require 'json' require 'proxmox' require 'digest' require 'hybrid_platforms_conductor/actions_executor' require 'hybrid_platforms_conductor/provisioner' module HybridPlatformsConductor module HpcPlugins module Provisioner # Monkey patch some Proxmox methods module ProxmoxPatches include LoggerHelpers attr_accessor *%i[logger logger_stderr] def check_response(response) log_debug "Response from Proxmox API: #{response}" log_warn "Response from Proxmox API: #{response}" if response.code >= 400 && !log_debug? super end # Re-authenticate the Proxmox instance # This can be useful when the API returns errors due to invalidated tokens def reauthenticate log_info 'Force re-authentication to Proxmox' @auth_params = create_ticket end end ::Proxmox::Proxmox.prepend ProxmoxPatches # Decorate the DSL of platforms definitions module PlatformsDSLProxmox # Mixin initializer def init_proxmox # List of Proxmox servers info # Array< Hash > @proxmox_servers = [] end # Register a Proxmox server # # Parameters:: # * *proxmox_info* (Hash): Proxmox server configuration. See Provisioner::Proxmox#proxmox_test_info to know about the returned structure. def proxmox(proxmox_info) @proxmox_servers << proxmox_info end # Return the list of Proxmox servers # # Result:: # * Array>: The list of Proxmox servers. See Provisioner::Proxmox#proxmox_test_info to know about the returned structure. def proxmox_servers @proxmox_servers end end # Provision Proxmox containers class Proxmox < HybridPlatformsConductor::Provisioner extend_config_dsl_with PlatformsDSLProxmox, :init_proxmox class << self attr_accessor :proxmox_waiter_files_mutex end @proxmox_waiter_files_mutex = # Maximum size in chars of hostnames set in Proxmox MAX_PROXMOX_HOSTNAME_SIZE = 64 # Create an instance. # Reuse an existing one if it already exists. # [API] - This method is mandatory def create # First check if we already have a test container that corresponds to this node and environment @lxc_details = nil with_proxmox do |proxmox| proxmox_get(proxmox, 'nodes').each do |node_info| if proxmox_test_info[:test_config][:pve_nodes].include?(node_info['node']) && node_info['status'] == 'online' proxmox_get(proxmox, "nodes/#{node_info['node']}/lxc").each do |lxc_info| vm_id = Integer(lxc_info['vmid']) if vm_id.between?(*proxmox_test_info[:test_config][:vm_ids_range]) # Check if the description contains our ID lxc_config = proxmox_get(proxmox, "nodes/#{node_info['node']}/lxc/#{vm_id}/config") vm_description_lines = (lxc_config['description'] || '').split("\n") hpc_marker_idx = vm_description_lines.index('===== HPC info =====') unless hpc_marker_idx.nil? # Get the HPC info associated to this VM # Hash vm_hpc_info = Hash[vm_description_lines[hpc_marker_idx + 1..-1].map do |line| property, value = line.split(': ') [property.to_sym, value] end] if vm_hpc_info[:node] == @node && vm_hpc_info[:environment] == @environment # Found it # Get back the IP ip_found = nil lxc_config['net0'].split(',').each do |net_info| property, value = net_info.split('=') if property == 'ip' ip_found = value.split('/').first break end end raise "[ #{@node}/#{@environment} ] - Unable to get IP back from LXC container nodes/#{node_info['node']}/lxc/#{vm_id}/config" if ip_found.nil? @lxc_details = { pve_node: node_info['node'], vm_id: vm_id, vm_ip: ip_found } break end end end end break if @lxc_details end end end unless @lxc_details # We couldn't find an existing LXC container for this node/environment. # We have to create one. # Get the image name for this node image = @nodes_handler.get_image_of(@node).to_sym # Find if we have such an image registered if @config.known_os_images.include?