# typed: true # DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY # This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `constant_resolver` gem. # Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem constant_resolver`. # Get information about (partially qualified) constants without loading the application code. # We infer the fully qualified name and the filepath. # # The implementation makes a few assumptions about the code base: # - `Something::SomeOtherThing` is defined in a path of either `something/some_other_thing.rb` or `something.rb`, # relative to the load path. Constants that have their own file do not have all-uppercase names like MAGIC_NUMBER or # all-uppercase parts like SomeID. Rails' `zeitwerk` autoloader makes the same assumption. # - It is OK to not always infer the exact file defining the constant. For example, when a constant is inherited, we # have no way of inferring the file it is defined in. You could argue though that inheritance means that another # constant with the same name exists in the inheriting class, and this view is sufficient for all our use cases. # # source://constant_resolver-0.2.0/lib/constant_resolver/version.rb:3 class ConstantResolver # @example usage in a Rails app # config = Rails.application.config # load_paths = (config.eager_load_paths + config.autoload_paths + config.autoload_once_paths) # .map { |p| Pathname.new(p).relative_path_from(Rails.root).to_s } # ConstantResolver.new( # root_path: Rails.root.to_s, # load_paths: load_paths # ) # @param root_path [String] The root path of the application to analyze # @param load_paths [Array] The autoload paths of the application. # @param inflector [Object] Any object that implements a `camelize` function. # @return [ConstantResolver] a new instance of ConstantResolver # # source://constant_resolver-0.2.0/lib/constant_resolver.rb:42 def initialize(root_path:, load_paths:, inflector: T.unsafe(nil)); end # @api private # # source://constant_resolver-0.2.0/lib/constant_resolver.rb:113 def config; end # Maps constant names to file paths. # # @return [Hash] # # source://constant_resolver-0.2.0/lib/constant_resolver.rb:73 def file_map; end # Resolve a constant via its name. # If the name is partially qualified, we need the current namespace path to correctly infer its full name # # @param const_name [String] The constant's name, fully or partially qualified. # @param current_namespace_path [Array] (optional) The namespace of the context in which the constant is # used, e.g. ["Apps", "Models"] for `Apps::Models`. Defaults to [] which means top level. # @return [ConstantResolver::ConstantContext] # # source://constant_resolver-0.2.0/lib/constant_resolver.rb:58 def resolve(const_name, current_namespace_path: T.unsafe(nil)); end private # source://constant_resolver-0.2.0/lib/constant_resolver.rb:131 def ambiguous_constant_message(const_name, paths); end # source://constant_resolver-0.2.0/lib/constant_resolver.rb:122 def coerce_load_paths(load_paths); end # source://constant_resolver-0.2.0/lib/constant_resolver.rb:138 def glob_path(path); end # source://constant_resolver-0.2.0/lib/constant_resolver.rb:142 def resolve_constant(const_name, current_namespace_path, original_name: T.unsafe(nil)); end # source://constant_resolver-0.2.0/lib/constant_resolver.rb:155 def resolve_traversing_namespace_path(const_name, current_namespace_path); end end # source://constant_resolver-0.2.0/lib/constant_resolver.rb:17 class ConstantResolver::ConstantContext < ::Struct; end # source://constant_resolver-0.2.0/lib/constant_resolver.rb:19 class ConstantResolver::DefaultInflector # source://constant_resolver-0.2.0/lib/constant_resolver.rb:20 def camelize(string); end end # source://constant_resolver-0.2.0/lib/constant_resolver.rb:16 class ConstantResolver::Error < ::StandardError; end # source://constant_resolver-0.2.0/lib/constant_resolver/version.rb:4 ConstantResolver::VERSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)