module Fastlane module Actions class ZipAction < Action class Runner attr_reader :output_path, :path, :verbose, :password, :symlinks, :include, :exclude def initialize(params) @output_path = File.expand_path(params[:output_path] || params[:path]) @path = params[:path] @verbose = params[:verbose] @password = params[:password] @symlinks = params[:symlinks] @include = params[:include] @exclude = params[:exclude] @output_path += ".zip" unless @output_path.end_with?(".zip") end def run UI.message("Compressing #{path}...") create_output_dir run_zip_command UI.success("Successfully generated zip file at path '#{output_path}'") output_path end def create_output_dir output_dir = File.expand_path("..", output_path) FileUtils.mkdir_p(output_dir) end def run_zip_command # The 'zip' command archives relative to the working directory, chdir to produce expected results relative to `path` Dir.chdir(File.expand_path("..", path)) do*zip_command) end end def zip_command zip_options = verbose ? "r" : "rq" zip_options += "y" if symlinks command = ["zip", "-#{zip_options}"] if password command << "-P" command << password end # The zip command is executed from the paths **parent** directory, as a result we use just the basename, which is the file or folder within basename = File.basename(path) command << output_path command << basename unless include.empty? command << "-i" command += { |path| File.join(basename, path) } end unless exclude.empty? command << "-x" command += { |path| File.join(basename, path) } end command end end def end ##################################################### # @!group Documentation ##################################################### def self.description "Compress a file or folder to a zip" end def self.available_options [ :path, env_name: "FL_ZIP_PATH", description: "Path to the directory or file to be zipped", verify_block: proc do |value| path = File.expand_path(value) UI.user_error!("Couldn't find file/folder at path '#{path}'") unless File.exist?(path) end), :output_path, env_name: "FL_ZIP_OUTPUT_NAME", description: "The name of the resulting zip file", optional: true), :verbose, env_name: "FL_ZIP_VERBOSE", description: "Enable verbose output of zipped file", default_value: true, type: Boolean, optional: true), :password, env_name: "FL_ZIP_PASSWORD", description: "Encrypt the contents of the zip archive using a password", optional: true), :symlinks, env_name: "FL_ZIP_SYMLINKS", description: "Store symbolic links as such in the zip archive", optional: true, type: Boolean, default_value: false), :include, env_name: "FL_ZIP_INCLUDE", description: "Array of paths or patterns to include", optional: true, type: Array, default_value: []), :exclude, env_name: "FL_ZIP_EXCLUDE", description: "Array of paths or patterns to exclude", optional: true, type: Array, default_value: []) ] end def self.example_code [ 'zip', 'zip( path: "", output_path: "" )', 'zip( path: "", output_path: "", verbose: false )', 'zip( path: "", output_path: "", verbose: false, symlinks: true )', 'zip( path: "./", output_path: "Source", exclude: [".git/*"] )', 'zip( path: "./", output_path: "Swift", include: ["**/*.swift"], exclude: ["Package.swift", "vendor/*", "Pods/*"] )' ] end def self.category :misc end def self.output [] end def self.return_value "The path to the output zip file" end def self.return_type :string end def self.authors ["KrauseFx"] end def self.is_supported?(platform) true end end end end