require 'rails_helper' describe CheckoutsController do fixtures :all describe 'GET index', solr: true do before do Checkout.reindex end before(:each) do FactoryBot.create(:profile) end describe 'When logged in as Administrator' do login_fixture_admin it 'assigns all checkouts as @checkouts' do get :index assigns(:checkouts).should eq Checkout.order('checkouts.created_at DESC').page(1) assigns(:checkouts).total_entries.should eq Checkout.count end it "should get other user's index" do get :index, params: { user_id: users(:admin).username } response.should be_success assigns(:checkouts).should eq users(:admin).checkouts.not_returned.order(' DESC').page(1) end describe "with render_views" do render_views it "should accept params: user_id, days_overdue, and reserved" do username = users(:admin).username get :index, params: { user_id: username } expect(response.body).to have_link "No (3)", href: "/checkouts?reserved=false&user_id=#{username}" end end end describe 'When logged in as Librarian' do login_fixture_librarian it 'should get index' do get :index response.should be_success end it 'should get index txt' do get :index, format: 'txt' assigns(:checkouts).count.should eq assigns(:checkouts).total_entries response.should be_success end it 'should get index rss' do get :index, format: 'rss' assigns(:checkouts).count.should eq assigns(:checkouts).total_entries response.should be_success end it 'should get overdue index' do get :index, params: { days_overdue: 1 } assigns(:checkouts).should eq Checkout.overdue(' DESC').page(1) response.should be_success end it 'should get overdue index with number of days_overdue' do get :index, params: { days_overdue: 2 } response.should be_success assigns(:checkouts).size.should > 0 end it 'should get overdue index with invalid number of days_overdue' do get :index, params: { days_overdue: 'invalid days' } response.should be_success assigns(:checkouts).size.should > 0 end it "should get other user's index" do get :index, params: { user_id: users(:admin).username } response.should be_success assigns(:checkouts).should eq users(:admin).checkouts.not_returned.order(' DESC').page(1) end it 'should get index with item_id' do get :index, params: { item_id: 1 } response.should be_success assigns(:checkouts).should eq items(:item_00001).checkouts.order(' DESC').page(1) end end describe 'When logged in as User' do login_fixture_user it 'assigns all checkouts as @checkouts' do get :index assigns(:checkouts).should eq(users(:user1).checkouts.order('checkouts.created_at DESC').page(1)) assigns(:checkouts).total_entries.should eq users(:user1).checkouts.count response.should be_success end it "should be forbidden if other's username is specified" do user = users(:user3) get :index, params: { user_id: user.username } assigns(:checkouts).should be_nil response.should be_forbidden end it 'should get my index feed' do get :index, format: 'rss' response.should be_success assigns(:checkouts).should eq(users(:user1).checkouts.order('checkouts.created_at DESC').page(1)) end it 'should get my index with user_id' do get :index, params: { user_id: users(:user1).username } assigns(:checkouts).should be_nil response.should redirect_to checkouts_url end it 'should get my index in txt format' do get :index, params: { user_id: users(:user1).username, format: 'txt' } response.should redirect_to checkouts_url(format: :txt) assigns(:checkouts).should be_nil end it 'should get my index in rss format' do get :index, params: { user_id: users(:user1).username, format: 'rss' } response.should redirect_to checkouts_url(format: :rss) assigns(:checkouts).should be_nil end it "should not get other user's index" do get :index, params: { user_id: users(:admin).username } response.should be_forbidden end end describe 'When not logged in' do it 'assigns nil as @checkouts' do get :index assigns(:checkouts).should be_nil response.should redirect_to(new_user_session_url) end it 'assigns his own checkouts as @checkouts' do token = '577830b08ecf9c4c4333d599a57a6f44a7fe76c0' user = Profile.where(checkout_icalendar_token: token).first.user get :index, params: { icalendar_token: token } assigns(:checkouts).should eq user.checkouts.not_returned.order(' DESC') response.should be_success end it 'should get ics template' do token = '577830b08ecf9c4c4333d599a57a6f44a7fe76c0' user = Profile.where(checkout_icalendar_token: token).first.user get :index, params: { icalendar_token: token, format: :ics } assigns(:checkouts).should eq user.checkouts.not_returned.order(' DESC') response.should be_success