require "date" require "nokogiri" require "htmlentities" require "pathname" require "open-uri" require "csv" module Asciidoctor module Standoc module Front def committee_component(compname, node, out) out.send compname.gsub(/-/, "_"), node.attr(compname), **attr_code(number: node.attr("#{compname}-number"), type: node.attr("#{compname}-type")) i = 2 while node.attr(compname+"_#{i}") do out.send compname.gsub(/-/, "_"), node.attr(compname+"_#{i}"), **attr_code(number: node.attr("#{compname}-number_#{i}"), type: node.attr("#{compname}-type_#{i}")) i += 1 end end def organization(org, orgname) abbrevs = org_abbrev n = abbrevs.invert[orgname] and orgname = n orgname a = org_abbrev[orgname] and org.abbreviation a end # , " => ," : CSV definition does not deal with space followed by quote # at start of field def csv_split(s, delim = ",") CSV.parse_line(s&.gsub(/, "(?!")/, ',"'), liberal_parsing: true, col_sep: delim)&.compact&.map { |x| x.strip } end def metadata_author(node, xml) csv_split(node.attr("publisher") || default_publisher || "")&.each do |p| xml.contributor do |c| c.role **{ type: "author" } c.organization { |a| organization(a, p) } end end personal_author(node, xml) end def personal_author(node, xml) (node.attr("fullname") || node.attr("surname")) and personal_author1(node, xml, "") i = 2 while node.attr("fullname_#{i}") || node.attr("surname_#{i}") personal_author1(node, xml, "_#{i}") i += 1 end end def personal_role(node, c, suffix) c.role **{ type: node.attr("role#{suffix}")&.downcase || "author" } end def personal_contact(node, suffix, p) node.attr("phone#{suffix}") and node.attr("phone#{suffix}") node.attr("fax#{suffix}") and node.attr("fax#{suffix}"), **{type: "fax"} node.attr("email#{suffix}") and node.attr("email#{suffix}") node.attr("contributor-uri#{suffix}") and p.uri node.attr("contributor-uri#{suffix}") end def personal_author1(node, xml, suffix) xml.contributor do |c| personal_role(node, c, suffix) c.person do |p| person_name(node, xml, suffix, p) person_affiliation(node, xml, suffix, p) personal_contact(node, suffix, p) end end end def person_name(node, xml, suffix, p) do |n| if node.attr("fullname#{suffix}") n.completename node.attr("fullname#{suffix}") else n.forename node.attr("givenname#{suffix}") n.initial node.attr("initials#{suffix}") n.surname node.attr("surname#{suffix}") end end end def person_affiliation(node, xml, suffix, p) node.attr("affiliation#{suffix}") and p.affiliation do |a| a.organization do |o| node.attr("affiliation#{suffix}") abbr = node.attr("affiliation_abbrev#{suffix}") and o.abbreviation abbr node.attr("address#{suffix}") and o.address do |ad| ad.formattedAddress node.attr("address#{suffix}") end end end end def default_publisher nil end def org_abbrev { } end def metadata_publisher(node, xml) publishers = node.attr("publisher") || default_publisher || return csv_split(publishers)&.each do |p| xml.contributor do |c| c.role **{ type: "publisher" } c.organization { |a| organization(a, p) } end end end def metadata_copyright(node, xml) publishers = node.attr("copyright-holder") || node.attr("publisher") || default_publisher || "-" csv_split(publishers)&.each do |p| xml.copyright do |c| c.from (node.attr("copyright-year") || p.match(/[A-Za-z]/).nil? or c.owner do |owner| owner.organization { |o| organization(o, p) } end end end end end end end