require 'open_api/dsl/api_info_obj' require 'open_api/dsl/components' module OpenApi module DSL def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end # TODO: Doc-Block Comments module ClassMethods def ctrl_path path @_ctrl_path = path @_apis_tag = path.split('/').last.camelize end def apis_tag name: nil, desc: '', external_doc_url: '' # current `tag`, this means that tags is currently divided by controllers. @_apis_tag = name if name.present? @_apis_tag ||= controller_name.camelize tag = (@_ctrl_infos = { })[:tag] = { name: @_apis_tag } tag[:description] = desc if desc.present? tag[:externalDocs] = { description: 'ref', url: external_doc_url } if external_doc_url.present? end def components &block apis_tag if @_ctrl_infos.nil? current_ctrl = @_ctrl_infos[:components] = current_ctrl.instance_eval(&block) current_ctrl.process_objs end def api action, summary = '', http: nil, skip: [ ], use: [ ], &block apis_tag if @_ctrl_infos.nil? # select the routing info (corresponding to the current method) from routing list. action_path = "#{@_ctrl_path ||= controller_path}##{action}" routes_info = ctrl_routes_list&.select { |api| api[:action_path].match?(/^#{action_path}$/) }&.first pp "[ZRO Warning] Routing mapping failed: #{@_ctrl_path}##{action}" and return if routes_info.nil? api =, skip: Array(skip), use: Array(use)) .merge! description: '', summary: summary, operationId: action, tags: [@_apis_tag], parameters: [ ], requestBody: '', responses: { }, security: [ ], servers: [ ] [action, :all].each { |blk_key| @_api_dry_blocks&.[](blk_key)&.each { |blk| api.instance_eval(&blk) } } api.param_use = [ ] # `skip` and `use` only affect `api_dry`'s blocks api.instance_eval(&block) if block_given? api.process_objs api.delete_if { |_, v| v.blank? } path = (@_api_infos ||= { })[routes_info[:path]] ||= { } http_verbs = (http || routes_info[:http_verb]).split('|') http_verbs.each { |verb| path[verb] = api } api end # method could be symbol array, like: %i[ .. ] def api_dry action = :all, desc = '', &block @_api_dry_blocks ||= { } if action.is_a? Array action.each { |m| (@_api_dry_blocks[m.to_sym] ||= [ ]) << block } else (@_api_dry_blocks[action.to_sym] ||= [ ]) << block end end def ctrl_routes_list Generator.routes_list[@_ctrl_path] end end end end