# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' module Payday # rubocop:todo Metrics/ModuleLength describe Invoice do # rubocop:todo RSpec/MultipleExpectations it 'is able to be initialized with a hash of options' do # rubocop:todo RSpec/ExampleLength, RSpec/MultipleExpectations # rubocop:enable RSpec/MultipleExpectations i = described_class.new(invoice_number: 20, bill_to: 'Here', ship_to: 'There', notes: 'These are some notes.', line_items: [LineItem.new(price: 10, quantity: 3, description: 'Shirts')], shipping_rate: 15.00, shipping_description: 'USPS Priority Mail:', tax_rate: 0.125, tax_description: 'Local Sales Tax, 12.5%', invoice_date: Date.civil(1993, 4, 12)) expect(i.invoice_number).to eq(20) expect(i.bill_to).to eq('Here') expect(i.ship_to).to eq('There') expect(i.notes).to eq('These are some notes.') expect(i.line_items[0].description).to eq('Shirts') expect(i.shipping_rate).to eq(BigDecimal('15.00')) expect(i.shipping_description).to eq('USPS Priority Mail:') expect(i.tax_rate).to eq(BigDecimal('0.125')) expect(i.tax_description).to eq('Local Sales Tax, 12.5%') expect(i.invoice_date).to eq(Date.civil(1993, 4, 12)) end it 'totals all of the line items into a subtotal correctly' do # rubocop:todo RSpec/ExampleLength i = described_class.new # $100 in Pants i.line_items << LineItem.new(price: 20, quantity: 5, description: 'Pants') # $30 in Shirts i.line_items << LineItem.new(price: 10, quantity: 3, description: 'Shirts') # $1000 in Hats i.line_items << LineItem.new(price: 5, quantity: 200, description: 'Hats') expect(i.subtotal).to eq(BigDecimal('1130')) end it 'calculates the correct tax rounded to two decimal places' do i = described_class.new(tax_rate: 10.0) i.line_items << LineItem.new(price: 20, quantity: 5, description: 'Pants') expect(i.tax).to eq(BigDecimal('10')) end it 'does not apply taxes to invoices with subtotal <= 0' do i = described_class.new(tax_rate: 10.0) i.line_items << LineItem.new(price: -1, quantity: 100, description: 'Negative Priced Pants') expect(i.tax).to eq(BigDecimal('-10')) end it 'calculates the total for an invoice correctly' do # rubocop:todo RSpec/ExampleLength i = described_class.new(tax_rate: 10.0) # $100 in Pants i.line_items << LineItem.new(price: 20, quantity: 5, description: 'Pants') # $30 in Shirts i.line_items << LineItem.new(price: 10, quantity: 3, description: 'Shirts') # $1000 in Hats i.line_items << LineItem.new(price: 5, quantity: 200, description: 'Hats') expect(i.total).to eq(BigDecimal('1243')) end it "is overdue when it's past date and unpaid" do i = described_class.new(due_at: Date.today - 1) expect(i.overdue?).to be(true) end it "isn't overdue when past due date and paid" do i = described_class.new(due_at: Date.today - 1, paid_at: Date.today) expect(i.overdue?).not_to be(true) end it 'is overdue when due date is a time before the current date' do i = described_class.new(due_at: Time.parse('Jan 1 14:33:20 GMT 2011')) expect(i.overdue?).to be(true) end it 'is not refunded when not marked refunded' do i = described_class.new expect(i.refunded?).not_to be(true) end it 'is refunded when marked as refunded' do i = described_class.new(refunded_at: Date.today) expect(i.refunded?).to be(true) end it 'is not paid when not marked paid' do i = described_class.new expect(i.paid?).not_to be(true) end it 'is paid when marked as paid' do i = described_class.new(paid_at: Date.today) expect(i.paid?).to be(true) end # rubocop:todo RSpec/MultipleExpectations it 'is able to iterate over details' do # rubocop:todo RSpec/ExampleLength, RSpec/MultipleExpectations # rubocop:enable RSpec/MultipleExpectations i = described_class.new(invoice_details: [%w[Test Yes], %w[Awesome Absolutely]]) details = [] i.each_detail do |key, value| details << [key, value] end expect(details.length).to eq(2) expect(details).to include(%w[Test Yes]) expect(details).to include(%w[Awesome Absolutely]) end # rubocop:todo RSpec/MultipleExpectations it 'is able to iterate through invoice_details as a hash' do # rubocop:todo RSpec/ExampleLength, RSpec/MultipleExpectations # rubocop:enable RSpec/MultipleExpectations i = described_class.new(invoice_details: {'Test' => 'Yes', 'Awesome' => 'Absolutely'}) details = [] i.each_detail do |key, value| details << [key, value] end expect(details.length).to eq(2) expect(details).to include(%w[Test Yes]) expect(details).to include(%w[Awesome Absolutely]) end describe 'rendering' do before do FileUtils.mkdir_p('tmp') Config.default.reset end let(:invoice) { new_invoice(invoice_params) } let(:invoice_params) { {} } it 'renders to a file' do FileUtils.rm_rf('tmp/testing.pdf') invoice.render_pdf_to_file('tmp/testing.pdf') expect(File.exist?('tmp/testing.pdf')).to be true end context 'with some invoice details' do let(:invoice_params) do { invoice_details: { 'Ordered By:' => 'Alan Johnson', 'Paid By:' => 'Dude McDude' } } end it 'renders an invoice correctly' do # rubocop:todo RSpec/ExampleLength Payday::Config.default.company_details = <<-DETAILS 10 This Way Manhattan, NY 10001 800-111-2222 awesome@awesomecorp.com DETAILS invoice.line_items += [ LineItem.new(price: 20, quantity: 5, description: 'Pants'), LineItem.new(price: 10, quantity: 3, description: 'Shirts'), LineItem.new(price: 5, quantity: 200, description: 'Hats') ] * 30 expect(invoice.render_pdf).to match_binary_asset 'testing.pdf' end end context 'with the locale set to Spanish' do it 'renders and invoice in Spanish' do # rubocop:todo RSpec/ExampleLength I18n.with_locale :es do Payday::Config.default.company_details = 'Dirección' invoice.line_items += [ LineItem.new(price: 20, quantity: 5, description: 'Pantalones'), LineItem.new(price: 5, quantity: 200, description: 'Sombreros') ] expect(invoice.render_pdf).to match_binary_asset 'testing_es.pdf' end end end context 'with a mix of LineItems with price, quantity and predefined_amounts' do let(:invoice_params) do { invoice_details: { 'Ordered By:' => 'Alan Johnson', 'Paid By:' => 'Dude McDude' } } end it 'renders an invoice correctly' do # rubocop:todo RSpec/ExampleLength Payday::Config.default.company_details = <<-DETAILS 10 This Way Manhattan, NY 10001 800-111-2222 awesome@awesomecorp.com DETAILS invoice.add_line_item(price: 10, quantity: 3, description: 'Extra Users') invoice.add_line_item(predefined_amount: 79, description: "Flat Fee\nFrom date to date") expect(invoice.render_pdf).to match_binary_asset 'testing_predefined_amount.pdf' end end context 'paid, with an svg logo' do # rubocop:todo RSpec/ContextWording before do logo = {filename: 'spec/assets/tiger.svg', size: '100x100'} Payday::Config.default.invoice_logo = logo end let(:invoice_params) { {paid_at: Date.civil(2012, 2, 22)} } it 'renders an invoice correctly' do # rubocop:todo RSpec/ExampleLength invoice.line_items += [ LineItem.new(price: 20, quantity: 5, description: 'Pants'), LineItem.new(price: 10, quantity: 3, description: 'Shirts'), LineItem.new(price: 5, quantity: 200.0, description: 'Hats') ] * 3 expect(invoice.render_pdf).to match_binary_asset 'svg.pdf' end end def new_invoice(params = {}) default_params = { tax_rate: 0.1, notes: 'These are some crazy awesome notes with color!', invoice_number: 12, invoice_date: Date.civil(2011, 1, 1), due_at: Date.civil(2011, 1, 22), bill_to: "Alan Johnson\n101 This Way\nSomewhere, SC 22222", ship_to: "Frank Johnson\n101 That Way\nOther, SC 22229" } Invoice.new(default_params.merge(params)) end end end end