset as a fraction of a day (Time.now.utc_offset is the offset in seconds, ### 60*60*24 is the seconds in a day) TIME_ZONE_OFFSET = Rational(Time.now.utc_offset, 60*60*24) ### These are handy for testing values without making new arrays, strings, etc every time. TRUE_FALSE = [true, false] ### When parsing a date/time data into a Time object, these will return nil NIL_DATES = [0, nil, '', '0'] ##################################### ### Module Variables ##################################### ### The contents of anything piped to stdin, split into lines. See {JSS.stdin} @@stdin_lines = nil ##################################### ### Module Methods ##################################### ### ### Define classes and submodules here so that they don't ### generate errors when referenced during the loading of ### the library. ### ##################################### ### Sub Modules ##################################### module Composer ; end ### Mix-in Sub Modules module Creatable ; end module FileUpload ; end module Locatable ; end module Matchable ; end module Purchasable ; end module Updatable ; end module Extendable ; end ### Mix-in Sub Modules with Classes module Criteriable ; end class Criteriable::Criteria ; end class Criteriable::Criterion ; end module Scopable ; end class Scopable::Scope ; end ##################################### ### Classes ##################################### class APIObject ; end class APIConnection ; end class Client ; end class DBConnection ; end class Server ; end class Preferences ; end ##################################### ### SubClasses ##################################### ### APIObject Classes with SubClasses class AdvancedSearch < JSS::APIObject ; end class AdvancedComputerSearch < JSS::AdvancedSearch ; end class AdvancedMobileDeviceSearch < JSS::AdvancedSearch ; end class AdvancedUserSearch < JSS::AdvancedSearch ; end class ExtensionAttribute < JSS::APIObject ; end class ComputerExtensionAttribute < JSS::ExtensionAttribute ; end class MobileDeviceExtensionAttribute < JSS::ExtensionAttribute ; end class UserExtensionAttribute < JSS::ExtensionAttribute ; end class Group < JSS::APIObject ; end class ComputerGroup < JSS::Group ; end class MobileDeviceGroup < JSS::Group ; end class UserGroup < JSS::Group ; end ### APIObject Classes without SubClasses class Building < JSS::APIObject ; end class Category < JSS::APIObject ; end class Computer < JSS::APIObject ; end class Department < JSS::APIObject ; end class DistributionPoint < JSS::APIObject ; end class LDAPServer < JSS::APIObject ; end class MobileDevice < JSS::APIObject ; end class NetBootServer < JSS::APIObject ; end class NetworkSegment < JSS::APIObject ; end class Package < JSS::APIObject ; end class PeripheralType < JSS::APIObject ; end class Peripheral < JSS::APIObject ; end class Policy < JSS::APIObject ; end class RemovableMacAddress < JSS::APIObject ; end class Script < JSS::APIObject ; end class Site < JSS::APIObject ; end class SoftwareUpdateServer < JSS::APIObject ; end class User < JSS::APIObject ; end end # module JSS ################## ### Load the rest of the module require "jss/utility" require "jss/composer" require "jss/compatibility" require "jss/ruby_extensions" require "jss/exceptions" require "jss/api_connection" require "jss/api_object" require "jss/server" require "jss/client" require "jss/configuration" require "jss/db_connection" require "jss/version"