module MongoModel module DocumentExtensions module Validations module ClassMethods # Validates whether the value of the specified attributes are unique across the system. Useful for making sure that only one user # can be named "davidhh". # # class Person < MongoModel::Document # validates_uniqueness_of :user_name, :scope => :account_id # end # # It can also validate whether the value of the specified attributes are unique based on multiple scope parameters. For example, # making sure that a teacher can only be on the schedule once per semester for a particular class. # # class TeacherSchedule < MongoModel::Document # validates_uniqueness_of :teacher_id, :scope => [:semester_id, :class_id] # end # # When the document is created, a check is performed to make sure that no document exists in the database with the given value for the specified # attribute (that maps to a property). When the document is updated, the same check is made but disregarding the document itself. # # Configuration options: # * :message - Specifies a custom error message (default is: "has already been taken"). # * :scope - One or more properties by which to limit the scope of the uniqueness constraint. # * :case_sensitive - Looks for an exact match. Ignored by non-text columns (+true+ by default). # * :allow_nil - If set to true, skips this validation if the attribute is +nil+ (default is +false+). # * :allow_blank - If set to true, skips this validation if the attribute is blank (default is +false+). # * :if - Specifies a method, proc or string to call to determine if the validation should # occur (e.g. :if => :allow_validation, or :if => { |user| user.signup_step > 2 }). The # method, proc or string should return or evaluate to a true or false value. # * :unless - Specifies a method, proc or string to call to determine if the validation should # not occur (e.g. :unless => :skip_validation, or :unless => { |user| user.signup_step <= 2 }). The # method, proc or string should return or evaluate to a true or false value. # # === Concurrency and integrity # # Note that this validation method does not have the same race condition suffered by ActiveRecord and other ORMs. # A unique index is added to the collection to ensure that the collection never ends up in an invalid state. def validates_uniqueness_of(*attr_names) configuration = { :case_sensitive => true } configuration.update(attr_names.extract_options!) # Enable safety checks on save self.save_safely = true # Create unique indexes to deal with race condition attr_names.each do |attr_name| if configuration[:case_sensitive] index *[attr_name] + Array(configuration[:scope]) << { :unique => true } else lowercase_key = "_lowercase_#{attr_name}" before_save { attributes[lowercase_key] = send(attr_name).downcase } index *[lowercase_key] + Array(configuration[:scope]) << { :unique => true } end end validates_each(attr_names, configuration) do |record, attr_name, value| unique_scope = scoped if configuration[:case_sensitive] || !value.is_a?(String) unique_scope = unique_scope.where(attr_name => value) else unique_scope = unique_scope.where("_lowercase_#{attr_name}" => value.downcase) end Array(configuration[:scope]).each do |scope| unique_scope = unique_scope.where(scope => record.send(scope)) end unique_scope = unique_scope.where( => unless record.new_record? if unique_scope.any? record.errors.add(attr_name, :taken, :default => configuration[:message], :value => value) end end end end end end end