require 'pundit' Kernel.class_eval do def key_join(aResource,aId=nil,aAssoc=nil) result = aResource if aId result += "__#{aId}" result += ".#{aAssoc}" if aAssoc end result end end class String def is_i? !!(self =~ /^[-+]?[0-9]+$/) end def split_kojac_key r,ia = self.split('__') id,a = ia.split('.') if ia id = id.to_i if id && id.is_i? [r,id,a] end # eg deals__5 => deals def resource self.split('__')[0] end # eg. deals__5.options => deals__5 def base_key self.split('.')[0] end def key_assoc self.split('.')[1] end end module KojacUtils module_function def model_class_for_key(aKey) resource = aKey.split_kojac_key[0] resource.singularize.camelize.constantize rescue nil end def model_for_key(aKey) klass = KojacUtils.model_class_for_key(aKey) resource,id,assoc = aKey.split_kojac_key klass.find(id) rescue nil end def upgrade_hashes_to_params(aValue) if aValue.is_a? Hash aValue = unless aValue.is_a?(ActionController::Parameters) elsif aValue.is_a? Array aValue = {|v| upgrade_hashes_to_params(v)} end aValue end def timestamp end def serializer_for(aObject) return ::KojacBaseSerializer if aObject.is_a?(Hash) return ::ActiveModel::ArraySerializer if aObject.respond_to?(:to_ary) return ActiveModel::DefaultSerializer if KojacBaseSerializer::SERIALIZABLE_TYPES.include?(aObject.class) return aObject.send(:active_model_serializer) if aObject.respond_to?(:active_model_serializer) return aObject.class.send(:active_model_serializer) if aObject.class.respond_to?(:active_model_serializer) if sz_class = ActiveModel::Serializer.serializer_for(aObject) sz_class else aObject.respond_to?(:attributes) ? ::KojacBaseSerializer : ActiveModel::DefaultSerializer end end def to_jsono(aObject,aOptions=nil) aOptions ||= {} if aObject.is_a?(Hash) or aObject.respond_to? :attributes serializer_for(aObject).new(aObject,aOptions).serializable_hash elsif aObject.respond_to?(:to_ary) && aObject.first # Array item_sz = serializer_for(aObject.first),aOptions.merge(each_serializer: item_sz)).as_json(aOptions) else aObject.as_json(aOptions) end end def to_json(aObject,aOptions) jsono = to_jsono(aObject,aOptions) result = jsono.to_json result end end module Kojac module ModelMethods def self.included(aClass) aClass.send :extend, ClassMethods aClass.class_eval do scope :by_key, ->(aKey,aOperation=nil) { key = if respond_to?(:crack_key) crack_key(aKey) elsif aClass.respond_to?(:crack_key) aClass.crack_key(aKey) end r = key[:resource] id = key[:id] a = key[:association] if id where(id: id) else where('1 = 1') end } end end module ClassMethods # used by pundit def policy_class "#{self}Policy".safe_constantize || KojacBasePolicy end def create_policy(aCurrentUser,aOp=nil),self,aOp) end def active_model_serializer "#{self}Serializer".safe_constantize || KojacBaseSerializer end def crack_key(aKey) r,id,a = aKey.split_kojac_key result = {} result[:original] = aKey result[:resource] = r if r result[:id] = id if id result[:association] = a if a result end def load_by_key(aKey,aOperation=nil) r,id,a = aKey.split_kojac_key rel = by_key(aKey) if id result = rel.first result.prepare(aKey,aOperation) if result.respond_to? :prepare else result = rel.all result.each do |item| item.prepare(aKey,aOperation) if item.respond_to? :prepare end end result end end def unauthorized!(aMessage=nil) raise ::Pundit::NotAuthorizedError, aMessage||"You are not authorized to perform this action" end def kojac_key self.class.to_s.snake_case.pluralize+'__' end def update_permitted_attributes!(aChanges, aPolicy) aChanges = KojacUtils.upgrade_hashes_to_params(aChanges) p_fields = aPolicy.permitted_fields(:write) unauthorized! if p_fields.empty? p_fields = aChanges.permit(*p_fields) if ::Rails::VERSION::MAJOR <= 3 assign_attributes(p_fields, :without_protection => true) else assign_attributes(p_fields) end save! end def as_json(options = nil) super end end end module Kojac class NotFoundError < StandardError end module ControllerOpMethods def self.included(aClass) #aClass.send :extend, ClassMethods # aClass.send :include, ActiveSupport::Callbacks # aClass.send :define_callbacks, :update_op, :scope => [:kind, :name] end #module ClassMethods #end module_function public def results @results ||= {} end def deduce_model_class KojacUtils.model_class_for_key(self.kojac_resource) end def kojac_resource self.class.to_s.chomp('Controller').snake_case end def kojac_current_user self.current_user end def current_ring kojac_current_user.try(:ring).to_i end def create_on_association(aItem,aAssoc,aValues,aRing) raise "User does not have permission for create on #{aAssoc}" unless aItem.class.ring_can?(aRing,:create_on,aAssoc.to_sym) return nil unless ma = aItem.class.reflect_on_association(aAssoc.to_sym) a_model_class = ma.klass policy = Kojac.policy!