module Her module Model # This module interacts with Her::API to fetch HTTP data module HTTP extend ActiveSupport::Concern METHODS = [:get, :post, :put, :patch, :delete, :options] # For each HTTP method, define these class methods: # # - (path, params) # - _raw(path, params, &block) # - _collection(path, params, &block) # - _resource(path, params, &block) # - custom_(*paths) # # @example # class User # include Her::Model # custom_get :active # end # # User.get(:popular) # GET "/users/popular" # # GET "/users/active" module ClassMethods # Change which API the model will use to make its HTTP requests # # @example # secondary_api = :url => "https://api.example" do |connection| # connection.use Faraday::Request::UrlEncoded # connection.use Her::Middleware::DefaultParseJSON # end # # class User # include Her::Model # use_api secondary_api # end def use_api(value = nil) @_her_use_api ||= begin superclass.use_api if superclass.respond_to?(:use_api) end unless value return (@_her_use_api.respond_to? :call) ? : @_her_use_api end @_her_use_api = value end alias her_api use_api alias uses_api use_api # Main request wrapper around Her::API. Used to make custom request to the API. # # @private def request(params = {}) request = her_api.request(params) status = request[:response].status raise"Request against #{} returned a #{status}") if status >= 500 if block_given? yield request[:parsed_data], request[:response] else { :parsed_data => request[:parsed_data], :response => request[:response] } end end METHODS.each do |method| class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{method}(path, params={}) path = build_request_path_from_string_or_symbol(path, params) params = to_params(params) unless #{method.to_sym.inspect} == :get send(:'#{method}_raw', path, params) do |parsed_data, response| if parsed_data[:data].is_a?(Array) || active_model_serializers_format? || json_api_format? new_collection(parsed_data) else new_from_parsed_data(parsed_data) end end end def #{method}_raw(path, params={}, &block) path = build_request_path_from_string_or_symbol(path, params) request(params.merge(:_method => #{method.to_sym.inspect}, :_path => path), &block) end def #{method}_collection(path, params={}) path = build_request_path_from_string_or_symbol(path, params) send(:'#{method}_raw', build_request_path_from_string_or_symbol(path, params), params) do |parsed_data, response| new_collection(parsed_data) end end def #{method}_resource(path, params={}) path = build_request_path_from_string_or_symbol(path, params) send(:"#{method}_raw", path, params) do |parsed_data, response| new_from_parsed_data(parsed_data) end end def custom_#{method}(*paths) metaclass = (class << self; self; end) opts = paths.last.is_a?(Hash) ? paths.pop : paths.each do |path| metaclass.send(:define_method, path) do |*params| params = params.first || send(#{method.to_sym.inspect}, path, params) end end end RUBY end end end end end