(image) proxmox_conf = "#{@config.os_image_dir(image)}/proxmox.json" if File.exist?(proxmox_conf) pve_template = JSON.parse( 'template' if pve_template # Query the inventory to know about minimum resources needed to deploy the node. # Provide default values if they are not part of the metadata. min_resources_to_deploy = { cpus: 2, ram_mb: 1024, disk_gb: 10 }.merge(@nodes_handler.get_deploy_resources_min_of(@node) || {}) # Create the Proxmox container from the sync node. vm_config = proxmox_test_info[:vm_config] # Hostname in Proxmox is capped at 65 chars. # Make sure we don't get over it, but still use a unique one. hostname = "#{@node}.#{@environment}" if hostname.size > MAX_PROXMOX_HOSTNAME_SIZE # Truncate it, but add a unique ID in it. # In the end the hostname looks like: # hostname = "-#{Digest::MD5.hexdigest(hostname)[0..7]}" hostname = "#{@node}.#{@environment}"[0..MAX_PROXMOX_HOSTNAME_SIZE - hostname.size - 1] + hostname end @lxc_details = request_lxc_creation_for( { ostemplate: pve_template, hostname: hostname.gsub('_', '-'), cores: min_resources_to_deploy[:cpus], cpulimit: min_resources_to_deploy[:cpus], memory: min_resources_to_deploy[:ram_mb], rootfs: "local-lvm:#{min_resources_to_deploy[:disk_gb]}", nameserver: vm_config[:vm_dns_servers].join(' '), searchdomain: vm_config[:vm_search_domain], net0: "name=eth0,bridge=vmbr0,gw=#{vm_config[:vm_gateway]}", password: 'root_pwd', description: <<~EOS ===== HPC info ===== node: #{@node} environment: #{@environment} debug: #{log_debug? ? 'true' : 'false'} EOS }) else raise "[ #{@node}/#{@environment} ] - No template found in #{proxmox_conf}" end else raise "[ #{@node}/#{@environment} ] - No Proxmox configuration found at #{proxmox_conf}" end else raise "[ #{@node}/#{@environment} ] - Unknown OS image #{image} defined for node #{@node}" end end end # Start an instance # Prerequisite: create has been called before # [API] - This method is mandatory def start log_debug "[ #{@node}/#{@environment} ] - Start Proxmox LXC Container ..." with_proxmox do |proxmox| run_proxmox_task(proxmox, :post, @lxc_details[:pve_node], "lxc/#{@lxc_details[:vm_id]}/status/start") end end # Stop an instance # Prerequisite: create has been called before # [API] - This method is mandatory def stop log_debug "[ #{@node}/#{@environment} ] - Stop Proxmox LXC Container ..." with_proxmox do |proxmox| run_proxmox_task(proxmox, :post, @lxc_details[:pve_node], "lxc/#{@lxc_details[:vm_id]}/status/stop") end end # Destroy an instance # Prerequisite: create has been called before # [API] - This method is mandatory def destroy log_debug "[ #{@node}/#{@environment} ] - Delete Proxmox LXC Container ..." release_lxc_container(@lxc_details[:vm_id]) end # Return the state of an instance # [API] - This method is mandatory # # Result:: # * Symbol: The state the instance is in. Possible values are: # * *:missing*: The instance does not exist # * *:created*: The instance has been created but is not running # * *:running*: The instance is running # * *:exited*: The instance has run and is now stopped # * *:error*: The instance is in error def state if @lxc_details.nil? :missing else status = nil with_proxmox do |proxmox| vm_id_str = @lxc_details[:vm_id].to_s status = if proxmox_get(proxmox, "nodes/#{@lxc_details[:pve_node]}/lxc").any? { |data_info| data_info['vmid'] == vm_id_str } status_info = proxmox_get(proxmox, "nodes/#{@lxc_details[:pve_node]}/lxc/#{@lxc_details[:vm_id]}/status/current") # Careful that it is possible that somebody destroyed the VM and so its status is missing status = status_info.key?