Trinidad sandbox extension ====== # DESCRIPTION Trinidad's management console and REST api. This extension adds a management console to a Trinidad's instance moreover a rest api to access the applications running on top of it. # INSTALL jruby -S gem install trinidad_sandbox_extension # CONFIGURATION The extension has to be added within the section "extensions" into the Trinidad's configuration file: --- extensions: sandbox: This extension is also a Sinatra web application running on top of Trinidad, so any application configuration parameter is also valid here. For instance, we can modify the context path where is running the console: --- extensions: sandbox: context_path: management # by default the context path is sandbox It also supports basic authentication, we'll have to specify the username and password within our section: --- extensions: sandbox: username: manager password: XXXXXXX # FEATURES The console as well as the REST api allow to list all the applications managed by that Trinidad's instance and start/stop them. By security reasons the sandbox application is not listed nor can be stopped. # TODO This can be the starting point to a real management console, we could modify application parameters, show statistics... Any improvement or redesign in the UI is welcome.