# GpgKey ## Example GpgKey Object ``` { "id": 1, "expires_at": "2000-01-01T01:00:00Z", "name": "key name", "user_id": 1, "public_key": "7f8bc1210b09b9ddf469e6b6b8920e76", "private_key": "ab236cfe4a195f0226bc2e674afdd6b0", "private_key_password": "[your GPG private key password]" } ``` * `id` (int64): Your GPG key ID. * `expires_at` (date-time): Your GPG key expiration date. * `name` (string): Your GPG key name. * `user_id` (int64): GPG owner's user id * `public_key` (string): Your GPG public key * `private_key` (string): Your GPG private key. * `private_key_password` (string): Your GPG private key password. Only required for password protected keys. --- ## List GPG Keys ``` Files::GpgKey.list( user_id: 1 ) ``` ### Parameters * `user_id` (int64): User ID. Provide a value of `0` to operate the current session's user. * `cursor` (string): Used for pagination. When a list request has more records available, cursors are provided in the response headers `X-Files-Cursor-Next` and `X-Files-Cursor-Prev`. Send one of those cursor value here to resume an existing list from the next available record. Note: many of our SDKs have iterator methods that will automatically handle cursor-based pagination. * `per_page` (int64): Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended). * `action` (string): * `page` (int64): * `sort_by` (object): If set, sort records by the specified field in either `asc` or `desc` direction (e.g. `sort_by[name]=desc`). Valid fields are `name` and `expires_at`. --- ## Show GPG Key ``` Files::GpgKey.find(id) ``` ### Parameters * `id` (int64): Required - Gpg Key ID. --- ## Create GPG Key ``` Files::GpgKey.create( user_id: 1, public_key: "7f8bc1210b09b9ddf469e6b6b8920e76", private_key: "ab236cfe4a195f0226bc2e674afdd6b0", private_key_password: "[your GPG private key password]", name: "key name" ) ``` ### Parameters * `user_id` (int64): User ID. Provide a value of `0` to operate the current session's user. * `public_key` (string): Your GPG public key * `private_key` (string): Your GPG private key. * `private_key_password` (string): Your GPG private key password. Only required for password protected keys. * `name` (string): Required - Your GPG key name. --- ## Update GPG Key ``` Files::GpgKey.update(id, public_key: "7f8bc1210b09b9ddf469e6b6b8920e76", private_key: "ab236cfe4a195f0226bc2e674afdd6b0", private_key_password: "[your GPG private key password]", name: "key name" ) ``` ### Parameters * `id` (int64): Required - Gpg Key ID. * `public_key` (string): Your GPG public key * `private_key` (string): Your GPG private key. * `private_key_password` (string): Your GPG private key password. Only required for password protected keys. * `name` (string): Your GPG key name. --- ## Delete GPG Key ``` Files::GpgKey.delete(id) ``` ### Parameters * `id` (int64): Required - Gpg Key ID. --- ## Update GPG Key ``` gpg_key = Files::GpgKey.find(id) gpg_key.update( public_key: "7f8bc1210b09b9ddf469e6b6b8920e76", private_key: "ab236cfe4a195f0226bc2e674afdd6b0", private_key_password: "[your GPG private key password]", name: "key name" ) ``` ### Parameters * `id` (int64): Required - Gpg Key ID. * `public_key` (string): Your GPG public key * `private_key` (string): Your GPG private key. * `private_key_password` (string): Your GPG private key password. Only required for password protected keys. * `name` (string): Your GPG key name. --- ## Delete GPG Key ``` gpg_key = Files::GpgKey.find(id) gpg_key.delete ``` ### Parameters * `id` (int64): Required - Gpg Key ID.