class LXC # Config Error Class class ConfigError < LXCError; end # Main Config Class # # @author Zachary Patten class Config attr_accessor :networks def initialize(lxc, filename) raise ConfigError, "You must supply a LXC object!" if lxc.nil? raise ConfigError, "You must supply a configuration filename!" if filename.nil? @lxc = lxc @filename = filename self.clear end # Loads the specified LXC configuration # # Loads the filename specified at instantiation and converts it to an # internal hash so that we can manipulate it easier. # # @return [Hash] LXC configuration hash. def load parse_config(@lxc.exec("cat #{@filename} 2>/dev/null")) end # Saves the specified LXC configuration # # Saves the internal hash out to an LXC configuration file. # # @return [Hash] LXC configuration hash. def save use_sudo = (@lxc.use_sudo ? 'sudo ' : nil) script = script << "cat < [value]) { |k,o,n| k = (o + n) } end # Configuration Key/Value Query # # Allows getting the internal hash value for an internal hash key. def [](key) @config[key] end # Provides a concise string representation of the class # @return [String] def inspect @config.inspect end private def build_values(key, value) content = if value.is_a?(Array) value.each do |v| content << "#{key} = #{v}" end else content << "#{key} = #{value}" end content end def build_config content = @config.each do |key, value| content << build_values(key, value) end @networks.each do |network| network.each do |key, value| content << build_values(key, value) end end content.join("\n") end def parse_config(content) @config = @networks = network = nil content.split("\n").map(&:strip).each do |line| key, value = line.split('=').map(&:strip) if key =~ /network/ if key =~ /network.type/ # this is a new network object @networks << network network = else # add to previous network object end network.merge!(key => [value]) { |k,o,n| k = (o + n) } else @config.merge!(key => [value]) { |k,o,n| k = (o + n) } end end @networks << network @networks.compact! true end end end