(kojac_current_user,a_model_class) aValues = KojacUtils.upgrade_hashes_to_params(aValues || {}) case ma.macro when :belongs_to return nil if !aValues.is_a?(Hash) fields = aValues.permit( *policy.permitted_fields(:write) ) a_model_class.write_op_filter(current_user,fields,aValues) if a_model_class.respond_to? :write_op_filter return aItem.send("build_#{aAssoc}".to_sym,fields) when :has_many aValues = [aValues] if aValues.is_a?(Hash) return nil unless aValues.is_a? Array aValues.each do |v| fields = v.permit( *policy.permitted_fields(:write) ) new_sub_item = nil case ma.macro when :has_many a_model_class.write_op_filter(current_user,fields,aValues) if a_model_class.respond_to? :write_op_filter new_sub_item = aItem.send(aAssoc.to_sym).create(fields) else raise "#{ma.macro} association unsupported in CREATE" end merge_model_into_results(new_sub_item) end end # # # #a_value = op[:value][a] # get data for this association, assume {} #if a_value.is_a?(Hash) # a_model_class = ma.klass # fields = a_value.permit( *permitted_fields(:write,a_model_class) ) # item.send("build_#{a}".to_sym,fields) # included_assocs << a.to_sym #elsif a_value.is_a?(Array) # raise "association collections not yet implemented for create" #else # next #end end def create_op ring = current_ring op = params[:op] options = op[:options] || {} model_class = deduce_model_class resource,id,assoc = op['key'].split_kojac_key if assoc # create operation on an association eg. {verb: "CREATE", key: "order.items"} raise "User does not have permission for #{op[:verb]} operation on #{model_class.to_s}.#{assoc}" unless model_class.ring_can?(ring,:create_on,assoc.to_sym) item = KojacUtils.model_for_key(key_join(resource,id)) ma = model_class.reflect_on_association(assoc.to_sym) a_value = op[:value] # get data for this association, assume {} raise "create multiple not yet implemented for associations" unless a_value.is_a?(Hash) a_model_class = ma.klass policy = Kojac.policy!(kojac_current_user,a_model_class) p_fields = policy.permitted_fields(:write) fields = a_value.permit( *p_fields ) new_sub_item = nil case ma.macro when :has_many a_model_class.write_op_filter(current_user,fields,a_value) if a_model_class.respond_to? :write_op_filter new_sub_item = item.send(assoc.to_sym).create(fields) else raise "#{ma.macro} association unsupported in CREATE" end result_key = op[:result_key] || new_sub_item.kojac_key merge_model_into_results(new_sub_item) else # create operation on a resource eg. {verb: "CREATE", key: "order_items"} but may have embedded association values raise "User does not have permission for #{op[:verb]} operation on #{model_class.to_s}" unless model_class.ring_can?(:create,ring) policy = Kojac.policy!(kojac_current_user,model_class) p_fields = policy.permitted_fields(:write) p_fields = op[:value].permit( *p_fields ) model_class.write_op_filter(current_user,p_fields,op[:value]) if model_class.respond_to? :write_op_filter item = model_class.create!(p_fields) options_include = options['include'] || [] included_assocs = [] p_assocs = policy.permitted_associations(:write) if p_assocs p_assocs.each do |a| next unless (a_value = op[:value][a]) || options_include.include?(a.to_s) create_on_association(item,a,a_value,ring) included_assocs << a.to_sym end end! result_key = op[:result_key] || item.kojac_key merge_model_into_results(item,result_key,:include => included_assocs) end { key: op[:key], verb: op[:verb], result_key: result_key, results: results } end protected def merge_model_into_results(aItem,aResultKey=nil,aOptions=nil) ring = current_ring aResultKey ||= aItem.g? :kojac_key results[aResultKey] = (aItem && KojacUtils.to_jsono(aItem,scope: kojac_current_user)) if policy = Kojac.policy!(kojac_current_user,aItem) aOptions ||= {} if included_assocs = aOptions[:include] included_assocs = included_assocs.split(',') if included_assocs.is_a?(String) included_assocs = [included_assocs] unless included_assocs.is_a?(Array)!(&:to_sym) if included_assocs.is_a?(Array) p_assocs = policy.permitted_associations(:read) # *** use_assocs = p_assocs.delete_if do |a| if included_assocs.include?(a) and ma = aItem.class.reflect_on_association(a) ![:belongs_to,:has_many].include?(ma.macro) # is supported association type else true # no such assoc end end use_assocs.each do |a| next unless a_contents = aItem.send(a) if a_contents.is_a? Array contents_h = [] a_contents.each do |sub_item| results[sub_item.kojac_key] = KojacUtils.to_jsono(sub_item,scope: kojac_current_user) end else results[a_contents.kojac_key] = KojacUtils.to_jsono(a_contents,scope: kojac_current_user) end end end end results_insert_filter(results,aItem,aResultKey,aOptions) if respond_to?