require 'erb' CUCUMBER = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../bin/cucumber' # TODO: Move all of this (except the ruby stepdef specific stepdefs) into cucumber-features # This way all Cucumber implementations can use Aruba/Cucumber 1.x to for testing, and have Aruba reports. module CucumberCoreHelpers def scenario_with_steps(scenario_name, steps) write_file("features/a_feature.feature", <<-EOF) Feature: A feature Scenario: #{scenario_name} #{steps.gsub(/^/, ' ')} EOF end def write_feature(feature) write_file("features/a_feature.feature", feature) end def write_passing_mapping(step_name) erb =<<-EOF, nil, '-') Given /<%= step_name -%>/ do # ARUBA_IGNORE_START"<%= step_file(step_name) %>", "w") # ARUBA_IGNORE_END end EOF append_to_file("features/step_definitions/some_stepdefs.rb", erb.result(binding)) end def write_pending_mapping(step_name) erb =<<-EOF, nil, '-') Given /<%= step_name -%>/ do # ARUBA_IGNORE_START"<%= step_file(step_name) %>", "w") # ARUBA_IGNORE_END pending end EOF append_to_file("features/step_definitions/some_stepdefs.rb", erb.result(binding)) end def write_failing_mapping(step_name) erb =<<-EOF, nil, '-') Given /<%= step_name -%>/ do # ARUBA_IGNORE_START"<%= step_file(step_name) %>", "w") # ARUBA_IGNORE_END raise "bang!" end EOF append_to_file("features/step_definitions/some_stepdefs.rb", erb.result(binding)) end def write_calculator_code code = <<-EOF # class RpnCalculator def initialize @stack = [] end def push(arg) if(%w{- + * /}.index(arg)) y, x = @stack.pop(2) push(x.__send__(arg, y)) else @stack.push(arg) end end def PI push(Math::PI) end def value @stack[-1] end end EOF write_file("lib/rpn_calculator.rb", code) end def write_mappings_for_calculator write_file("features/support/env.rb", "$LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../lib')\n") mapping_code = <<-EOF require 'rpn_calculator' Given /^a calculator$/ do @calc = end When /^the calculator computes PI$/ do @calc.PI end When /^the calculator adds up ([\\d\\.]+) and ([\\d\\.]+)$/ do |n1, n2| @calc.push(n1.to_f) @calc.push(n2.to_f) @calc.push('+') end When /^the calculator adds up "([^"]*)" and "([^"]*)"$/ do |n1, n2| @calc.push(n1.to_i) @calc.push(n2.to_i) @calc.push('+') end When /^the calculator adds up "([^"]*)", "([^"]*)" and "([^"]*)"$/ do |n1, n2, n3| @calc.push(n1.to_i) @calc.push(n2.to_i) @calc.push(n3.to_i) @calc.push('+') @calc.push('+') end When /^the calculator adds up the following numbers:$/ do |numbers| pushed = 0 numbers.split("\\n").each do |n| @calc.push(n.to_i) pushed +=1 @calc.push('+') if pushed > 1 end end Then /^the calculator returns PI$/ do @calc.value.to_f.should be_within(0.00001).of(Math::PI) end Then /^the calculator returns "([^"]*)"$/ do |expected| @calc.value.to_f.should be_within(0.00001).of(expected.to_f) end Then /^the calculator does not return ([\\d\\.]+)$/ do |unexpected| @calc.value.to_f.should_not be_within(0.00001).of(unexpected.to_f) end EOF write_file("features/step_definitions/calculator_mappings.rb", mapping_code) end def step_file(pattern) pattern.gsub(/ /, '_') + '.step' end def run_scenario(scenario_name) run_simple "#{CUCUMBER} features/a_feature.feature --name '#{scenario_name}'", false end def run_feature run_simple "#{CUCUMBER} features/a_feature.feature", false end def assert_skipped(pattern) if File.exist?(File.join(current_dir, step_file(pattern))) raise "#{pattern} was not skipped" end end end World(CucumberCoreHelpers) Given /^a scenario "([^"]*)" with:$/ do |scenario_name, steps| @scenario_name = scenario_name scenario_with_steps(scenario_name, steps) end Given /^the following feature:$/ do |feature| write_feature(feature) end Given /^the step "([^"]*)" has a passing mapping$/ do |step_name| write_passing_mapping(step_name) end Given /^the step "([^"]*)" has a pending mapping$/ do |step_name| write_pending_mapping(step_name) end Given /^the step "([^"]*)" has a failing mapping$/ do |step_name| write_failing_mapping(step_name) end When /^Cucumber executes the scenario "([^"]*)"$/ do |scenario_name| run_scenario(scenario_name) end When /^Cucumber runs the feature$/ do run_feature end When /^Cucumber runs the scenario with steps for a calculator$/ do write_calculator_code write_mappings_for_calculator run_scenario(@scenario_name) end Then /^the scenario passes$/ do assert_partial_output("1 scenario (1 passed)", all_output) assert_success true end Then /^the scenario fails$/ do assert_partial_output("1 scenario (1 failed)", all_output) assert_success false end Then /^the scenario is pending$/ do assert_partial_output("1 scenario (1 pending)", all_output) assert_success true end Then /^the scenario is undefined$/ do assert_partial_output("1 scenario (1 undefined)", all_output) assert_success true end Then /^the step "([^"]*)" is skipped$/ do |pattern| assert_skipped(pattern) end Then /^the feature passes$/ do assert_no_partial_output("failed", all_output) assert_success true end