require_relative '../writers/abstract_writer' module Cuker class JiraModel < AbstractModel include LoggerSetup include StringHelper TITLE_MAX_LEN = 40 JIRA_BLANK = ' ' JIRA_TITLE_SEP = '||' JIRA_ROW_SEP = '|' JIRA_EMPTY_LINE = '(empty line)' JIRA_NEW_LINE = '\\\\' JIRA_HORIZ_RULER = '----' JIRA_ICONS = { info: "(i)", pass: "(/)", fail: "(x)", exclam: "(!)", question: "(?)", empty: JIRA_BLANK } def initialize ast_map super @log.trace "initing #{self.class}" @log.debug "has #{ast_map.size} items" @asts = ast_map @order = make_order title = make_title @order data = make_rows @title = surround(title, '||') @data = data.join("\n").split("\n") end private def make_order [ # {:counter => "Sl.No"}, {:s_num => "Scen ID"}, {:s_title => "Feature/Scenario"}, {:s_content => "Steps"}, {:item => "Result"}, ] # # todo: make title order reorderable # # todo: tag based reordering end def make_title order get_values_ary order end def make_rows if @asts.nil? or @asts.empty? @log.warn "No asts to parse!" return [] end feat_counter = 1 res = [] @asts.each do |file_path, ast| @file_path = file_path in_feat_counter = 0 @feat_printed = false if ast[:type] == :GherkinDocument in_feature(ast) do |feat_tags_ary, feat_title, feat_item| in_item(feat_item) do |tags_ary, title, type, content_ary| row_hsh = {} if type == :Background or type == :Feature @feat_printed = true title_str = '' # feat handle title_str += jira_title 'Feature', feat_title title_str += jira_title('Background', title) if type == :Background row_hsh = { :s_num => "#{feat_counter}", :s_title => surround_panel(title_str), :s_content => surround_panel(content_ary.join("\n")), :item => simple_surround(JIRA_ICONS[:empty], '|'), } elsif type == :Scenario or type == :ScenarioOutline row_hsh = { :s_num => "#{feat_counter}.#{in_feat_counter += 1}", :s_title => surround_panel(jira_title(type, title)), :s_content => surround_panel(content_ary.join("\n")), # :item => simple_surround(JIRA_ICONS[type == :ScenarioOutline ? :info : :exclam], '|'), :item => simple_surround(JIRA_ICONS[:info], '|'), } elsif type == :Examples row_hsh = { :s_num => "#{feat_counter}.#{in_feat_counter}.x", :s_title => surround_panel(jira_title(type, title)), # example title :s_content => surround_panel(content_ary.join("\n")), :item => simple_surround(JIRA_ICONS[:info], '|'), } end row_ary = [] get_keys_ary(@order).each {|k| row_ary << jira_arg_hilight(row_hsh[k])} res << surround(row_ary, '|') end end end feat_counter += 1 end @file_path = nil res end def in_feature(hsh) if hsh[:feature] feat = hsh[:feature] feat_tags = get_tags feat feat_title = name_merge feat children = feat[:children] children.each do |child| yield feat_tags, feat_title, child end else @log.warn "No Features found in file @ #{@file_path}" end end def in_item(child) item_title = name_merge child tags = get_tags child if child[:type] == :Background yield tags, item_title, child[:type], get_steps(child) elsif !@feat_printed yield [], JIRA_BLANK, :Feature, [JIRA_BLANK] yield tags, item_title, child[:type], get_steps(child) elsif child[:type] == :Scenario yield tags, item_title, child[:type], get_steps(child) elsif child[:type] == :ScenarioOutline yield tags, item_title, child[:type], get_steps(child) # todo: think about new examples in new lines else @log.warn "Unknown type '#{child[:type]}' found in file @ #{@file_path}" end end def get_steps(hsh) if hsh[:steps] and hsh[:steps].any? content = [] steps = hsh[:steps] in_step(steps) do |step| content += step end content += in_example(hsh[:examples]) if hsh[:examples] content else @log.warn "No Tags found in #{hsh[:keyword]} @ #{@file_path}" [] end end def in_example(examples) res = [] examples.each do |example| if example[:type] == :Examples res << JIRA_HORIZ_RULER eg_title = jira_title 'Examples', name_merge(example) res << eg_title eg_header = surround(in_table_row(example[:tableHeader]), '||') res << eg_header eg_rows = example[:tableBody] {|row_hsh| res << surround(in_table_row(row_hsh), '|')} else @log.warn "Unknown type '#{item[:type]}' found in file @ #{@file_path}" end end res end def in_table_row row_hsh if row_hsh[:type] == :TableRow row_hsh[:cells].map(&method(:in_table_cell)) else @log.warn "Expected :TableRow in #{row_hsh} @ #{@file_path}" [] end end def in_table_cell cell_hsh if cell_hsh[:type] == :TableCell val = cell_hsh[:value].strip val.empty? ? JIRA_BLANK : val else @log.warn "Expected :TableCell in #{cell_hsh} @ #{@file_path}" JIRA_BLANK end end def in_step(steps) steps.each do |step| if step[:type] == :Step step_ary = [] step_str = [ ((jira_bold(step[:keyword].strip)).rjust(7)), # bolding the keywords (step[:text].strip) ].join(' ') # step_ary << jira_monospace(step_str) step_ary << (step_str) step_ary += in_step_args(step[:argument]) if step[:argument] # todo: padding as needed yield step_ary else @log.warn "Unknown type '#{item[:type]}' found in file @ #{@file_path}" end end end # helps handle tables for now def in_step_args arg if arg[:type] == :DataTable res = [] arg[:rows].each_with_index do |row, i| sep = i == 0 ? '||' : '|' res << surround(row[:cells].map {|hsh| jira_blank_pad hsh[:value]}, sep) end return res elsif arg[:type] == :DocString # todo: handle if needed @log.warn "Docstrings found in '#{arg}' found in file @ #{@file_path}" else @log.warn "Unknown type '#{arg[:type]}' found in file @ #{@file_path}" end [] end def name_merge hsh, max_len = TITLE_MAX_LEN str = "" @log.debug "name merge for #{hsh} with max_len (#{max_len})" str += add_newlines!(hsh[:name].strip.force_encoding("UTF-8"), max_len) if hsh[:name] str += add_newlines!("\n#{hsh[:description].strip.force_encoding("UTF-8")}", max_len) if hsh[:description] str end def surround_panel str, title = nil if title "{panel:title = #{title}} #{str} {panel}" else "{panel} #{str} {panel}" end end def surround_color str, color = nil if title "{color:#{color}} #{str} {color}" else "{color} #{str} {color}" end end def jira_title keyword, title "#{jira_bold "#{keyword}:"}\n #{title}\n " end def jira_arg_hilight(str) str.gsub(/<(.*)>/, jira_bold_italics('<\1>')) end def jira_bold str simple_surround str, '*' end def jira_monospace str simple_surround str, '{{', '}}' end def jira_bold_italics(str) jira_bold(jira_italics(str)) end def jira_italics(str) simple_surround(str, '_') end def jira_blank_pad str s = str.strip s.empty? ? JIRA_BLANK : s end end end