(:results_insert_filter) results end public def read_op op = params[:op] key = op[:key] result_key = nil resource,id = key.split '__' model = deduce_model_class scope = Kojac.policy_scope(current_user, model, op) || model if id # item if scope item = scope.load_by_key(key,op) #item = item.first #item.prepare(key,op) if item.respond_to? :prepare result_key = op[:result_key] || (item && item.kojac_key) || op[:key] merge_model_into_results(item,result_key,op[:options]) else result_key = op[:result_key] || op[:key] results[result_key] = null end else # collection result_key = op[:result_key] || op[:key] results[result_key] = [] if scope items = scope items = send(:after_scope,items,op) if respond_to? :after_scope items = items.load_by_key(key,op) #items = scope.by_key(key,op) #items = items.all items.each do |item| item.prepare(key,op) if item.respond_to? :prepare end if op[:options] and op[:options][:atomise]==false items_json = [] items_json = {|i| KojacUtils.to_jsono(i,scope: kojac_current_user) } results[result_key] = items_json else items.each do |m| item_key = m.kojac_key results[result_key] << item_key.split_kojac_key[1] merge_model_into_results(m,item_key,op[:options]) end end end end { key: op[:key], verb: op[:verb], results: results, result_key: result_key } end def update_op result = nil ring = current_ring op = params[:op] result_key = nil model = deduce_model_class scope = Kojac.policy_scope(current_user, model, op) || model if item = scope.load_by_key(op[:key],op) #run_callbacks :update_op do policy = Kojac.policy!(kojac_current_user,item,op) item.update_permitted_attributes!(op[:value], policy) associations = policy.permitted_associations(:write) associations.each do |k| next unless assoc = model.reflect_on_association(k) next unless op[:value][k] case assoc.macro when :belongs_to if leaf = (item.send(k) || item.send("build_#{k}".to_sym)) policy = Kojac.policy!(kojac_current_user,leaf) leaf.update_permitted_attributes!(op[:value][k], policy) end end end result_key = item.kojac_key #results[result_key] = item merge_model_into_results(item,result_key,op[:options]) associations.each do |a| next unless assoc_item = item.send(a) next unless key = assoc_item.respond_to?(:kojac_key) && assoc_item.kojac_key #results[key] = assoc_item merge_model_into_results(assoc_item,key) end #end end { key: op[:key], verb: op[:verb], result_key: result_key, results: results } end def destroy_op ring = current_ring op = params[:op] result_key = op[:result_key] || op[:key] item = KojacUtils.model_for_key(op[:key]) item.destroy if item results[result_key] = nil { key: op[:key], verb: op[:verb], result_key: result_key, results: results } end #def execute_op # puts 'execute_op' #end def add_op ring = current_ring op = params[:op] model = deduce_model_class raise "ADD only supports associated collections at present eg order.items" unless op[:key].index('.') item = KojacUtils.model_for_key(op[:key].base_key) assoc = (assoc=op[:key].key_assoc) && assoc.to_sym id = op[:value]['id'] ma = item.class.reflect_on_association(assoc) case ma.macro when :has_many assoc_class = ma.klass assoc_item = assoc_class.find(id) item.send(assoc) << assoc_item #ids_method = assoc.to_s.singularize+'_ids' #ids = item.send(ids_method.to_sym) #item.send((ids_method+'=').to_sym,ids + [id]) result_key = assoc_item.kojac_key merge_model_into_results(assoc_item) else raise "ADD does not yet support #{ma.macro} associations" end { key: op[:key], verb: op[:verb], result_key: result_key, results: results } end def remove_op ring = current_ring op = params[:op] model = deduce_model_class raise "REMOVE only supports associated collections at present eg order.items" unless op[:key].key_assoc item = KojacUtils.model_for_key(op[:key].base_key) assoc = (assoc=op[:key].key_assoc) && assoc.to_sym id = op[:value]['id'] ma = item.class.reflect_on_association(assoc) case ma.macro when :has_many assoc_class = ma.klass if assoc_item = item.send(assoc).find(id) item.send(assoc).delete(assoc_item) result_key = assoc_item.kojac_key if (assoc_item.destroyed?) results[result_key] = nil else merge_model_into_results(assoc_item,result_key) end end else raise "REMOVE does not yet support #{ma.macro} associations" end { key: op[:key], verb: op[:verb], result_key: result_key, results: results } end def execute_op op = params[:op] resource,action = op[:key].split_kojac_key raise "action not given" unless action.is_a? String action = "execute_#{action}" raise "action #{action} not implemented on #{resource}" unless respond_to? action.to_sym result = send(action.to_sym,op) if op[:error] { key: op[:key], verb: op[:verb], error: op[:error] } else result_key = op[:result_key] || op[:key] results = op[:results] || {} # look at op[:results][result_key]. If empty, fill with returned value from action results[result_key] = KojacUtils.to_jsono(result,scope: kojac_current_user) unless results.has_key? result_key { key: op[:key], verb: op[:verb], result_key: result_key, results: results } end end end end