end end end describe 'GET show' do describe 'When logged in as Administrator' do login_fixture_admin it "should show other user's content" do get :show, params: { id: 3 } response.should be_success end end describe 'When logged in as Librarian' do login_fixture_librarian it "should show other user's content" do get :show, params: { id: 3 } response.should be_success end end describe 'When logged in as User' do login_fixture_user it 'should show my account' do get :show, params: { id: 3 } response.should be_success assigns(:checkout).should eq checkouts(:checkout_00003) end it "should not show other user's checkout" do get :show, params: { id: 1 } response.should be_forbidden assigns(:checkout).should eq checkouts(:checkout_00001) end end describe 'When not logged in' do it 'should not assign the requested checkout as @checkout' do get :show, params: { id: 1 } response.should redirect_to new_user_session_url end end end describe 'GET edit' do describe 'When logged in as Administrator' do login_fixture_admin it "should edit other user's checkout" do get :edit, params: { id: 3 } response.should be_success end end describe 'When logged in as Librarian' do login_fixture_librarian it "should edit other user's checkout" do get :edit, params: { id: 3 } response.should be_success end end describe 'When logged in as User' do login_fixture_user it 'should edit my checkout' do sign_in users(:user1) get :edit, params: { id: 3 } response.should be_success end it "should not edit other user's checkout" do get :edit, params: { id: 1 } response.should be_forbidden end end describe 'When not logged in' do it 'should not edit checkout' do get :edit, params: { id: 1 } response.should redirect_to new_user_session_url end end end describe 'PUT update' do before(:each) do @checkout = checkouts(:checkout_00003) @attrs = { due_date: } @invalid_attrs = { item_identifier: 'invalid' } end describe 'When logged in as Administrator' do login_fixture_admin describe 'with valid params' do it 'updates the requested checkout' do put :update, params: { id:, checkout: @attrs } end it 'assigns the requested checkout as @checkout' do old_due_date = @checkout.due_date put :update, params: { id:, checkout: @attrs } assigns(:checkout).should eq(@checkout) response.should redirect_to(assigns(:checkout)) assigns(:checkout).due_date.to_s.should eq end end describe 'with invalid params' do it 'assigns the requested checkout as @checkout' do put :update, params: { id:, checkout: @invalid_attrs } end it 'should ignore item_id' do put :update, params: { id:, checkout: @invalid_attrs } response.should redirect_to(assigns(:checkout)) assigns(:checkout).changed?.should be_falsy end it 'should not accept invalid date' do put :update, params: { id:, checkout: @invalid_attrs.merge(due_date: '2017-03-151') } assigns(:checkout).changed?.should be_truthy response.should be_success end end it 'should remove its own checkout history' do put :remove_all, params: { user_id: users(:user1).username } users(:user1).checkouts.returned.count.should eq 0 response.should redirect_to checkouts_url end it 'should not remove other checkout history' do put :remove_all, params: { user_id: users(:user2).username } users(:user1).checkouts.returned.count.should_not eq 0 response.should redirect_to checkouts_url end end describe 'When logged in as Librarian' do login_fixture_librarian describe 'with valid params' do it 'updates the requested checkout' do put :update, params: { id:, checkout: @attrs, user_id: @checkout.user.username } end it 'assigns the requested checkout as @checkout' do put :update, params: { id:, checkout: @attrs, user_id: @checkout.user.username } assigns(:checkout).should eq(@checkout) response.should redirect_to(assigns(:checkout)) end end describe 'with invalid params' do it 'assigns the checkout as @checkout' do put :update, params: { id:, checkout: @invalid_attrs, user_id: @checkout.user.username } assigns(:checkout).should be_valid end it 'should ignore item_id' do put :update, params: { id:, checkout: @invalid_attrs, user_id: @checkout.user.username } response.should redirect_to(assigns(:checkout)) end end it 'should update checkout item that is reserved' do put :update, params: { id: 8, checkout: {} } assigns(:checkout).errors[:base].include?