<% if params.key?("error") %>
<%= params["error"] %>
<% end %>

<%= @feature.key %>

<% if @feature.on? %> The feature is enabled for everyone. Disable this feature with one click. <% else %> Enable or disable this feature for everyone with one click. <% end %>

<%== csrf_input_tag %> <% unless @feature.on? %> <% end %>

<%= Flipper::UI.configuration.percentage_of_actors.title %>

<%== csrf_input_tag %>
<% @percentages.each do |number| %> disabled<% end %>> <% end %>
- or -
<%== csrf_input_tag %> 0 %>value="<%= @feature.percentage_of_actors_value %>"<% end %> placeholder="custom (ie: 26, 32, etc.)" class="form-control form-control-sm mr-sm-2 mb-2 mb-md-0">

<%= Flipper::UI.configuration.percentage_of_actors.description %>

<%= Flipper::UI.configuration.percentage_of_time.title %>

<%== csrf_input_tag %>
<% @percentages.each do |number| %> disabled<% end %>> <% end %>
- or -
<%== csrf_input_tag %> 0 %>value="<%= @feature.percentage_of_time_value %>"<% end %> placeholder="custom (ie: 26, 32, etc.)" class="form-control form-control-sm mr-sm-2 mb-2 mb-md-0">

<%= Flipper::UI.configuration.percentage_of_time.description %>

<%= Flipper::UI.configuration.groups.title %>

<% if @feature.disabled_groups.empty? %> All groups enabled. <% else %>
<%== csrf_input_tag %>
<% end %>
<% if @feature.groups_value.empty? %>

No Enabled Groups

<%= Flipper::UI.configuration.groups.description %>

<% else %>
    <% @feature.groups_value.each do |item| %>
  • <%= item %>
    <%== csrf_input_tag %>
  • <% end %>
<% end %>

<%= Flipper::UI.configuration.actors.title %>

<%== csrf_input_tag %>
<% if @feature.actors_value.empty? %>

No Enabled Actors

<%= Flipper::UI.configuration.actors.description %>

<% else %>
    <% @feature.actors_value.each do |item| %>
  • <%= item %>
    <%== csrf_input_tag %>
  • <% end %>
<% end %>
<% if Flipper::UI.feature_removal_enabled %>

<%= Flipper::UI.configuration.delete.title %>

<%= Flipper::UI.configuration.delete.description %>

<%== csrf_input_tag %>
<% end %>