CREATE TABLE Club ( -- Club has Club Code, ClubCode varchar(6) NOT NULL, -- Club is called Club Name, ClubName varchar(32) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(ClubCode), UNIQUE(ClubName) ) GO CREATE TABLE Entry ( -- Entry involves Course, Course varchar(16) NOT NULL CHECK((Course >= 'A' AND Course <= 'E') OR Course = 'PW'), -- Entry has Entry ID, EntryID int IDENTITY NOT NULL, -- Entry involves Event and Event has Event ID, EventID int NOT NULL, -- maybe Entry finished in finish-Placing, FinishPlacing int NULL, -- Entry involves Person and Person has Person ID, PersonID int NOT NULL, -- maybe Entry received Score, Score int NULL, PRIMARY KEY(EntryID), UNIQUE(PersonID, EventID) ) GO CREATE TABLE Event ( -- Event is run by Club and Club has Club Code, ClubCode varchar(6) NOT NULL, -- Event has Event ID, EventID int IDENTITY NOT NULL, -- maybe Event is called Event Name, EventName varchar(50) NULL, -- Event uses Map and Map has Map ID, MapID int NOT NULL, -- maybe Event has Number, Number int NULL CHECK((Number >= 1 AND Number <= 100)), -- maybe Event is in Series and Series has Series ID, SeriesID int NULL, -- Event starts at start-Location, StartLocation varchar(200) NOT NULL, -- Event is held on Start Time, StartTime datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(EventID), FOREIGN KEY (ClubCode) REFERENCES Club (ClubCode) ) GO CREATE VIEW dbo.Event_Name (EventName) WITH SCHEMABINDING AS SELECT EventName FROM dbo.Event WHERE EventName IS NOT NULL GO CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_EventByEventName ON dbo.Event_Name(EventName) GO CREATE VIEW dbo.Event_SeriesIDNumber (SeriesID, Number) WITH SCHEMABINDING AS SELECT SeriesID, Number FROM dbo.Event WHERE SeriesID IS NOT NULL AND Number IS NOT NULL GO CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_EventBySeriesIDNumber ON dbo.Event_SeriesIDNumber(SeriesID, Number) GO CREATE TABLE EventControl ( -- Event Control involves Control Number, ControlNumber int NOT NULL CHECK((ControlNumber >= 1 AND ControlNumber <= 1000)), -- Event Control involves Event and Event has Event ID, EventID int NOT NULL, -- maybe Event Control has Point Value, PointValue int NULL, PRIMARY KEY(EventID, ControlNumber), FOREIGN KEY (EventID) REFERENCES Event (EventID) ) GO CREATE TABLE EventScoringMethod ( -- Event Scoring Method involves Course, Course varchar(16) NOT NULL CHECK((Course >= 'A' AND Course <= 'E') OR Course = 'PW'), -- Event Scoring Method involves Event and Event has Event ID, EventID int NOT NULL, -- Event Scoring Method involves Scoring Method, ScoringMethod varchar(32) NOT NULL CHECK(ScoringMethod = 'Scatter' OR ScoringMethod = 'Score' OR ScoringMethod = 'Special'), PRIMARY KEY(Course, EventID), FOREIGN KEY (EventID) REFERENCES Event (EventID) ) GO CREATE TABLE Map ( -- maybe Map has Accessibility, Accessibility char(1) NULL CHECK((Accessibility >= 'A' AND Accessibility <= 'D')), -- Map has Map ID, MapID int IDENTITY NOT NULL, -- Map has Map Name, MapName varchar(80) NOT NULL, -- Map is owned by Club and Club has Club Code, OwnerCode varchar(6) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(MapID), UNIQUE(MapName), FOREIGN KEY (OwnerCode) REFERENCES Club (ClubCode) ) GO CREATE TABLE Person ( -- maybe Person was born in birth-Year, BirthYear int NULL CHECK((BirthYear >= 1900 AND BirthYear <= 3000)), -- maybe Person is member of Club and Club has Club Code, ClubCode varchar(6) NULL, -- Person has Family Name, FamilyName varchar(48) NOT NULL, -- maybe Person is of Gender, Gender char(1) NULL CHECK(Gender = 'F' OR Gender = 'M'), -- Person has Given Name, GivenName varchar(48) NOT NULL, -- Person has Person ID, PersonID int IDENTITY NOT NULL, -- maybe Person has Post Code, PostCode int NULL, PRIMARY KEY(PersonID), UNIQUE(GivenName, FamilyName), FOREIGN KEY (ClubCode) REFERENCES Club (ClubCode) ) GO CREATE TABLE Punch ( -- Punch has Punch ID, PunchID int IDENTITY NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(PunchID) ) GO CREATE TABLE PunchPlacement ( -- Punch Placement involves Event Control and Event Control involves Event and Event has Event ID, EventControlEventID int NOT NULL, -- Punch Placement involves Event Control and Event Control involves Control Number, EventControlNumber int NOT NULL, -- Punch Placement involves Punch and Punch has Punch ID, PunchID int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(PunchID, EventControlEventID, EventControlNumber), FOREIGN KEY (EventControlEventID, EventControlNumber) REFERENCES EventControl (EventID, ControlNumber), FOREIGN KEY (PunchID) REFERENCES Punch (PunchID) ) GO CREATE TABLE Series ( -- Series has Series Name, Name varchar(40) NOT NULL, -- Series has Series ID, SeriesID int IDENTITY NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(SeriesID), UNIQUE(Name) ) GO CREATE TABLE Visit ( -- Visit involves Entry and Entry has Entry ID, EntryID int NOT NULL, -- Visit involves Punch and Punch has Punch ID, PunchID int NOT NULL, -- Visit involves Time, Time datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(PunchID, EntryID, Time), FOREIGN KEY (EntryID) REFERENCES Entry (EntryID), FOREIGN KEY (PunchID) REFERENCES Punch (PunchID) ) GO ALTER TABLE Entry ADD FOREIGN KEY (EventID) REFERENCES Event (EventID) GO ALTER TABLE Entry ADD FOREIGN KEY (PersonID) REFERENCES Person (PersonID) GO ALTER TABLE Event ADD FOREIGN KEY (MapID) REFERENCES Map (MapID) GO ALTER TABLE Event ADD FOREIGN KEY (SeriesID) REFERENCES Series (SeriesID) GO