(I18n.t('checkout.this_item_is_reserved')).should be_truthy response.should be_success end it "should update other user's checkout" do put :update, params: { id: 1, checkout: {} } response.should redirect_to checkout_url(assigns(:checkout)) end it 'should remove its own checkout history' do put :remove_all, params: { user_id: users(:user1).username } users(:user1).checkouts.returned.count.should eq 0 response.should redirect_to checkouts_url end it 'should not remove other checkout history' do put :remove_all, params: { user_id: users(:user2).username } users(:user1).checkouts.returned.count.should_not eq 0 response.should redirect_to checkouts_url end end describe 'When logged in as User' do login_fixture_user describe 'with valid params' do it 'updates the requested checkout' do put :update, params: { id: checkouts(:checkout_00001).id, checkout: @attrs } end it 'assigns the requested checkout as @checkout' do put :update, params: { id: checkouts(:checkout_00001).id, checkout: @attrs } assigns(:checkout).should eq(checkouts(:checkout_00001)) response.should be_forbidden end end describe 'with invalid params' do it 'assigns the requested checkout as @checkout' do put :update, params: { id: checkouts(:checkout_00001).id, checkout: @attrs } response.should be_forbidden end end it "should not update other user's checkout" do put :update, params: { id: 1, checkout: {} } response.should be_forbidden end it 'should not update checkout already renewed' do put :update, params: { id: 9, checkout: {} } assigns(:checkout).errors[:base].include?(I18n.t('checkout.excessed_renewal_limit')).should be_truthy response.should be_success end it 'should update my checkout' do put :update, params: { id: 3, checkout: {} } assigns(:checkout).should be_valid response.should redirect_to checkout_url(assigns(:checkout)) end it 'should not update checkout without item_id' do put :update, params: { id: 3, checkout: { item_id: nil } } assigns(:checkout).should be_valid response.should redirect_to(assigns(:checkout)) assigns(:checkout).changed?.should be_falsy end it 'should remove its own checkout history' do put :remove_all, params: { user_id: users(:user1).username } assigns(:user).checkouts.returned.count.should eq 0 response.should redirect_to checkouts_url end it 'should not remove other checkout history' do put :remove_all, params: { user_id: users(:admin).username } assigns(:user).checkouts.returned.count.should eq 0 response.should be_forbidden end end describe 'When not logged in' do describe 'with valid params' do it 'updates the requested checkout' do put :update, params: { id:, checkout: @attrs, user_id: @checkout.user.username } end it 'should be forbidden' do put :update, params: { id:, checkout: @attrs, user_id: @checkout.user.username } response.should redirect_to(new_user_session_url) end end describe 'with invalid params' do it 'assigns the requested checkout as @checkout' do put :update, params: { id:, checkout: @invalid_attrs, user_id: @checkout.user.username } response.should redirect_to(new_user_session_url) end end end end describe 'DELETE destroy' do before(:each) do @checkout = checkouts(:checkout_00003) @returned_checkout = checkouts(:checkout_00012) end describe 'When logged in as Administrator' do login_fixture_admin it 'destroys the requested checkout' do delete :destroy, params: { id: } end it 'should not destroy the checkout that is not checked in' do delete :destroy, params: { id: } response.should be_forbidden end it 'redirects to the checkouts list' do delete :destroy, params: { id: } response.should redirect_to(checkouts_url(user_id: @returned_checkout.user.username)) end end describe 'When logged in as Librarian' do login_fixture_librarian it 'destroys the requested checkout' do delete :destroy, params: { id: } end it 'should not destroy the checkout that is not checked in' do delete :destroy, params: { id: } response.should be_forbidden end it 'redirects to the checkouts list' do delete :destroy, params: { id: } response.should redirect_to(checkouts_url(user_id: @returned_checkout.user.username)) end end describe 'When logged in as User' do login_fixture_user it 'destroys the requested checkout' do delete :destroy, params: { id: checkouts(:checkout_00001).id } end it 'should be forbidden' do delete :destroy, params: { id: checkouts(:checkout_00001).id } response.should be_forbidden end it 'should destroy my checkout' do delete :destroy, params: { id: 13 } response.should redirect_to checkouts_url(user_id: users(:user1).username) end end describe 'When not logged in' do it 'destroys the requested checkout' do delete :destroy, params: { id:, user_id: @checkout.user.username } end it 'should be forbidden' do delete :destroy, params: { id:, user_id: @checkout.user.username } response.should redirect_to(new_user_session_url) end end end end