('status') ? status_info['status'].to_sym : :missing status = :exited if status == :stopped status else :missing end end status end end # Return the IP address of an instance. # Prerequisite: create has been called before. # [API] - This method is optional # # Result:: # * String or nil: The instance IP address, or nil if this information is not relevant def ip @lxc_details[:vm_ip] end # Return the default timeout to apply when waiting for an instance to be started/stopped... # [API] - This method is optional # # Result:: # * Integer: The timeout in seconds def default_timeout proxmox_test_info[:default_timeout] || 3600 end private # Connect to the Proxmox API # # Parameters:: # * Proc: Client code to be called when connected # * Parameters:: # * *proxmox* (Proxmox): The Proxmox instance def with_proxmox url = proxmox_test_info[:api_url] raise 'No Proxmox server defined' if url.nil? Credentials.with_credentials_for(:proxmox, @logger, @logger_stderr, url: url) do |user, password| log_debug "[ #{@node}/#{@environment} ] - Connect to Proxmox #{url}" proxmox_logs = proxmox = "#{url}/api2/json/", # Proxmox uses the hostname as the node name so make the default API node derived from the URL. # cf URI.parse(url).host.downcase.split('.').first, user, password, ENV['hpc_realm_for_proxmox'] || 'pam', { verify_ssl: false, log: } ) proxmox.logger = @logger proxmox.logger_stderr = @logger_stderr begin yield proxmox ensure log_debug "[ #{@node}/#{@environment} ] - Proxmox API logs:\n#{proxmox_logs.string}" end end end # Perform a get operation on the API # Protect the get API methods with a retry mechanism in case of 5xx errors. # # Parameters:: # * *proxmox* (Proxmox): The Proxmox instance # * *path* (String): Path to get # Result:: # * Object: API response def proxmox_get(proxmox, path) response = nil idx_try = 0 loop do response = proxmox.get(path) break if !(response.is_a?(String)) || !(response =~ /^NOK: error code = 5\d\d$/) log_warn "[ #{@node}/#{@environment} ] - Proxmox API call get #{path} returned error #{response} (attempt ##{idx_try}/#{proxmox_test_info[:api_max_retries]})" raise "[ #{@node}/#{@environment} ] - Proxmox API call get #{path} returns #{response} continuously (tried #{idx_try + 1} times)" if idx_try >= proxmox_test_info[:api_max_retries] idx_try += 1 # We have to reauthenticate: error 500 raised by Proxmox are often due to token being invalidated wrongly proxmox.reauthenticate sleep proxmox_test_info[:api_wait_between_retries_secs] + rand(5) end response end # Run a Proxmox task. # Handle a retry mechanism in case of 5xx errors. # # Parameters:: # * *proxmox* (Proxmox): The Proxmox instance # * *http_method* (Symbol): The HTTP method to call on the Proxmox instance # * *pve_node* (String): Node on which the task is to be performed # * *sub_path* (String): API sub-path to use (in the node API path) # * *args* (Array): The list of additionnal arguments to give to the call def run_proxmox_task(proxmox, http_method, pve_node, sub_path, *args) task = nil idx_try = 0 while task.nil? do task = proxmox.send(http_method, "nodes/#{pve_node}/#{sub_path}", *args) if task =~ /^NOK: error code = 5\d\d$/ log_warn "[ #{@node}/#{@environment} ] - Proxmox API call #{http_method} nodes/#{pve_node}/#{sub_path} #{args} returned error #{task} (attempt ##{idx_try}/#{proxmox_test_info[:api_max_retries]})" task = nil break if idx_try >= proxmox_test_info[:api_max_retries] idx_try += 1 # We have to reauthenticate: error 500 raised by Proxmox are often due to token being invalidated wrongly proxmox.reauthenticate sleep proxmox_test_info[:api_wait_between_retries_secs] + rand(5) end end if task.nil? raise "[ #{@node}/#{@environment} ] - Proxmox API call #{http_method} nodes/#{pve_node}/#{sub_path} #{args} is constantly