// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2009 Sprout Systems, Inc. and contributors. // portions copyright @2009 Apple Inc. // License: Licened under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== /* This test evaluates a plain list with no custom row heights, outlines, group views or any other non-standard behavior. */ // create a fake content array. Generates a list with whatever length you // want of objects with a title based on the index. Cannot mutate. var ContentArray = SC.Object.extend(SC.Array, { length: 0, objectAt: function(idx) { if (idx >= this.get('length')) return undefined; var content = this._content, ret ; if (!content) content = this._content = []; ret = content[idx]; if (!ret) { ret = content[idx] = SC.Object.create({ title: "ContentItem %@".fmt(idx), isDone: (idx % 3)===0, unread: (Math.random() > 0.5) ? Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) : 0 }); } return ret ; } }); var pane = SC.ControlTestPane.design() .add("Custom Row Heights", SC.ScrollView.design({ layout: { left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, height: 200 }, hasHorizontalScroller: NO, contentView: SC.ListView.design({ content: ContentArray.create({ length: 100001 }), customRowHeightIndexes: SC.IndexSet.create(2,5).add(10000,100), // used for testing adjustableRows: SC.IndexSet.create(0,5), altRowHeight: 10, contentIndexRowHeight: function(view, content, index) { var ret =this.get('rowHeight'); if (!this.customRowHeightIndexes.contains(index)) return ret; return this.adjustableRows.contains(index) ? this.get('altRowHeight') : ret*2; }, contentValueKey: "title", contentCheckboxKey: "isDone", contentUnreadCountKey: "unread", rowHeight: 20 }) })); pane.show(); // add a test to show the test pane window.pane = pane ; function verifyChildViewsMatch(views, set) { var indexes = set.clone(); views.forEach(function(view) { var idx = view.contentIndex ; if (indexes.contains(idx)) { ok(YES, "should find childView for contentIndex %@ (nowShowing=%@)".fmt(idx, set)); } else { ok(NO, "should NOT find childView for contentIndex %@ (nowShowing=%@)".fmt(idx, set)); } indexes.remove(idx); }, this); if (indexes.get('length') === 0) { ok(YES, "all nowShowing indexes should have matching child views"); } else { ok(NO, "all nowShowing indexes should have matching child views (indexes not found: %@)".fmt(indexes)); } } module("SC.ListView - ui_row_heights", pane.standardSetup()); // .......................................................... // BASIC RENDER TESTS // test("rendering only incremental portion", function() { var listView = pane.view("Custom Row Heights").contentView; same(listView.get("nowShowing"), SC.IndexSet.create(0, 10), 'nowShowing should be smaller IndexSet'); equals(listView.get('childViews').length, listView.get('nowShowing').get('length'), 'should have same number of childViews as nowShowing length'); }); test("scrolling by small amount should update incremental rendering", function() { var scrollView = pane.view('Custom Row Heights'), listView = scrollView.contentView, exp; same(listView.get('nowShowing'), SC.IndexSet.create(0,10), 'precond - nowShowing has incremental range'); // SCROLL DOWN ONE LINE SC.run(function() { scrollView.scrollTo(0,61); }); // top line should have scrolled out of view exp = SC.IndexSet.create(4,9); same(listView.get('nowShowing'), exp, 'nowShowing should change to reflect new clippingFrame'); verifyChildViewsMatch(listView.childViews, exp); // SCROLL DOWN ANOTHER LINE SC.run(function() { scrollView.scrollTo(0,83); }); // top line should have scrolled out of view exp = SC.IndexSet.create(6,8); same(listView.get('nowShowing'), exp, 'nowShowing should change to reflect new clippingFrame'); verifyChildViewsMatch(listView.childViews, exp); // SCROLL UP ONE LINE SC.run(function() { scrollView.scrollTo(0,66); }); // top line should have scrolled out of view exp = SC.IndexSet.create(4,9); same(listView.get('nowShowing'), exp, 'nowShowing should change to reflect new clippingFrame'); verifyChildViewsMatch(listView.childViews, exp); }); // .......................................................... // CHANGING ROW HEIGHTS // test("manually calling rowHeightDidChangeForIndexes()", function() { var scrollView = pane.view('Custom Row Heights'), listView = scrollView.contentView, exp; same(listView.get('nowShowing'), SC.IndexSet.create(0,10), 'precond - nowShowing has incremental range'); // adjust row height and then invalidate a portion range SC.run(function() { listView.set('altRowHeight', 80); listView.rowHeightDidChangeForIndexes(listView.adjustableRows); }); // nowShowing should adjust same(listView.get('nowShowing'), SC.IndexSet.create(0,5), 'visible range should decrease since row heights for some rows doubled'); // as well as offset and heights for rows - spot check var view = listView.itemViewForContentIndex(3); same(view.get('layout'), { top: 120, left: 0, right: 0, height: 80 }); });