failing. Giving up." else wait_for_proxmox_task(proxmox, pve_node, task) end end # Wait for a given Proxmox task completion # # Parameters:: # * *proxmox* (Proxmox): The Proxmox instance # * *pve_node* (String): Node on which the task is to be performed # * *task* (String): The task ID def wait_for_proxmox_task(proxmox, pve_node, task) raise "Invalid task: #{task}" if task[0..3] == 'NOK:' status = nil loop do status = task_status(proxmox, pve_node, task) break unless status == 'running' log_debug "[ #{@node}/#{@environment} ] - Wait for Proxmox task #{task} to complete..." sleep 1 end if status.split(':').last == 'OK' log_debug "[ #{@node}/#{@environment} ] - Proxmox task #{task} completed." else raise "[ #{@node}/#{@environment} ] - Proxmox task #{task} completed with status #{status}" end end # Get task status # # Parameters:: # * *proxmox* (Proxmox): The Proxmox instance # * *pve_node* (String): Node on which the task status is to be queried # * *task* (String): Task ID to query # Result:: # * String: The task status def task_status(proxmox, pve_node, task) status_info = proxmox_get(proxmox, "nodes/#{pve_node}/tasks/#{task}/status") "#{status_info['status']}#{status_info['exitstatus'] ? ":#{status_info['exitstatus']}" : ''}" end # Execute a command on the sync node and get back its JSON result # # Parameters:: # * *cmd* (String): The command to execute # * *extra_files* (Hash): Extra files (source file, destination directory) to include on the sync node [default: {}] # Result:: # * Hash: The result def run_cmd_on_sync_node(cmd, extra_files: {}) # Create the ProxmoxWaiter config in a file to be uploaded config_file = "#{Dir.tmpdir}/config_#{file_id}.json" File.write( config_file, (proxmox_test_info[:test_config].merge( proxmox_api_url: proxmox_test_info[:api_url], futex_file: '/tmp/hpc_proxmox_allocations.futex', logs_dir: '/tmp/hpc_proxmox_waiter_logs', api_max_retries: proxmox_test_info[:api_max_retries], api_wait_between_retries_secs: proxmox_test_info[:api_wait_between_retries_secs] )).to_json ) result = nil begin extra_files[config_file] = './proxmox/config' cmd << " --config ./proxmox/config/#{File.basename(config_file)}" stdout = nil Credentials.with_credentials_for(:proxmox, @logger, @logger_stderr, url: proxmox_test_info[:api_url]) do |user, password| # To avoid too fine concurrent accesses on the sync node file system, make sure all threads of our process wait for their turn to upload their files. # Otherwise there is a small probability that a directory scp makes previously copied files inaccessible for a short period of time. self.class.proxmox_waiter_files_mutex.synchronize do @actions_executor.execute_actions( { proxmox_test_info[:sync_node] => [ { scp: { "#{__dir__}/proxmox/" => '.' } }, { remote_bash: { |dir| "mkdir -p #{dir}" }.join("\n") } ] + { |src_file, dst_dir| { scp: { src_file => dst_dir } } } }, log_to_stdout: log_debug? ) end _exit_code, stdout, _stderr = @actions_executor.execute_actions( { proxmox_test_info[:sync_node] => { remote_bash: { commands: "#{@actions_executor.connector(:ssh).ssh_user == 'root' ? '' : "#{@nodes_handler.sudo_on(proxmox_test_info[:sync_node])} -E "}./proxmox/#{cmd}", env: { 'hpc_user_for_proxmox' => user, 'hpc_password_for_proxmox' => password, 'hpc_realm_for_proxmox' => ENV['hpc_realm_for_proxmox'] || 'pam' } } } }, log_to_stdout: log_debug? )[proxmox_test_info[:sync_node]] end stdout_lines = stdout.split("\n") result = JSON.parse(stdout_lines[stdout_lines.index('===== JSON =====') + 1..-1].join("\n")).transform_keys(&:to_sym) raise "[ #{@node}/#{@environment} ] - Error returned by #{cmd}: #{result[:error]}" if result.key?(:error) ensure File.unlink(config_file) end result end # Query the Proxmox cluster to get authorization to create an LXC container that will use some resources. # The returned VM ID/IP does not exist in the Proxmox cluster, and their usage is reserved for our node/environment. # # Parameters:: # * *vm_info* (Hash): The VM info we want to create # Result:: # * Hash: The details of the authorized container to be created: # * *pve_node* (String): Name of the node on which the container is to be created # * *vm_id* (Integer): Container ID to be used # * *vm_ip* (String): IP address allocated for the LXC container to be created def request_lxc_creation_for(vm_info) log_debug "[ #{@node}/#{@environment} ] - Request LXC creation for #{vm_info}..." # Create a unique file name create_config_file = "#{Dir.tmpdir}/create_#{file_id}.json" File.write(create_config_file, vm_info.to_json) created_vm_info = nil begin created_vm_info = run_cmd_on_sync_node( "reserve_proxmox_container --create ./proxmox/create/#{File.basename(create_config_file)}", extra_files: { create_config_file => './proxmox/create' } ) ensure File.unlink(create_config_file) end created_vm_info end # Contact the sync node to notify a container release # # Parameters:: # * *vm_id* (Integer): The VM ID to be released # Result:: # * Hash: The details of the released container: # * *pve_node* (String): Name of the node on which the container was reserved (if found) def release_lxc_container(vm_id) log_debug "[ #{@node}/#{@environment} ] - Release LXC VM #{vm_id}..." # Create a unique file name destroy_config_file = "#{Dir.tmpdir}/destroy_#{file_id}.json" File.write(destroy_config_file, { vm_id: vm_id, node: @node, environment: @environment }.to_json) destroyed_vm_info = nil begin destroyed_vm_info = run_cmd_on_sync_node( "reserve_proxmox_container --destroy ./proxmox/destroy/#{File.basename(destroy_config_file)}", extra_files: { destroy_config_file => './proxmox/destroy' } ) ensure File.unlink(destroy_config_file) end destroyed_vm_info end # Maximum size a file ID can have (file IDs are used differentiate create/destroy/config files for a given node/environment). # File names are 255 chars max. # Consider that it is to be used on the following patterns: (config|create|destroy)_.json # So remaining length is 255 - 13 = 242 characters. MAX_FILE_ID_SIZE = 242 # Get an ID unique for this node/environment and that can be used in file names. # # Result:: # * String: ID def file_id # If the file name exceeds the maximum length, then generate an MD5 to truncate the end of the file name. result = "#{@node}_#{@environment}" if result.size > MAX_FILE_ID_SIZE # Truncate it, but add a unique ID in it. result = "-#{Digest::MD5.hexdigest(result)[0..7]}" result = "#{@node}_#{@environment}"[0..MAX_FILE_ID_SIZE - result.size - 1] + result end result end # Get details about the proxmox instance to be used # # Result:: # * Hash: Configuration of the Proxmox instance to be used: # * *api_url* (String): The Proxmox API URL # * *api_max_retries* (Integer): Max number of API retries # * *api_wait_between_retries_secs* (Integer): Number of seconds to wait between API retries # * *sync_node* (String): Node to be used to synchronize Proxmox resources acquisition # * *test_config* (Hash): The test configuration. Check ProxmoxWaiter#initialize (config_file structure) method to get details. # * *vm_config* (Hash): Extra configuration of a created container. Check #request_lxc_creation_for results to get details. # * *default_timeout* (Integer): The default timeout tobe applied when starting/stopping containers [default: 3600]. def proxmox_test_info @config.proxmox_servers.first end end end end end